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Intelligence in a friend is something I admire a lot.
I truly honor those who acquire a lot.
Positive debates and discussions cool down fire a lot.
The sea of knowledge doesn't require a yacht;

Just time, patience, energy and desire a lot,
Innovation and creativity to rewire a bot.
Though books and information do tire a lot,
Affirmative hope is present to be hired on spot.

Shoot for the moon; go ahead and fire a shot.
A lot, a lot, a lot; whatever it takes, you got.
God is going to be on your side a lot,
For it is noticeable in Him you confide a lot.

In my life, I've said many hi's and bye's a lot,
It is rare that the bright ones come by a lot.
Thanks for illuminating me to share my light a lot!
I'm going to continue to pray at night a lot.

Skipbo is the card game I began to like a lot.
In the future, we'll gather around to play quite a lot.
As for me, I'm going to continue to write a lot,
And I'm sure going to miss, Mrs. Right a lot.

poet, author
SATURN: Fantasy Poetry
She bought the strawberries then baked the cake.
Felt the love from the first break I take.
Savoring the sweet rejuvenating taste, I ate.
Didn't even look at the time; love made me late.

My gosh, I really jacked up that bad?
Should've never packed up my bag.
I act up, my bad.
She cracked up, I'm sad.

I actually found someone with very rare skills.
If I had never met her, I'd be sitting in a chair still.
I cherish the moments we kicked back and shared Skittles.
I was all alone; nobody saw me when the tears spilled.

She was the one I was digging a lot.
Searching for gold, I was digging a lot.
They asked her, "Is that your boyfriend? I see you with him a lot."
The relationship was prestigious like how the Swiss makes a watch.

As a manager, I mistakenly rated her poorly.
Was overlooking some of the good things she did for me.
In my mind the plans were set for when we reached forty.
Although she ignores me, she's part the reason I still write poetry.

poet, author
SATURN: Fantasy Poetry
What I do now, determines how they remember me.
I have to stay joyous and happy just like December be.
Keep my spirits high, clear my mind, boost my energy.
Share love until the end, whenever be.

To those I've been ghost to, can I still make it up to you?
Let's reflect on the good old days, and do whatever you want to do.
We don't know how much time is left. It could be just a few.
When will it all end? We haven't the slightest clue.

I want to acknowledge the people I've met over the years.
To those who are still here and to those for whom I've shed tears.
Thanks to everyone who has ever helped me face my fears.
I don't have enemies, it burns energy. Hope I made this clear.

People I've met have admired my humorous style.
I'm depressed most of the time; I do it just to make them smile.
Other people's happiness contributes to my wellbeing.
This is why I tend to obsess over whoever I'm seeing.

Wish I could be there for everyone during their darkest hour,
But unfortunately, I can't. I haven't got the Father's power.
The journey is still on. We haven't made it to the farthest tower.
No matter what, we have to make it through the stormiest showers.

Grew wings and decided to spread them out.
All of my emotions I decided to let them out.
Rich consumption is what I fed the mouth.
I found the secret portal so I'm heading out.

Supernatural is realer than real;
What we think is real is fake.
We must be careful; everything's surreal.
Even when you sleep, you're awake.

Who doesn't seek fantasy?
There's something exciting about it.
Even rationality
Can sometimes be rerouted.

You learn more from breaking rules
Than following them.
You get to choose to lose,
Circumstances, you're allowing them.

Who would not want to experience the divine?
Who is not out there just waiting for a sign?
Who does not wonder what's on the other side
Of the finish line? I'll find out when I finish mine!

poet, author
SATURN: Fantasy Poetry
Blast off,
I had to take the mask off.
Had to clean up, take the trash off.
Still got the perfect shot with the flash off.

Wake up every day and pray.
Optimism for the day to be great.
Don't want to be late.
So, I'm keeping the faith.

Behind The Cross there is a gate
Of a history that predates.
No time for the debates,
Honor is given to all the greats.

Sometimes I wonder should the past dictate
The events of the future that await?
When all nations come together to create
Singularity, will that eliminate hate?

Theories and doctrines penetrate.
The truth is expressed in fragment state.
Everyone started off with a clean slate.
Matter speaks, we're just here to translate.

poet, author
SATURN: Fantasy Poetry
Told her give me some space then I went outer space.
My brain got too loaded; I ran out of space.
The love that I lost, I can never replace.
I wanted a taste so I went out there to chase.

