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Gabriela Jimenez Feb 2010
I wanted to laugh at you Because you couldn't stand the taste Of metal on your tongue Oh what a shade of alternative loveWith piercings in places They don't belong Tracing places Against your gums Oh what a pretty look That half shrugged sweaterWith that ugly thing you doWhen you see how much he loves you
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ashlee allee Dec 2014
So beautiful and polite you think
Its like they been together forever
in love and that's treasurer I haven't really
Seen that
With my family its forever alone
It seems like they want somebody
But they push to much to try
To get it done than they make
A mistake and regret after what they have done I have seen lovewith old people and now young its so beautiful and passion its like faith has be gone hope has come few
I wish it happen to everybody even me and u and my family too but there's rules u have to follow and you cant break only happen to most of the guys and it hurts the women pride wish guys can understand and women too
Thanks for reading

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