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Hasan Maruf Apr 2017
The last kiss from you
Lasted like a huddle in
The snow blitz
Rocking my anatomy
In the frosty glitz

The last words from you
That barged in my eardrum
You were in a hurry
To smell a new leaf
Draped in a diamond dew

The last gifts from you
Was an instrument
Which still I use
To recognize people
Or to refuse!

The last time
You said I love you
I remember I was laughing
Hysterically as if I was watching
Jared Leto’s jaded mimicry of Joker in YouTube

Intriguingly, when the last time I saw you ****
It felt like pretty Ivanka’s embarrassment
Noticing her dad is a lewd

The last time I was chatting
With you on Facebook
I was wondering why
I shouldn't hack your account?
To check your inbox

Yea, it was filled with the message of *******
F- Bombs, **** shaming and tagging you as harlot
All they were asking was your service of escort
Either in full discount or in hefty cash drops!

The last time I wrote
A letter of love to you
I discovered my Keyboard
Began to blurt out
No more, No more, No more…

The last time I had a chit-chat
With you in the Burger King or Pizza Hut
I listened to your hissing clack-clack
That someone else has become your puppy cat…

The last time I became sick
When I was with you
I heard you threw a party
Where you were whispering
To your besties, how
I become your double whammy!

The last time I was
With you in the bed
I felt like I was indentured
To **** a dummy toy
Sans spirit and flesh!

Loving you was like
Santa Claus gifted me
With a Pandora’s Box
As soon as I opened it
You decided to release
Our *** tape of your having ******
In pornhub’s forum of interracial!

The last time I heard of you
Is that you were giving an interview
To The Cosmopolitan’s board of review

Facing the barrage of inquisitions
You calmly joked, the series
Of latest uproar about you
In the social media or Internet
Is because certain people always
Love to rave about Women’s body
Shoving in and out of their pigeonhole
With their one night stand queen trophy
To flavor your form in their fantasmic mouth

You also smirked in a raspy voice
Defiantly declaring “we (women)
Have been locked indoors
With no air, no food, no water”
My last boyfriend is also no exception
He certainly thinks I came this far
Through ******* and deception
Slightly anti feminist but a poem representing contemporaneity in our life in a balanced manner of looking into male female relationship.
Hasan Maruf Sep 2017
The Architect of designated Life
Calculates the gravitational pull
Against the leverage of resonance
To a precise second of entrance.
Our plotted trajectory course is
Determined by our final blueprint;
The diaphanous mystery of choice
Is balanced between past and present:
We remember who we were before
Time allotted this experience, and
Recognize who we are
Despite our current existence
After all
"A bond between souls is ancient –
Older than the planet."
Hasan Maruf May 2017
I walk alone in the sea of crowd
I push through the tumult of thoughts
Amidst hopeless hope and painless pain
I bring down the cloud in my heart
In hope of thunder and rain
I bring down the rupture in nature
In hope of autumn and spring in barren plain

I shake my shadow
I drape my motto
I hate my bravado
Twirling its tantrum
Like a Shakespeare aficionado

I am the beloved of a tinkering flame
So, myself never wade through
The triple Gems of enlightenment
It always smirks with ghastly disdain
It keeps performing like a broken glass
Pieces there and pieces here
Crack, crack and split
Like a tormented ice
To be reduced into a bleeding blade
Curving and cutting, zigzag and straight
Always It tends to be a frightening block
To terrify the sly raccoon and blind hawk.
Hasan Maruf Nov 2017
"I'll show thee every fertile inch o' th' island,
And I will kiss thy foot. I prithee, be my god"

It is he who fills my plate with penny
So, I return the gratitude in plenty
I took his pennies and never did I feel empty
Red, silver and scarlet there are so many
Would I stare with frenzy or count one to twenty?

