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It tickles me,
With its cold hands.
Picks me up and carefully sets me down.
It follows me up the road,
As I run as fast as my legs can carry me.
But suddenly I hear it's whistling voice in my ear,
In a teasing tune,
Moking me.
I turn,
It runs.
The chase is on now,
I run at full speed.
But now it's just being mean,
Making mini hurricanes around me,
And dropping me to the ground.
So I go,
It follows.
I run to my room,
It knocks on the window,
Telling me it's sorry.
I ignore.
It goes away,
And the sun peers through the dark clouds.
Copywright Clara McAdam 31 Dec. 2010/ 1 Jan. 2011
Jordan Robertson May 2015
I received it in a letter
with gold parchment prints
I ink my fingertips just a little longer
To hear divine disciples moking
Chanting raspy chatters for a foul stanger with mistaken steps
Steps that leave prints on blackened sand littered with promises of another scam
I dont believe anything that comes from envelopes
Because return addresses from Hades makes me lose all hope
patience becomes shredded to petty pieces peeked through a microscope
If you look a little closer you'll see this life is quite like a kliedoscope
Because were like rockstars with crucifixes
Just diguised as normal folk
Arfah Afaqi Zia Sep 2015
In the alley I stood,
Lurking behind a pillar,
Leaning to see if someone would
Unknown people passed by,
Smoking cigarettes,
Illuminating lights,
On the corner I waited for that one person,
Navigating his whereabouts through a GPS,
S**adly he had already passed  by.

— The End —