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humble man with traits one cannot fatham,
he walks with his head high,
his legs and back stright and strong,
body with muscles as meak as a millionares pocket,
mind is open but controlled,
assigned with a number as his brothers,
the extent he will go is an infinaite plethera,
for his country without even really wanting to.....
Banker 2010
Some people live the dream
Some people live the life
While others just sit around
And just survive

Just to live
And breathe another day
Every day is just another struggle
Another time to worry

About feeding the family
About working your job
The dead end one
Where you're on the verge of layoff

While millionares
And billionares
Roam the streets
The rest of us are stuck

We never had the big idea
Or the money to burn
We just had a dream
To be all we could be

We all strive to be known
We all strive to be famous
Of some sort
Weither local or worldwide

We want to be known
For at least one thing
That we have accomplished in this life

Some people have been there
Done that
While the rest of us wait
Knowing our time may never come

We may never be famous
On any scale
But somewhere
To someone

You may have done
In their opinion the world to them
Amd you will be remembered
Even if it's just one person

So if you're in doubt
Just remember
There's someone out there
And you will mean the world

To them
Even if it's only one person
Maybe only for one thing
But you will forever be, remembered
©Bruno Joseph Orsi
August 21, 2010
A B Perales Aug 2016
Cars, Diesel trucks Motor bikes and Transit Buses, rebar and structural steel beams, sounds like fading sirens in the distance. Freeways and black topped school yards, city streets without enough tress, jails without enough beds.

Tents blocking sidewalks, cardboard castles where the forgotten go to smoke their prize.

You got millionares next to transients all waiting to be served. 6th and San Julian on another friday that happend to land on the 1st of the month.

Cops killing everybody, not even the innocent stand a chance, courtrooms sit silent as judges all retire to go play golf in the desert. Another innocent man awaits his execution, it'll be a grey day in hell when the blood of the wrong man soaks its entry way.
Beautiful girls and I mean Beautiful girls, start dancing as soon as they learn to walk in heels.

They know what works those filthy ******* who own everything and don't mind if you know it.
They want it this way.
They want her that way and her and her and even him.

City full of *** shops and not a dam thing left to smoke.
Cops still bust down doors like looters in a riot.
No ones has told them Nancy and her War is dead.

Leave where you left off right where you left it.
Lies don't deserve another chance.
I got a new way for you, I got to take some time to fill you in while pulling you out.

We are'nt going anywhere, this place wasn't built to explore.
See the mountain, see that tree stump, giants once ruled our world.

— The End —