The door of my conscience is locked
So did I absorb?
The torture of Gog and Magog
Everything I do now is
Much ado about nothing

I became the scion of darkness
I was crowned with Babylonian fiendishness
I had everything to charm and to alarm
To those who fail to succumb
To the lord that empowered my élan

To His feet I pledged
My allegiance of insurance
How can I revert now?
Like demon magicians I did avow
My soul under his bough

Rather I can do one thing now
I can idolize my white knight and sponsor
In the talk show, promotion or daily soap
Repeating his bounties under lie detector

Who knows how many progenies are there in the line?
Who were invited before me in his salacious dine?
The fruits, salads, meat roasts, wine and damsel
In bare ******* could serve them a feast of Fife
Displaying the raptor world in the shade of Eglantine

However, a little bit more burst
To cool my masters' unrelenting lust
Can seal my ignoble fate
With perennial gifts and trusts

I will keep preaching my master's crescendo
Cloaking it with metaphor's of poetic innuendo
Wisdom and words from his box of tricks
Will be my WMD to ruin the uber smart freaks

Who can out fool the serpent of evil?
When I will get the ticket to
Fly from Wall Street to London
To give lectures as if I am The Noam Chomsky
Theorizing natural hierarchy in front of millions
The naysayers keep rioting to demand my execution
But like the trash they will be flushed to oblivion

My religion is to plea for His majesty's mercy
I know whenever I will defy like Satan's pride
He himself will greet me again with wealth glorified
Don't misinterpret me, don't despise me either
What I see in you is the same yearning
Rather with a face of a grim and terrible onlooker!

Perhaps there is some contentment in seeking restitution
But, I see the world is aflame in its karmic retribution
So, this is my space, to the feet of my Masters' shoelace
The noblest of life is led by those whose gracious art
Be saved, on pain of punishment for his master's bait!
Hasan Maruf Apr 2017
Festival of flesh flicks in my nirvana
Inside an ivory tower of Bella Donna
The carnival demands detachment from cure
As the whole world opens the gate for
Springtime in the curvy castle of obscure

There, the wiser seeks no privacy
The loser laments for democracy
While, the stoic savors the slavocracy

The bonanza begins with boisterous bounce
Heats from her chasm in the palace of Ivory
Distances the world and everything it surrounds
The whole ground becomes the ark of Covenant's
Last glimpse to the film which is profanely profound

A Kaleidoscopic cinema of desire runs with fat fun
The Ivory rains down hallelujah in the praise of wet ****

The ripple of The Marvel rinses my combustion!
I was dragged in there for the fetish of my concussion
To draw manna and salwa from mantra maniac's feisty expulsion.

All of them there operated on the perimeter of extremes
Like the ritual for ‘Knight of East and West' to redeem
The **** sapiens's refrain from super-ego, ego and Id

Summer of mayhem in there evokes Eros and Philos
The spring also gushes the gifts from the above
The ****'s ****; yes, the nymph of bliss which was
Guaranteed by the God, for the finest of his Zealots
In this incredible pilgrimage to The Carnival of Eros.
An attempt to write a symbolic ****** poem
Hasan Maruf Jul 2017
The universe has a way of tossing us into the winds of time
And whirling us about like fallen leaves on invisible currents.
We like to believe that we control our own destiny
And chase our fate, sealing it with decisions we make

The world batters us relentlessly with change
And circumstance, but sometimes I wonder.
I wonder why some of us settle down in treacherous places,
Teetering dangerously on a precipice at the edge of the sea,
Waiting for the slightest breeze to send us tumbling
To the breaking point, while others rest comfortably
Nestled amidst the protective roots of blossoming fruit trees.

Only destiny determines why the loneliest souls
Shine so brightly at night. And why once in a thousand lifetimes
Two are chosen to collide in beautiful catastrophe like shooting stars
And to passion that glows in the night with the light of love.
Hasan Maruf Apr 2017
Thy face is of a phantom
Perpetually caught in the
Cusp of conundrum
Ambiguity and facade
Hasan Maruf Jul 2017
A bitter sky
With torn stars
And, Weeping clouds
The fleeting rays
Are flinging itself into stupor
My mind is dispersed into the
Stereo effect of autumnal zephyr
Coming from your window
Infuriated, like a drunkard seeing double
I went home and closed my door
Terrified, ill and chilled to the bone
My spirit feverish and troubled
Wounded by mystery and absurdity
In vain my reason tried
To take the helm
The tempest played with it
Foiled all its efforts.....
My soul tossed, tossed
Like funeral dusts scattering
Around from pyre to confront the Mass
On a monstrous, shore less sea!!

— The End —