Sometimes I feel like I'm in a race,
But me and the opponent has the same face.
Yet, I accelerate at lightning pace.
I make it look easy, like dots to trace.

I've been in love before, but hers was a different case.
Mutual understanding, but success was the base.
The names of past loves I remember no more, her kiss erased.
Someone did try to warn me to do not let it waste.

Her lips I still feel; her saliva was laced.
I bowed down to kneel and she showed me grace.
I thought she was the one, I thought she was the ace.
I know she's not coming back; I'm still waiting just in case.

I can still hear the music; I can still feel the bass.
My heart is still beating, not to mention below my waist.
She's embedded within my memory database.
There are certain things in life, I just have to embrace.

poet, author
SATURN: Fantasy Poetry
If I ever run out of things to say, I'll print a blank book.
I'll promote it like a Bible, walk around with it like a handbook.
Invisibility is an ingredient; bet you didn't know that I can cook.
Everybody can look and it'll still leave man shook.

Draw a macaroni on each page and call it a MacBook.
Five years was the first. That's how long that took.
I write on anything now; everything's a scrapbook.
Mental illness really, is how that looks.

Biblioklept; yes, I'm that crook.
The internet is a message from God; I'm hooked.
Busy swimming through these pages, I'm booked.
The type to read an entire novel in one look.

I'll write a book on my favorite artists and call it a fan book.
Include air conditioning on each page and still call it a fan book.
Write it by the seashore and call it a sand book.
Write a book on musical instruments and call it a band book.

I appreciate the company of people who understand books.
It doesn't have to be new; give me them ruggedy secondhand books.
A good book doesn't discriminate, no matter how your hands look.
Even after death, the heart still beats within a man's book.

poet, author
SATURN: Fantasy Poetry
She doesn't want to mention it, but I'm still stuck in this predicament.
I'm not going to lie; I may have fallen from the voices of wicked men.
The perfect couple is what everyone pictured them.
The image is blurred; something that the editor can never fix again.

Who would have thought it would've been me in the corner left to rot?
Went searching for love in another dimension; an alien robot.
She asked me, do I really like humans or not?
Of course I do, but there's one I really like a lot.

But her love is suicidal, this is why I'm fantasidal.
Inventing my own words; I'm clueless I know.
So, I went through this Bible and there are Buddhists I know.
Life - I already went through this cycle. Death - I choose to not go.

The motherboard fried.
Here comes the mothership, hide!
Woke up and I had a dream I died.
I'm within the UFO, I just had to see inside.

I'm a truthful person, but sometimes I need someone to tell my lies to.
I'm in the business to energize you and also mesmerize you.
With my words I exercise you; I really didn't mean to surprise you,
But I'm in love with this angel; the color of her eyes blue!

poet, author
SATURN: Fantasy Poetry
Supersonic interstellar flight; traveling at the speed of light.
Enjoying the vibes, but the target is still out of sight.
Thinking of ways to make things expedite.
Sell my soul, I might!

My intelligence high, not so my height.
Reflecting on the notes and scripts I had to recite.
Reflecting on that book published, I had to rewrite.
So focused on the future, I lose track of things in my sight.

"Gee Lu, what are we going to do tonight?"
Going to Saturn, we have some engines to ignite.
Intergalactic exploration with huge stars shining bright.
Even if I lose navigation back to earth, I shall not fright.

There's a meeting in Andromeda, and I received an invite.
As a representative of this planet, I must be polite.
A Grand Seminar of Elite Lifeforms; I must sit upright.
Hope they understand where I'm coming from; hope they're not too uptight.

I maybe human, but I have a lot of wisdom, knowledge and insight.
I'm just a microbe who quantum mechanics excite.
There's a border where truth and fiction unite.
The Treaty of Universes has been signed, so never expect a fight.

-                LUMARVENS ALEXANDER
poet, author
   SATURN: Fantasy Poetry
Pen to paper, chalk to board;
Try not to live within discord.
Wait until the blessing is poured;
Rejuvenation is what will be scored.

Fork to plate, spoon to bowl;
Do not lose sight of the goal.
Be in control over your role;
The school of life, begin to enroll.

