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Mateuš Conrad Nov 2017
there's ethical idealism:
where ethics is discussed...
there's ethical relativism:
where ethics is practised...
there's ethical realism...
where ethics is quantified
as an improbability;
and then there's ethical
where we supposedly
"progress" -
in this scenario are
the laws of physics actually
whereby oculus qua oculus
is replaced -
a loss of an eye is "relative"
to 10 years in a cage...
           ethics is
ideal, realistic, absolute or relative...
we're encouraged to live
in "realistic relativism"...
      never in an absolute realism,
since realistic relativism
only compares itself
  to ideal absolutism...
and nothing more...
          ever watched that film
secrets in their eyes?
you ever wonder what
ethical idealism is to the ethnical
consequence that can absorb
a realistic libra?
    i can only believe in
ethical absolutism,
  ethical relativism is horrid to me...
relativism adorns idealism,
absolutism adorns realism...
          a life sentence is worse than
a death sentence,
whether justified or not,
prison is sadism,
but at least ****** is simply ******...
a space-time intact,
           a ****** penalty is not
inhumane, nor a ouija board...
      it's time for time,
space for space,
  the actual punishment comes
with the missing adrenaline rush
of the unexpected reception of the wielded
          either send these jealous plonkers to
siberia, or sentence them to death,
for you are no more than they are,
nay, you are more...
  you're akin to cats toying,
playing a sadistic games with half-mutilated
             this is why i abhor
ethical relativism of the crucifix...
           hence my belief in ethical
absolutism in the paragraph of realism,
  which is perfected, by
being exacted, and never, ever,
being leisurely discussed,
  on a farcical palette with a grimace
to boot: ******* a lemon;
compensating the horrors within
minutes, is never compensated
  with ordeals that last years...
which is why i find the death penalty
an act of authentic humanity,
and not this quasi-humanitarian
act of pardon, ******* hypocrites -
       i abhor the caged rat
more than the rat gladly nibbling
on a dead corpse...
        at least there was passion
in the ******...
waiting for death penalty is like killing
a vermin with poison,
disposing them with nonchalantly...
the wise maxim states:
  ledo ferrum sicut id est calidi -
strike the iron while it's hot...
       death is the dawn-broker -
a new tomorrow promise -
              left intact, the fermenting process
of ethical dynamism takes over...
      then again,
the supposedly "evolved"
preferred moral relativism to moral
          because there was no
moral realism to speak of,
                       since morality could only
be talked about in ideal terms of
the supposedly so, supposedly
fashioned via: it ought to never happen to
and then it might, and then:
oops... argument sinks like a wet fatty ****
into shambles of keeping up with
the presupposed pillar of argument
being "impenetrable";
hey, genius, back to the blackboard!
Oh playas verdeantes de algas marinas, sobre
las guijas de estridente diamante y flavo cobre.
Oh piélagos preñados de la cálida voz de las sirenas.
Oh piélagos que nutre denso susurro: -trenos
de náufragos a la deriva por sus senos
procelosos, y que yá dormirán en las ondas serenas.

Yo anhelo tus ilímites planicies: hielos glaucos,
brumas, nieblas -última Thule- para ulular mis turbios himnos raucos!

Yo soy Harald, soy Harald el Obscuro.

Todos los viajes, todos mis viajes, son viajes de regreso.
Yo torno ahora, retorno ahora del azur y hacia el azur. 1
Violada luz diaprea sus rútilos zafiros.
Voz de sangre sus zafiros denigra.
Mas nó otro azur desea mi vagabundo sueño:
sólo ése azur cebrado de vïolas, ése azur ocelado de abenuz..!
Oh piélagos transidos de agorera pavura irremisible.
Oh piélagos que asorda gríseo clangor: equale
de trombones, en lento ritmo y voz velada, audible
sólo para los seres que un Fátum fúnebre señale...
Yo anhelo tus ilímites planicies: hielos glaucos,
brumas, nieblas -última Thule- para ulular mis turbios himnos raucos!

Yo soy Harald, soy Harald el Obscuro.

Yo sólo amo tu amor, fatal Isolda.
Erigiremos en todos los caminos nuestra gitana tolda aventurera.
Yo sólo amo tu amor, oh brava Isolda!
Brava Isolda hechicera!

Yo soy Tristán de Leonís: -ligera
por todos los océanos nuestra nao pirata
discurrirá indolente, con viento ameno o duro; 2
bajo la lumbre de topacio
del sol;
bajo la luz morena de la rosa de plata;
o en la noche ceñuda -lúgubre y agorera-. 3
Por todos los océanos nuestro amor, y el espacio
sin lindes, y el ensueño, y hacia lo ignoto navegar... 4

Por todos los océanos nuestra libre galera:
y en el palo cimero la flámula escarlata
con una rosa endrina,
y en nuestros corazones la rosa purpurina
y la flámula negra...
Nuestra nao pirata
discurrirá por todos los océanos al azar, al azar, al azar... 5
Erigiremos en todos los caminos nuestra gitana tolda aventurera, 6
y el refugio ilusorio de nuestro ciclo errátil e inseguro...
Yo sólo amo tu amor, mi brava Isolda,
yo sólo amo tu amor, Ilse hechicera,
yo soy Tristán, soy Harald el Obscuro.

