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I play dark, she plays light
Her move toward me, a destined sign
I want her heart, I give her mine
But my gambit, she declines

Her pieces out, a closed defense
But I can tell, she means "yes"
My royal pin, she rejects
So I keep her, in constant check

I had played the perfect game
My forcing moves she can't escape
But her hidden queen, comes into play
She stands her ground, stares me down, and states:

Ishani Behera Dec 2016
I play dark, you play light
Your move towards me, a pre-destined sign
I want your heart, I gave you mine
But my gambit, you decline.
Your pieces out, a closed defense
But I can tell, you mean "yes"
My royal pin, you reject
So I keep you, in a constant check
I had played the perfect game
My forcing moves you couldn't escape
But your hidden queen, comes into play
You stands your ground, stare me down, and state:

— The End —