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Mateuš Conrad Aug 2016
seine teil Scheiße: star wars vol. 7 - bulldoggekauen -
am i the sole person to suggest: well it's kinda ****, would't
you agree? only a Metzger would know
pork chops, beef Israelite, everything worth a chop...
i'm the hungry party... i'm eager to taste the blood,
relieve me the anticipation and give me the snack limbs
i negotiated to chew blooded, thirsty, Spaniard in Brasil,
e.g. sure the clarinet was a Jewish instrument,
we all loved the clarinet, but the Schweinkauen -
Mozart's requiem, question.... germanic in operatic?
nein, Latino... from mundus (day)
then onto rex (king), Latin, not germanic
the clarinet soloist from Hungary, Łacina for Latin (W) -
the clarinet in Hungarian also indented Hebrew...
oddly enough the clarinet meant Hebrew:
or Hebraii... sha! shtil!  this is the Hungarian orchestra
performing Mozart in the Royal Albert Hall..
i heard it sand in German,
if they're singing Mozart's Requiem in Latin
i want to heart Händel's / Hændel's
Messiah sung in Latin, deviating from the crude
ugly English... i want Händel's / Hændel's
sung in Latin...  believe in the aesthetic god...
i say that because William James believed
in the gentleman devil and the godly peasant...
rude RA RA RA! HA HA! ******!
i am actually fearful of the idea that god minds
the Holocaust like he minds interrupting revision
on some work of art... our belief in god
is so far removed from what we practice, no
democracy seems to match it...
we have established a belief in god
alongside the belief that we're all potential Mozarts...
that won't work... it's not going to happen...
brothers Grimm had perfected saying
something about equality: the end.
no, there's no room for revisionism...
we were never born equal, we were always born
with a competitive / gambling insurance...
to further living outside the jungle...
i still find it fascinating to keep a subjective experience...
but it will be hard to not keep a subjective experience
of this world... we will never attain an objective
experience of this world... it's impossible to reach
an objective experience of this world,
with whatever adjective come attached...
because we simply can't speak for the entirety of mankind,
which is why there's not Simon from the Ant-Colony
of Barbados telling other ants: Simon says...
we can't experience both the subjective and the objective
arguments that might lead to augmentation...
but trying to attain the pure objective expression
of life will lead us into blind alleys..
we'll be found adamantly craving subjectivity...
western society has concentrated on the objective lobe
of the brain, it ridiculously forgot the subjective lobe of concerns...
which is why i think episode 7 of star
wars is a bit ****... not, it's really crap,
it's pathetic... like Nietzsche said: imagine talking
for the entire humanity... i can't imagine it,
i'm already doing it... it's because the post-colonial
society concentrated on objectivity as a source
of sensibility, came up with logistics translated as
utilitarianism - that last word reads:
metaphysical socialism, but i like to think of it as
ultra ******.
or as Byron said: i really don't know
where culture is leading us,
but the purification process includes the
ultra Darwinist attention span of Nazis...
you don't like it? fine! roll the dice once more,
and pray for Mayfair!
Pomeranian German? well, it's worth a translation:
die metzger (the butcher) und (and) schweinkauen (pork chew).
Mateuš Conrad Sep 2018
.                  am i really 32?
have i lived a live
most insulated...
did i forget something?!
did visiting a
brothel do this to me,
that i do not speak
the lingo,
and have no idea,
what these people are talking
about, or have any desire
to find out?
   i was never a big fan
of graffiti art...
and since the current
internet lingo is very
much akin to graffiti art...
i'm quasi-old:
qua-sigh old...
            i'm not in on it...
have i really lived
such an insulated life?
      perhaps i enjoyed
drinking too much,
and blacked out too often
to catch-up with the trends...
point being?
NO, *******, CLUE...
    perhaps i fell asleep
listening to too many
horror movie soundtracks...
perhaps i was asleep
prior to waking up as a man,
as was, somehow yesterday's
     but i guess it began with
no attache of moral superiority...
but there is...
a concept of aesthetic
   what sort of man sends
a picture of his genitals to a girl?
no moral question:
an aesthetic etiquette question:
and that's a biggie...
  life-sized hot air balloon!
can't miss it...
   or if you do...
you're ******* your own
**** with your eyes closed...
or attempting Olympic quality
i missed something...
didn't i?
       the missing transaction...
if you pay a woman
to have ***, she can't claim
a **** allegation...
  she can claim not being
   oh sure...
it's so sad, yet somehow *****
when she starts crying
in the thick of it...
     what is confusing is
the clarity of the transaction...
did i pay for an ice-cream cone?
did i "say" this, "out-loud"?
   go figure...
ask the Turkish mafia...
who? the Turkish pimps
who run the Bulgarian ****-show...
   i'm still missing something...
4chaan... what did i miss?
is this some sort quasi
of the Microsoft chat rooms from
the early 2000s?
   they must be...
they look like those chat rooms...
crude, rude,
and ready to ensure a begetting
of guillotined head,
rolling... like a pair...
of dice...
   did i miss something?!
   you can't experience a **** allegation
with a *******...
       not that **** is involved...
like the bloodhound gang song:
a lap dance is so much better
when the stripper is crying...
      can't say the same when she is,
having revealed she drank herself silly
and is ******* you...

