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Kelly McManus Sep 2019
Struggling more and more
sinking deeper and deeper
the quicksand called man

             Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jan 2020
What they take from you
to spend on armageddon
will make one end meet

                  Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Nov 2019
Cloaked in secrecy
yet claiming transparency
what do you believe

                   Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Apr 2021
It's hard to believe
for so long people agree
to the puppetry

               Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Aug 2019
There's global unrest
hide under your desks until
you hear the all clear

                                       Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus May 2021
While your popping pills
zombies chew fresh human brains
just to ease the pain

                                 Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus May 2021
What did they teach you
governments exploit people
and they're proud of it

                     Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Aug 2019
The sun is sweating
during the heat of the day
but soon a cool moon

                                    Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Oct 2019
Across the worlds face
there's a flesh eating virus
called the human race

                  Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus May 2021
Let the planets fly
around a sunlight candle
in a solar wind

                Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Feb 2023
The eye of the storm
where everything is calm
outside rages on...Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus May 2021
The fate of the world
left up to human beings
never stood a chance

              Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Aug 2019
So much in this world
we're forced to accept until
there is nothing left

                                  Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jun 2019
Gingerly hopping
to river's edge a hare
slowly takes a sip

                          Kelly McManus

                          Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Sep 2019
Saying we're all safe
and free while giving us all
the trigger finger
              Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jun 2019
We  need more funds for our infrastructure.
There are pockets, of our roads to extinction,
that need to be filled; or our society as a whole,
just won't function.
   We need to bridge the gap,
on weapons of mass destruction,
and construct,
more satellites to place up in space.
So, we can spy,
on the human race; cause,
you wouldn't want  to,
come in second place!
    Never fear, the corpse of engineers are here,
and will make everything, look like new, sure,
it might take a year or two, but they have nothing
better to do, and best of all
your kids will pick up the check,
so what the heck.
     The dream is clear,
when we reach the end of the road;
we'll find ourselves, in a virtual paradise,
of mushroom clouds, and silent sounds!

                                                        ­ Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Oct 2021
Barefoot on the beach
with the sun peaking through clouds
and ocean wave sounds

                                     Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jul 2019
It's time to invent
a new line of boats that float
on a plastic sea
                             Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jun 2023
Just one place to go
ruled by their false status quo
that's six feet below...Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jun 2019
What can be prescribed
in an artificial world
but a placebo
                         Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Aug 2021
They try to warn you
poets and musicians too
but fear's a deaf ear

              Kelly McManus
John Bartholomew Jun 2018
First day on the job, an apprentice with no clue
Put with some old boy, Norman Collins his name
been plumbing everywhere, from Watford to Timbuktu

Picked me up in his Vauxhall Belmont, a fading sun caught red
telling me tales of his dinner, roadkill on the hob
His wife cooked him these meals, I think he must be mad

Driving out in the sticks, a job for a pal, over near the village of Sarrett
A blob in the road, dead pigeon or badger, well he's not eating that
would have been different if it were something else he said, as he actually fancied a bit of rabbit

I didn't realise what a good bloke he was until a few days with this old codger
My main boss was a grumpy sod, never paid me till he had some
Looking back now, I miss that man, who told me tales of old times and tomfoolery

I used to be a wrestler young John, back in the days of the local funfair
Took on any Herbert who thought he was keen, and showed them the tent exit
From **** McManus to Jackie Pallo, bring them on son, I didn't really care

He locked me in a toilet one day, inside somebody’s house
Let me out I cried, for a good 4 hours, he ignored my every shout
For he couldn’t care less and that’s what I miss, a soul who just larked about

For they seem dead in this day and age where everything is done by the book
Don’t upset the man over there, do you know who he is, he’s the King and you’re just a Rook
As they don’t seem to exist anymore, these men who walk on Gods seven sins
Have a laugh, have joke, as life’s too short
I miss old Norman Collins

Kelly McManus Aug 2019
I've been fed their good
since childhood it's really
        ­           Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Sep 2021
Two snakes intertwined
government and big business
constricting progress

                        Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jun 2019
Remove everything
that's unhealthy in your life
and dine on world peace
                                             Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Oct 2021
Concepts time money
theories mental functioning
all so amusing

                     Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jun 2019
The little piggy
smiled ear to ear as it hogged
a big fat truffle

                             Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jul 2019
Unusual That
the usual programing
is programing you

                               Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jul 2019
As the spider is
to the fly stuck in its web
that is the system

                              Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Sep 2021
Hard to get free from
a programed pre packaged dream
that's not all it seems

                              Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jun 2019
What's Hollywood?
Leni Riefenstahl's dream;
via, J. Edgar scheme.

                   Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Oct 2021
No stipulations
threats or intimidation
end of all nations

            Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jul 2019
My occupation
inspires me so I think that
i'm gonna hire me

My best employee
indeed has got to be me
who else could it be

Where else can I find
someone who will work for less
than minimum wage

Now I hate my job
and where did they find my boss
reminds me of me
                                  Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jan 2022
It'll be to late
before you people listen
to disarmament...Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Sep 2020
It's simple to see
why there's nuclear weapons
pure stupidity

                       Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Nov 2019
A flock of pigeons
swaying as they walked around
pecking at the ground

                             Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jul 2019
                          © Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Apr 2021
We're circling the drain
position they put us in
with their run around

              Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Apr 2021
A club or a gun
are still the weapons used by
primitive cultures

                       Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Aug 2021
In their perfect world
looks like we would all be dead
see their armories

                           Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Apr 2021
Sharpen your pencils
learn to be subservient
to hypocrisy

            Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Dec 2021
Nuclear weapons
what's the sense in having bombs
unless you use them...Kelly McManus

— The End —