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Patricia Drake Mar 2013
I have this fear                                                                                
                                                 Of Spiders
                                                 Of webs
                                                 Of entanglement.                                            
In threads of
to an everyday lack of
Of Spiders.                                              
Unpredictable Lurking
near their diamond spun circles

Of melifluous

I would not want to escape
Being wrapped                                                            
in silky smooth lies
Promoting *******                                        
of my self respect

The addiction
causing venom to spread
Already pumping                                                                                
Endorphine rush

I have this fear of losing
In this
Meera Baasuri May 2020
Children; the droplets of love
showered on Earth from God's abode
dampening the barren earth
breeding flora in the arid, dreary life

Children; the tiny buds
blooming out into vibrant, gaily flowers
disseminating the aroma of their sweetness, mirth and charm all around.

Children; the foamy waves
Sweeping away the rubble of melancholy
surfing ashore the waves of delight.
Children; the diverse colourful kites
soaring high, unbridled
piercing into the boundless firmament

Children; the luminous constellation of stars
shimmering in the darkness of vicious world
They mend our broken wings of despair
festoon our bleaky visions with
myriad hues of bright dreams
spinning a unique fabric of life
Of unique shapes and patterns

Children; the spring of life
fostering lush foliage
chirping, singing the euphony of
melifluous song of peace
joy and love all around the world
Children; the perpetual harbingers of perennial happiness.
Trailing the indelible imprints of
God's miraculous, marvellous angels on Earth

— The End —