herr metzger, treffen frau fleisch...

i should really stop watching these
youtube channels regarding
social / political commentaries...
drama seeped in...
    ****'s becoming tedious...
i'm losing appetite for these whining
******* and gimps...
     my drinking habit is turning sour...
i'm watching
teenage girls make videos about
their readings habits while
tuning off from
the   thron von throne exercise of...

taking a ****...
massaging my prostate by
relaxing my **** muscle contraction,
taking a ****,
then jerking off...
1, 2... and 3...
   no. 1, no. 2, no. 3...

          so... no one in western Europe
is worried about
the... Ukrainian application
to the European Union?
  Turkey came first?
  you sure?
           oh i'm pretty sure the Veesteern
Poowers... were more abject
about the power 8...
than about some aboriginals
from former colonies...
but i missed something on 4chan...
the gegenwärtigsprechen?
  missed it, by an internet mile...
which is like from here...
  to              here...
and it's actually from here to Jupiter...

about that...
when you **** a ******* that's crying?
and you can't stop...
and you made the monetary exchange...
Alice in Wonderland...
      so... where's the ****?
not having paid her...
or the fact that she's so drunk
that all her hidden emotions overflow
into a rainbow of tears?

crude ******* that i am...
     left with only a metzger
(butcher) appreciation of fleisch (flesh)...
   yet i remember this one
   being laughed at for my medical
however politicized,
or however actualized....

       i didn't like it...
        i didn't like it,
because once i did likewise,
but retracted my original jest,
made an apology,
   and later talked with the original
aggrieved party over
a pint of beer in a pub...
and we managed to coerce ourselves
into mutually respectable civility...

but... there are simply some *****...
who keep grudges...
jealousy is a *****-god
of the Hebrews who...
oddly enough...
have arisen... and who always
    above their God...
the Hebrews are above their God...
of other people:
their God or (s) is
a motivational tool to surpass
the people are little
when compensated by their gods...

but the Hebrews?!
their God: is an abomination...
   what sort of envy is... jealousy?
skiving, ignoble latitude of
envious brewing sentiment...

the Hebrews lie about their God...
they lie about their God,
they lie about their God
because their God...
has no attributes worth
   nothing worth replicating...
nothing worth considering a mimic...

and i agree...
true wisdom comes from a God
"despised", or rather shunned...
but more or less borderline
kept on a leash of memory...

   wisdom from a fear of a despicable god,
rather than "wisdom" from a love
of a desirable god, father- or mother-figure.

that's how the Hebrews worked it out...
their god is not the most existent god,
the god apparent...
   it's that...
   they cannot claim a theological pride
in their deity,
  or claim it was culturally sound
to keep his visage beyond anything more
than four letters...

