I am Quarantined.
Quarantined, by the hands of humanity
I open my little shutter,
Only to stare in the empty void,
Total Darkness, that's all I find,
I scream and shout
Longing for someone to hear,
But what I am going through,
Is nothing that one can care
I watch everything, my little
Shutter moves frantically,
Trying to take in every moment.
I suppress myself, but to no gain.
I wait for the moment to step out.
But only to be put back again,
More strongly, more rapidly
I struggle and suppress
Trying to break open the chains that
Bore me,
Only to find out that it's locked,
Locked with a key, that is
Yet to be found,
Or lost somewhere,
Lost in the dark.....
-Nikita Mansinghka