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You are not God,
You're just a WORD.
And WORDS don't AFRAID me.
Ok now God,
Listen to me.
I demand Your attention.
Look at me.
Enlighten me.
Brighten me mind.
It seems like they all know you and I am the
only one who is blind.
It seems like they all believe in You
And I am the only one who deceived You.
Am I the only one who hasn't received You?
Some days I feel like I've missed You
but how can I possibly miss something that
doesn't exist!
They, Your Followers have made You a brand,
Nothing is impossible with Him.
Yeah I saw that nothing was impossible with
You when you took three of my family
members in one month.
30 stupid days.
Three Funerals.
UNkulunkulu uphile, uNkulunkulu uthathile.
Now F* that.
Oh dear Holy spirit me please EXIT!
Director, this is a film of a non believer, please
This is a picture of a **** giver please Delete.
I have blasphemed Your God, Hey you devil,
give me some CREDIT.
You took Mbali away from me, and for that
You owe me EVERYTHING! I need it!
God, Wait
Do you know the burdens on my shoulders
that I weight?
Sometimes I don't know which word to
associate with You, Love or Hate.
Bad or great.
Darkness or Light.
Loud or Quiet.
Solo or Duet.
If You are "God" why did You let my uncle die
in a brutal way?
If You are God why did You allow the marriage
of my only Dad and that Evil Eyed Woman?
If You are God why let so much people Die
from AIDS?
What did we do to deserve so much harshness?
Can we get a little happiness?
Are these Your ways of reminding us that we
are residing in Your territory?
Is everybody Punished because I don't go to
And these Devil Worshippers
Aren't they suppose to be under the sands of
the seas and oceans
And these demons,
Aren't pigs suppose to be possesed by them?
I don't need You to light up my way,
Eskom will.
You're not the Truth,
My father deserting my mother, is the truth.
The Pastor wants to deceive me, He says You're
the way, NO,
The Path is the way.
God is Love. Really?
Then why do I feel so unwanted, unhappy,
unloved, isolated, lonely, *****, useless?
Are You afraid of the spear?
Because I'm going to stab You until You
tremble and Fear.
Are You afraid of the Knobkerrie?
Because I am going to knock Your head till You
make some sense to me.
Speak to me!
Answer me now!
Can't You hear me?
Can't You see me?
Are You ignoring me?
Possibly. That's what You do best.
And they all Praise you, I mean the rest.
Listen Here,
I know you can Hear,
I don't know You.
I don't believe in You.
I won't kneel and Pray to the sky,
Up there, lives No body.
Except Gases? Or are you made of
Nitrogen and O2 ?
But I forgive You tonight,
So, God it is time for me to sleep now.
I heard You don't sleep,
Can You please make sure that the bed bugs
don't bite me overnight?
I heard You're Supreme,
Please protect me.
Mbali Dlamini Feb 2016
Is the inevitable, really inevitable?
Can life be so decisive and again indecisive?
Happiness so compelling, yet soaked in misery?
Big smiles for show, only hiding deceitful and broken hearts.

In a world of Good versus Evil.
Where everything seems so precise, but then… not everything in black and white
So I do ask. Good versus Evil? Or in the mist of all things it’s just all the same.
Both full of purpose reaping fruits of all desires, which all has the same ending.
With the mind full of absolute certainty, mixed with profound confusion.
Where our paths are unknown and yet concluded.

In a life where it’s the ones you love the most that hurt you, everything so contradicting.
Nothings secure, no one’s ever safe and you never let your guard down.
Surviving… is fighting till your death

Mbali Dlamini
inner battle and survival in a world that can be so amazing and yet also harsh as ever...
Mbali Dlamini Feb 2016
Have you ever been challenged by what you considered your love.
Felt low and in doubt because of what your heart knew you where destined for.
Where the journey gets real, real rough.
Where your dreams are at arms reach, almost there, but now harder to reach then ever.
When you cry yourself to sleep, cause now that you close, chasing ur dream has started to hurt.

Every day an inner battle,
battling with self doubt and reasons to keep fighting.
Feeling  you have no more fight left, cause the battle has gone on for too long.
With your only and last hope, being a God you know you have failed to please.
Your faith tested, cause you know you underserving.
Hanging by a thread, only believing he did not bring you this far to forsake you now.
Cause you know when you're doing right, and are almost there.
That's when things get unbearably hard.

Mbali Dlamini
The final push, Pursueing my dream... Prayer calmed my spirit and gave birth to this piece.
Muiruri gathairu Mar 2023
Lazima uchoose, dooh ama doze
Lazima uchoose, respect alarm ama uisnooze
Lazima uchoose, ujitume ama ulose
Lazima uchoose, ujibuild au *****

Izi ndo vitu hamtaki kuambiwa, izi ndo the truth
Mnataka niseme life ni smooth but Leo siwasooth
Sherehe Sheria ndio inamaliza mayouth
Ukilewa vuguru, Hadi hunaga matooth

Daily unadial pedi ukidai Mali
Jipende buda na for sure utafika mbali
Imagine ukiwa diani ukiorder wali
Si lazima buy iyo jumu expe ati ju ni Kali

Picha ya Kenyatta Kwa walanje ndo unafaa kusaka
Jipe goals Ka Sancho, salah au saka
Mulla mob, nine lives Ka paka
Usijitreat Ka trash we si takataka

But anyway maisha ni yako
Chaguo ni lako
Ntaachia apo ju naskia mtu Kwa mlango
Am sure ni peng Fulani utoka pango
Heart oh my heart, my most sensitive *****
But yet expected to be the strongest.

It always leads where unexpected and where unwanted,
it loves where it hated and hates where it's loved...
Most confusing and most confused ***** I tell you.

My mind leads to the left but my heart leads to the right...
Oh now which one do I follow?
I know my heart will never lead me wrong
But with its confused and confusing state
I become more confused.

I sleep it says this, I wake up it says that
Oh what a confusing *****
&yet; I'm still expected to decide.

Confusing as my heart can be,
I still am proud to be its carrier.
It's been hurt, broken
Oh yes it's been disappointed & mislead.
Stitches are all over my heart
But it still pumps my blood like never before,
Yes I'm still alive coz I've got my strongest *****

— The End —