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I shaped flesh
around the structures of my bones

how lucky I was for that moment
when I loved my imperfection

© Marialenn 07/14/ 2013
only a soft wind spreads the curtains
thought provoking

just playing fool
with my emptiness

even this soft touch

© Marialenn 2014
when I think of you I see you  smile
stay in my dreams just for a while
I need you

the day you asked me to be your wife
you’ve  given me a blush of life
I’m getting sentimental

you were there when I had to cry
to brush away my tears goodbye
you made me happy

you were there through dawn & dusk
yes, sometimes it was the smell of musk
I’m getting sentimental

and every time you went you said,
you never have to be afraid
I’m always with you

I think of you in those lonely nights
miss your caresses and your light
my heart is heavy

my love, you were so pure, so true
in my dreams I will always be with you
where ever you are

I’m sowing tears of joy and cheer…
and right now you’re near, so very near

yes I’m getting sentimental

© Marialenn 2013
they eat
and emptiness
wrath weighted
on butterfly wings
was blown away
fear evaporates
into choice
of coincidence
the life meaningful
is born renewed
virginal white
warmly flows
into blushing rose red

© 2014 Marialenn
you enwrapped me
with your big smile

breathless I am
a defeated witch

why oh why
did God make you so beautiful

© Marialenn 2014  31/05/2014
the journey
from here
to there

light in weight
fruit bearing bowl


to nature
and power

is the soul

© Marialenn 2014
pure water
quiets thinking
enlightened mind

© Marialenn 2014
in this light
I can be anything less
then a colorless silver mirror
reflecting you
as a child
as a mother
as a woman
I’m your sister
I’m your lover
singing ageless melodies
of the Mother
and soaring
as clouds pass by……………….

© Marialenn 13 juni 2014
a wake up kiss
you go

a I’m home kiss
you eat

a goodnight kiss
you sleep

a perfect day
you said….

a perfect conversation
I cry

just one touch
would make me smile

© Marialenn 2014
he catched mortality
without framing it
left it as a gateway,
an open door to Light
until the end
entering his real world
he knew the way
not by death
but real life
marked it
when taking off

© Marialenn 12/12/2014
No, it was not love at first sight
but I don’t blame you
it was my unpredictable heart
beating different rhythms of youth

© Marialenn 2014 06/29/2014
Heaven on fire
Copper-colored blanket
Over a dark land

© Marialenn 2013
night and day
acidified muscles
curved fingers
in resistance

a state of
the tongue
painful red

too much
killing the scream
for liberation
the big bang of life
is suffocated

on mother's breast
being bathed by amniotic fluid
doing the best
to avoid the pain of birth

no disclosure.

© 2014 Marialenn
who can weight your sorrows on butterfly wings
who dances through life with cosmic kings
I suspect that you,
and forgive me when I’m wrong,
are trying to make me happy…………
happy, just by singing your song…….:

see the world in all it’s glory
just listen to it’s ancient story
and you will know
all the secrets that lie deep within you,
hidden but eagerly waiting for your light
and yes you touched me,
while holding me tight and comforting my soul,

and I
I say thank you
thank you
thank you
thank you for just being you

© Marialenn 01/31/2015
your caresses
by touch

your heat
as the summer wind

your mirroring
un unheard
intense experience

this resonance

it’s written down
and start gradually
changing again

© Marialenn 2014
I am the sediment of various layers
formed by nature’s forces
my dna, an open vessel
in which my soul receives and retains,
like a cocoon opens and renews,
over and over again
not to be forgotten,

between light and shadow
a construction of the true self,
polished by erosion
until that what remains
has blurred the illusions
and the core,
only a grain of sand,
is left

© Marialenn 28/06/2015
of the everyday
stripped of the core
the skin remains
and so extremely light
it disappears
by the wind
without you noticing it

© Marialenn 2013
your smile
even makes the new moon blush

© Marialenn 07/11 2014
A heavily loaded
in vision
than reality
which makes
inner storm
outer battle
in reversal
a willingness to
mild winds
letting go
on course

a new road
freed from
karmic laws

© Marialenn 2014
seeing you
through my eyes
waves of moods
change your picture
distort the image
of your true self

you reflecting me
my respons ability

I see
and what I see
is what I need

I’ll grow by you
when I truly

© Marialenn 2013
Let me hold you
hold you in my arms
so very close to my heart
the soft beat is telling you of
the love
I carry inside
the mesmerizing rhythm
will put you asleep
and take you beyond
every day’s sorrow
come my love
simply surrender
I kiss you goodnight
and watch over you

© Marialenn 2014
I dream flowers
and especially
all over

I paint them
on today
until the wind takes them

and tomorrow ....
tomorrow is another day….

© Marialenn 2014
the first tear
took him by surprise

the last tear
blew him over

the rain
washed away
what was left of his thoughts

© Marialenn July 2014
Along the edges of visible light
I walk the path of oblivion
balancing on the edge of existence
the wind flows the ink together
and on sheets of blank water
I draw the images of my long journey.

A desire that I only now understand
appears to be a regained life
and then I see how slowly
the red hues of the sun merge with
an immense cooled sea at the horizon
it’s the place where light merges with darkness
and finally will radiate again
and where shadows rise a new.

© Marialenn 9-07-2013
For a moment,
just a moment
there was a belch
of unwanted tenderness
on which my body responded
my thoughts were
still adherent to the dream
desire, floating
as in the morning
beyond brightness.

© 2014 Marialenn
The dancing of cells
in life-giving blood
flowing through ancient veins

a heart, beating with strong energy
blood pounding fire
swaying fiery on tide

a timeless prayer
gives true freedom
on being

what is prayer
more than being grateful and  silent surrender
to  this living force

I am that
the one that
acknowledge myself
the one
that confirms
my being
and ever.

© Marialenn 2014
My dreams, my aspirations
spiraling beyond
some fell down
and changed their form

oh wonderful youth
and everlasting energy

now, only for a moment
and remembering this
a little nostalgia
is disturbing my peace

a wake up call
to be grateful

I gathered
and the tremendous gift
of being thankful
for life
as it is
still heaving dreams

© Marialenn 2014 06/22/2014
you are here
but only in my dreams
when I wake up
your shadow  is frightening me
that reminiscences of the past
brings shivers in the morning light

© Marialenn 06/13/2014
a shattered mirror
reflects all my faces
It’s just me
another you
with all the faces of the world

© Marialenn 19/07/2013
growing old
I and Self
in loneliness and Oneness
happy and sad
and between all that
just a human
balancing on the cord of life

© Marialenn 2014 06/16/2014
and so….
deep in my heart
there is always that search
to reach that existing inaccessible place
oh, that sweet pain of knowing and missing

yes, I am satisfied
but I also have my dreams
of heavenly freedom in this earthly existence

who can lend me wings
to fly gracefully through clouds,
to be transparent …………………….
to be only light
to be just the one I am meant to be
in a limitless world

© Marialenn 2013
you are wiped out now, heartbroken
and as long as there still is that chattering in your head
you know that you will find only hurt
and never the so longed for peace
yes you know

and though feelings like electricity running
through your vains, they only cause you pain
and you seem frozen
ice cold and almost transparent in your grieve
oh, so hard to see

breath my friend breath this life
and I promise you it will ease the pain
breath my friend breath and breath
and believe things will be better in the end

will you take this please from a very sincere friend……

© Marialenn 06/02/2014

— The End —