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David Ehrgott Oct 2015
Canela Molida get on my buttered bun
and take my blues away
Add some honey an' there ya' go
A quick snack for late afterday

or heck just start the day with it
come on just don't play with it
And Canel Molida she sprinkles it
on what is all good

Canel Molida I just want to thank you
Better days can now be seen now that you are here
I toast to your powers
But, won't climb Yeats tower, not here

Canela Molida Cheers
Cheers to ground cinnamon
Nuez moscada
La seleccion mas natural
Nuez moscada molida nuez moscada
Modo de empleo
Por su aroma y ligero sabor
Picante es ideal para sopas
Espinacas coliflor patatas
Aperativos carnes croquetas
Salsas y en reposteria
Peso neto 45 gramos
Conservar en un lugar fresco y seco

Nuez moscada

— The End —