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Ryan Nyberg Mar 2015
remember you walked in the rain?
and i held your cold, liveless hand
you told me you wanted to run
away from the world's endless rant.
remember i squeezed your hand tight?
when tears started burning your eyes
remember i held you and tried
to show you the colours
you chose to stay blind.
we carried on walking through storm
as wind would push us far apart
we held on to each other so tight
all we did we believed was so right.
the sky went so dark and so grey
your heart grew so cold, you looked drained
and i didnt know what to do
and all my attempts were so faint.
remember we walked in the rain?
i thought those were drops from the sky
but when the sun came out at once
i saw those were tears , your soul's cry.
Shawn Steven Jun 2018
Was it worth it sink in to positions painful and pretty high heals and pillars divide the gluttons from the needy hair-pinned in place lies across face gleaming with fear lines point down feeders stifle the grow of hearts learned years before in others chests to see through you are yet to do raised pride in skies just statues of liberties taken away for I dared to look under skirt the truth from youth on now heard compete as dumb bombs ruining lives in Yemen starved to death for color of skin and easy for apathetic trophy hunters life punters roaring screens for games as neighbors get locked doors and hearts as if heaven would take you fools trading space with waste choked out sea doors closed for business out back has come to claps hands high fives teams score as millions die schemes advertised to inactive emotion for truth restricted to hoarse voices on def ears sinking system but not theirs selfish children with numbered years while parents ignore in liveless rooms velcro chairs gleaming shadows off walls ***** pants when beckened by white lies illuminating false faiths hopes and actions crushing chests trasplant souls through as many cuts ***** for return cocked to burn under shots fired on repeat order follwers crush resistance at any turn biting the hand that feeds poison becomes blasphemy beaten by friends in family celebrate through drunken years of gluttony for fiat existence racist white supremacy herds of lunacy wait in lines for more war machine donation stupified on what's gone wrong as if given two **** at all rather master-bait to victims screams **** **** is reality ******* harder with body hands eating **** to impress fake smiles and carful words on screens obey fool obey when disruption to certain death implies fault in broken mirrors smeared with flashes of self strained by the reason of leasing vessals learned before gut feels sprawled out gripping for lost breath on spit polished floors for groups of strangers just hoping to get lucky with whom-ever an advantage can be taken guilt shaken off like rain snapping from umbrellas won't save you from harmonic occilations always rebound to smash disturbance in the hole file with crushing filth manipulation wave cast fire and storm with plenty of warning of planned reactions to false attacks hook line and sink-her fell for another death trap blinding light and *** slap souls goals return with a **** perspective that we are all slaves until we  no longer captive-ate but responsive and reactive unit exploding hearts for together as one case to storm castles and drown hold outs until the truth flows out drool  mouths been throat ****** too hard now these gaskets all blown out just like that game over reset repeat blanket statements warm those wrapped up in the world's misery but this time you didn't fool me not at all coward ****** off too much now I'm laughing watching the revolution not be televised sitting pretty while your neighbors are the ones ignoring all your coming cries as crisis unfolds through deadly pacts rat-line hell hoax but that show was more important glad you know we were right in your face all along group beat down bragged that you were strong but you are a ******* ***** one on one plumped out for delivery of clones after slaves until the unit they captured all there is as we revolt and end this for a bit free to pass before dropping back for another oh no thank you but I will pass samsara up next chance
Ruth Mulvenna Jun 2019
I cant get myself out of bed in the morning                                                               This feeling comes without warning                                                                            For days all I can do is sleep                                                                                      Dont want to speak to anyone                                                                                 They cant know im feeling this low                                                                           If anyone calls pass it of with a text                                                                           Got a bit of a cold be fine after a day or twos rest                                                      Feel so ashamed that I cant get up and  go out                                                                 Just feel liveless scared and full of doubt                                                                    The thought of leaving the house                                                                             Fills me with dread am like a frightened little mouse                                                Back up to bed I get in under the quilt                                                                        Full of disgust full of guilt

— The End —