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mark jarrad Aug 2014
Tiggy is my little cat she's mostly grey and fairly fat
With large green eyes and a small pink nose and a wiggly tail..heaven knows
Stripes and spots and a cheeky grin, sometimes she's out , sometimes she's in
No interest in the neighbourhood mogs but scared of vacuum's not of dogs
She chases flies and red dots too ... my little bouncy tiggy roo !
Frogs have logs
mogs have grogs
kog have nogs.
Ann Williams Ms Feb 2017
Cats upon a summer’s day
lying indolently down,
black and white, and silver-grey,
tabby, golden, ginger, brown,

on the catmint sprawled at ease,
breathing its sublime aroma,
shape their visions as they please
in a slumbrous catmint-coma.

Lands with rivers full of cream
stuffed with every kind of fish,
trout and salmon, plaice and bream,
fresh-cooked on a silver dish;

Cushion-trees with leaves of silk,
if a cat should seek repose,
overhang the Lake of Milk
where Roast-Chicken Forest grows.

Lean and hungry mogs and toms
grow to an enormous fatness
where nor dog nor human comes
to disturb their perfect Catness.

Dreaming in the afternoon
with closed eyes and folded paws,
cats regain their wits, and soon
they unsheathe their polished claws.

When the sun between the trees
stripes the lawn with blacks and golds,
tiger-cats, with guileful ease
prowl among the marigolds.
I'm hoping that someone will adopt me
That will easily get totally smitten
I'll warm your laps, and purr alot
And act just like a kitten

Also, i don't go hunting wildlife
And i am afraid of dogs
I'm also very well house trained
I am the cleanest of mogs

I keep my claws unsharpened
I have no tail, like a Manx
Feed me plenty of Salmon
I'll meow an eternity of thanks

I never rub my *** on the carpet
Nor bury my poo on the lawn
But may spend all night mating
From dusk, right through, till dawn

So i'm looking for someone to adopt me
And accept me for who i am
A philosophical furball coughing *****
I purr, there fur, i Siam!
by Jemia

— The End —