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Julia Rose Jul 2019
Meeting eyes
Fleeting hearts
Mouths grinning
Heart swelling

First date
Take me home
First Kiss
Closed doors

Cuddling and
Hand holding
Soft kisses
In the
Moonlight Still

Kisses and laughter
Throwing food
At eachother

Nervous laughter
Dinner at
Le Beaute
On Knee
Ring out
I do!

Wedding plans
Dresses and veils
Tuxes and Flowers
Crying and

Making up
Walking down
Bright smile
Giving away

I do
I do
Sharing rings

First dance
Cake Smashing
Pictures dancing

Off to

Photos and memories
Mking love
Back home

Month later
Positve line
Screaming for joy

Nursery setup
White crib
Blue walls
And love

She wakes
And screams
It’s time!

They rush

They go in
Push and
Push and
Breath and
Push and
Push and

All done
No crying
My baby
Where is
Give me
My baby

Hes gone

Sad eyes
Teary cries
Baby gone
Husband trying
Wife dying

Baby gone
No cries

— The End —