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Trinity O Nov 2012
She found a propeller in Portland
and carried it all the way to Eugene
under her arm, this western artifact.
Says she’ll turn it into a necklace,
use it to press through the crowds
of people reaching at her hems.
They hold the sidewalks down
as she passes, waiting like wildflowers.
jeffrey robin Oct 2014
<< (  ) >>

You are my mother
You are my father

You are my brother

My sister / my friend

You are riches
You are wisdom

You are my all
My lord to me


Wherever I look
Your face is before me

You are a river
That goes  on and you

You fill my heart
With a love overflowing

You are my all
My lord to me


Jai guru dev maharaji
Your glory fills the world

Protector of the weary and the weak

You bring the death of attachment
You bring the mind true detachment

Save us from the ocean deep
Jai dev
Jai satguru dev


Mine thine wealth health
Give them to the lotus feet of love
Give them to the lotus feet of The Lord


— The End —