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Jack Jun 2014

Within this heart a sheltered loom
of woven dreams in ribboned faire
Where marigolds sing melodies
a soft caress your flowing hair
As hummingbirds ignite your smile
upon a floating shade of blue
and cherry blossoms paint the sky
in nectar worn as sweet perfume
I open this, my chambered soul
so you may rest in perfect ease
Beneath an arbor’s shaded bliss
to linger on a fragrant breeze
For deep within this garden dream,
illumined by the sun above
I pray that you will stay awhile
*to share the blooms of perfect love
I hope you like this my friend.
destinee May 2013
thinking of you makes me sad
thinking of you makes me glad
thinking of you makes me remember when you used to love me
and why i could never figure out why you left me
remembering the times we laid together under the stars
the times i held you when you where sad and felt like giving up
the times where we were one and i wasn't just me standing alone
i fought for you,all my life i waited for someone like you to take me by the
hand and say everything will be alright  you where superman and i was lousie lane
though where not together anymore i still fight for the memories we had.

— The End —