Muhammad is but a man...
the tetragrammaton is not a man!

oh... right... the other thing...
making fun of medical conditions...
supposing a hierarchy...
   depression... ha ha!
schizophrenia... ha ha!

well then...
                   cancer... HA HA!
Mateuš Conrad Dec 2017
metzger von Dresden

i'm pretty sure i'm the butcher of Dresden... feuerstrum contra blitzkrieg... yes?

goof to know that
speaking german
is politically
gut zu kennt;
thank ****
that i speak

the retracted step*

perhaps it was always going to be
a cannibalistic fest,
  the monopoly of pixel paper,
as to how, and why,
   people so akin to each other in
social status, would desire climbing
over each other,
      and how they would always
play the sycophnt card to seek
a redeeming closure, but never find it,
i.e. a sycophant card to
brustle up with the so-called
"gatekeepers" of a near missing
"adventure" in being socially mobilised
to climb toward a furthering,
and an ahead...
                   it seems i will have to work
with the space i already possess -
in the number of over three thousand
examples... to have to retract a step,
by step, by step...
             and it can only be apparent,
how finicky and easily avoiding
dialectics people are
bound to succumb to,
     how despising and how self-despised
they are becoming,
          how authentic work
is discouraged,
   shunned, manhandled and sad,
a sadness that only calls forth a crushing
hammer-head to a snail's shell...
  i have no understanding of man,
for i seem to be barely a man worth
settling himself in claiming such a title...
what can you make of man,
if all but man is that which is worth
making offense at the wrong word,
wrong ettiquete,
wrong prance, stance, duty...
                among these things,
why do such a memorable number seek
refuge in god,
       if not simply, to escape the toll
of man...
                  the blackened shadow of
a bell chime, the advent of epitaphs,
   and a servitude to bring no rewards for
fellow occupants,
but merely a gest without a jesture's
              solemnly bleak and scattered like
one's ascriptions of love done, said...
         man is no creature worth
pity, for it is man's curelty against a fellow
that distances the gods from our
     if man was truly the helpless attache
of the peak of Olympus,
he would not find the gods so un-forthcoming...
we nibble at the toes of the sincerity of
        yet we eat off the table of man
being man unto man,
         and not daring to cusp the artefacts
of the original cleptomaniac Prometheus...
perhaps i wronged, but have i erred?
erred enough to only suffice to wrong,
without being wronged?
i'm no more immune to wrong as i am
not more immune in being wronged...
        but then again, i guess,
it's hard to insist upon a cosmic Netwonian
ambition of causality,
there is no equilibrium to speak of these days,
there's a cause, but an unbalanced effect...
as there is an effect, but an unbalanced cause...
perhaps all is "relatively" simple
in units and numbers,
  but within the major architecture of
the human experience that's language...
there's the awry angles of spite,
               destitute attempts at correction,
a falling in line without
             a compulsory cry for *charge
     dragged down to the depth by an achoring
                man, once more,
a failed attempt.
marilyn metzger Oct 2011
far away, outside my door
i could hear the shot gun blast
wondering if he was safe anymore
hopin' he got outta there fast.

my door flung open, i heard him gasp
said "think i finally killed her"
he took off his gloves and boots and mask
it gave me chills like the bone of winter

i patted his back and offered him tea
for now he was distant and forlorn
said "just sit close to me, sweet pea"
in his arms, i felt so alive, felt like being born.

we loaded up the old crimson truck
with bags and guts, hair and brains
we roared loudly away and the chickens clucked
a bumpy ride, we kissed as we switched lanes

i looked in the back seat, but just couldn't tell
the color of the seat from the color of her blood
"together and free at last!" out of the window, i yelled
and soon she'll be buried in the mud.

we turned off the lights and hopped on down
my tiny hand carrying the smaller bags,
he was towing the rest of her on the ground
he stopped, lit a cigarette and took a drag

we were finally bringing out the old
ecstatic and in love, but shaking
wondering if this glittery feeling of gold
is really real or is he just faking?

so we found a spot and dug and dug
then began to feel a sweat
"we really did it" he said, i shrugged
she wasn't gone yet

there were pieces of her long blond hair
getting stuck to my shirt..
i kept seeing pieces of her skin so fair
poking out of the wet dirt…

she was standing next to him in spirit
i could see it in his tired and fearful eyes
his regret of her ****** was so clear it
was like his pain was written in the skies

the final scoops of the dull ****** dust
were sprinkled over the layers of hate
"we shouldn't have done this, we are just in lust -
i shouldn't have took her life, but now it's too late"

he weeped, and moaned and started to walk away
i followed him down, through the eery trails
"don't you see, this is  supposed to be a glorious day!
for now our lives can be nothing short of fairy tale!"