Towel to skin, sheet to bed;
Try practicing gratitude instead.
A dream isn't just pictures in your head.
Turn dreams to reality, but be not misled.

Car to road, plane to air, ship to sea;
Life is beautiful; perspective, shift to see.
Step out of darkness and seek congruency.
Life is for you and me; this isn't a fallacy.

Hi to meet, hi to greet, good to bye;
Even if it's hard to reach, give it a try.
Don't ask why, just keep getting by.
Destiny is written in the stars in the sky!

poet, author
SATURN: Fantasy Poetry
Looking for the truth and meaning.
Was the universe created for the human being?
Why does the year have four seasons?
Give me all of the reasons.

Went looking for it in outer space.
There appears to be strange beings in our space.
Just in time, though an hour late
To the entrance of Wonderland; a flowered gate.

This universe is well thought out,
We just need to think.
The Creator has something to be proud of.
Never let the happiness shrink.

Fifth dimensional thoughts can turn you to a ******.
The lights are always green but never say go.
One day I'll wake up wondering where did the sky go?
When it's time to leave earth,
It's going to be hard letting these beautiful sites go.

Saturn is controlling me; my actions aren't my own.
Telepathic communication outdates a phone.
Many things will never be shown and never be known.
I'm ready to roam into the wormhole out of my comfort zone.

poet, author
SATURN: Fantasy Poetry
Sometimes I hear my name being whispered through the howling wind.
I know I'm not God, but it appears someone needs my help again.
I've tried, but I don't know how to make the pain end.
Things changed; I'm withdrawn. I'm not always there for a friend.

Likeable personality; many people would like to get close to me.
Clean individuality just like how it's supposed to be.
I may have not been chosen, but this is what I chose to be.
I got love in my heart for all, even those opposing me.

Mastermind, full of tricks; I only do this for kicks.
I've been carrying a heavy load; a pallet of bricks.
The Universe needs a new architect, I'm that one fix.
I'm tired of listening to the prophet and whatever he predicts.

The solution will come, but the problems will mix.
It can start from one and jump straight to six.
True words will be uttered but auto contradicts.
Meaning will be lost, by him who cherry picks.

I'm not gone; remember that I'll always be there for you.
I know I seem ghost, but I'm trying to make myself clear to you.
Love is a game, and I tried to play it fair with you.
I just want to be near to you, even if I can never be a pair with you.

-                 LUMARVENS ALEXANDER
  poet, author
  SATURN: Fantasy Poetry
Wondering if you still like me; unlikely.
These days things don't really excite me.
Begging for your presence politely.
No text or email. Why don't you ever write me?

The future was supposed to be secured tightly.
Fed you everything then you turn around and bite me.
You are not the one, but I'm still thinking you might be.
Struggle sleeping in the nightly; demons still do fight me.

Threatening my career, knowing that I don't take things lightly.
Like a smudge on a windshield, you didn't hesitate to wipe me.
Light me, light me. You're the only one who could ignite me.
Your love had me higher than a kite be.

Please, don't look away when you sight me.
Your silence is applied just to only smite me.
Moving on, I try to put the pass behind me.
I'll be present at your wedding, even if you don't invite me.

Wondering if you still like me; unlikely.
You put a check over my name just like Nike.
Yes, I am crazy, but you are just like me.
We didn't end on a high note, but I honor you high key.

  poet, author
SATURN: Fantasy Poetry
That fragrance was familiar;
It was the same one you wore.
Reinitializes thoughts of you more.
It's funny how we make associations;
Thoughts are humor.
I was hoping you'd be back sooner.
I just need a few more
Couple of minutes of your time.
At least two more.
What should I do more
To be around you more?
The heat can cool more.
Why should I beef with you for?
Although my heart you tore,
I regret the tears I made you pour.
Trust - I just wasn't too sure.
We fell from our high cloud,
I'm bruised, but are you sore?
Life may have opened a new door,
But I haven't went through nor
Have I purchased shoes for
Transitioning; I'm too poor.
I'll try the new store.
I've got to leave now;
I've been accumulating hope,
Don't know who for.
I need to pick and choose more,
And try not to bore.
You were the one I loved to core,
That is why three strikes led to four.
Wish I had called you my boo more.
I love you. Try to love Lu more!

poet, author
SATURN: Fantasy Poetry

— The End —