he turned around and said "just go home
i want nothing to do with your conniving tricks…
you evil creature with a head full of poisoned foam
it's not her, but you who should be dead under the sticks!"

before he could say one more hurtful untrue word
i smacked his mouth with my muddy shovel
he fell down hard and groaned, his speech slurred
i grabbed the knife from his ****** belt buckle

i stood over him, "take back what you said!
i'm not the evil one, it's you
you'll always be the reason why she's dead!
i laugh and i know it's true"

i put him to his death that night
for he no longer deserved to exist
chopped and killed with all my mite
left his body there, alone, in the early morning mist.

i was driving away fast and started to grin
when i realized that i was the one defeated,
for now, their souls fly together in the endless wind,
and i'm still the mistress but the one who was cheated.

Marilyn Metzger, 2011
Long Island
marilyn metzger Sep 2011
ancient sized big-beautiful-Butterflies,
shredding my tiny chest, opening my most precious
insides to the warm-wet-world ---
they're flying out of me, wings fluttering
as fast as it takes a star to sprinkle the earth with light
they're dust sprinkling my own body with passion --

Suddenly, a black-eyed-vulture swoops down
from a tear-filled cloud and vacuums the butterflies
into his rotted-wrinkled mouth , disliking their taste ,
spits them out onto the cracked pavement and the
pretty insects are soon squashed by a child's bicycle
leaving only a smear of their guts on the syringed littered sidewalk.

2011 , Levittown
Marilyn Metzger
Mateuš Conrad Oct 2018
did you know that, your lowest
order status,
   of the Hippocratic oath
           your G.P. (general doctor) -
your bureaucratic zombie of
a doctor?

now he can claim mail sent to him,
or her, with the precursor
title of Dr.        ...
but a surgeon?
he or she, gets...
            he's still a
                Mr. or a Mrs. / Ms.
on their mail...

funny... isn't it...
a surgeon graduates from medical
does the grueling jobs,
plays the butcher's game...
and he's not Dr.
    on a letter an addressed
to him, but a, Mr.

but the bureaucratic zombie
of a doctor who's most aligned with
keeping excess receptionists,
and scribbling along his signature
is given an elevated status...

one mark above a *******
but a surgeon is nothing more than
a Herr Metzger...
   meat either way you're
looking at it...
   even dentists are considered
a Dr. and not a Mr.,
   he's or she's a ******* heart surgeon!

vanity fair hierarchy within the medical

               no book deal,
no nothing...
i'm waiting for some slack to be cut
on me...
it's not like i'm  wannabe
American Idol pop star waiting
for the cogs of the machinery to
come together...

                  a ******* shop clerk
receives more respect for the job
than i do...
             i receive the kind
of respect that a bu, receives shelter
from the roof above his head
that's a bridge or a fly-over
in an urban setting...

                as i cited:
regardless son, chose an existential
inquiry into ***** expression,
       and he can't get away from it...
he needs to pay the price
of... seeing his father work
the menial job of a blue collar nature...

mind you...
so if i can't prove someone being
guilty of a crime...
a possible crime...
why am i surrounded by
who... for some reason...
find it so easy,
to accuse me of being mad?!

if this logic serves...
why would a Polish neurologist
say to me after interpreting
an MRI scan say:
if someone says you're mentally ill,
they themselves are
mentally ill...

the the accused can get away with
both a possible ******,
and a false diagnosis?

now that's fun... this is England,
after all...
  the moment someone is
subtly accused,
the accusing party is deemed
mentally ill...
   and the party accused
receives a second blanket of
securing innocence...

                 makes a lot of sense!
on the ground?
you didn't survive a tsunami...
you didn't experience
all the miseries of life...
          but it's not like all
the possible pleasures were
given as readily as
all the inconveniences i was
provided with.

— The End —