Dancé cantando mi canción acerba.
Era el véspero, casi la noche, era el véspero de ceniza.

El tardeño cocuyo su luz irradïaba.
Su lumbre ingenua mi ingenuo corazón iluminaba.

Mas mi espíritu pérfido mi ingenuidad enerva,
y en el ingenuo corazón desliza
fragante zumo de su ponzoñosa hierba.

Yo soy Tristán, soy Harald el Obscuro.

Divagar. Divagar por inéditos climas.
Metafísicos vórtices. Remansada sapiencia.
Júbilo y alborozo sensüales.

Ebrias sedes. Acidia muelle. Venus autumnales,
ingrávidas adolescentes: oh vendimias opimas...!
Al propio tiempo, nugacidad y vacío, y nesciencia...

Oh mujer, arcangélico vampiro,
demoníaca Ofelia, cándida cervatilla, híspido

Todo lo excelso aroma en tu sollozo y en tu suspiro y en tu sonrisa!
Perfuma en tu pasión lo deletéreo y lo inefable, lo joyoso y lo aciago!
Tifón de tempestades y sosegada brisa
cantan en tu pasión:
y un trémulo murmurio pulcro balbuce en tu corazón!

Yo soy Harald, soy Harald el Obscuro.
Yo soy Tristán de Leonís, acedo.

Yo sólo amo tu amor, Ilse hechicera,
yo sólo amo tu amor, fatal Isolda,
mi brava Isolda!

Yo soy Harald, soy Lancelot: -blanda sonrisa, corazón perjuro;
yo sólo amo tu amor, tu amor áspero y ledo,
venenoso y lustral, proclive y puro,
pérfido y claro, y abisal y erguido!
Yo sólo amo tu amor. Ilse hechicera,
Furia hechicera, Lálage hechicera:

Yo sólo de tu amor -Ilse- me curo:
y al azar de las rutas erigiremos nuestra tolda,
fatal Isolda,
y en nuestra tolda un penumbroso nido,
y al azar de los vientos singlará nuestra nao aventurera...

Yo soy Harald, soy Harald el Obscuro.
Mientras Juárez indomable
Va a los desiertos del Paso
A defender su bandera,
Firme como un espartano;
En Méjico, sostenido
Por el invasor extraño
Se erige un trono y le ocupa,
Más que ambicioso, engañado,
Un ilustre descendiente
Del más grande de los Carlos.

Joven, soñador y apuesto
Asciende a lugar tan alto,
Sin ver que a lo lejos flota
El pendón republicano,
Y sin recordar que el pueblo
Por quien, se sueña llamado,
En otro tiempo a un monarca
Lanzó del trono al cadalso

Recibiéronle animosos
Los que el cetro le entregaron,
Y al entrar por nuestras calles
Fue tan grande el entusiasmo
Que del nuevo rey los ojos
No pudieron, deslumbrados,
Mirar que las bayonetas
Que lo estaban custodiando
Eran de extranjeras tropas
Capaces de abandonarlo
Joven príncipe, ¿a qué vienes
¿Por qué dejas tu palacio
En medio de las azules
Ondas del Mediterráneo
Como un nido de gaviotas
Sobre un peñón solitario?

Este cielo azul no es tuyo,
No son tuyos estos lagos,
Ni estos sabinos del bosque
Que de viejos están canos.

Nada es tuyo, nada entiende
Tu acento, nada ha guardado
Cenizas de tus mayores
Que en otras tierras brillaron.

Tu sangre azul no es la sangre
De Cuauhtemoc ni de Hidalgo;
Cuanto te cerca es ajeno,
Cuanto te vela es extraño.

Príncipe noble ¿a qué vienes?
¿Por qué dejas tu palacio
Y aquellas ondas azules
De tu hermoso mar Adriático?

En medio de las tormentas
Que se alzarán a tu paso,
Cuando pronto te abandonen
Los que te están custodiando,
Hallarás como consuelo.
Como abrigo, como amparo,
La firmeza y el arrojo
Del soldado mejicano
Que cumple con su bandera
Satisfecho y resignado.

¡Torna príncipe al castillo
Donde viviste soñando,
Que por las gradas de un trono
Subir se puede a un cadalso!
Con inusitada pompa
En el ya imperial palacio
Se celebran los natales
Del reciente soberano.

Ya las guardias palatinas
De uniformes encarnados
Apuestos forman la valla
Luciendo adargas y cascos.

Ministros y chambelanes,
Consejeros y vasallos,
Ostentan con arrogancia
Sus pechos condecorados.

El salón de embajadores
Por su lujo aristocrático,
Recuerda a los que lo miran
De antiguos tiempos el fausto.

De pronto, por todas partes
Se extiende un rumor extraño
Y es que las gradas del trono
El Archiduque ha pisado.

Diversas clases sociales
Deben de felicitarlo
Y ya están los oradores
Por cada clase nombrados.

Un jurisconsulto experto,
Elocuente, pulcro y sabio
Es de la magistratura
El representante nato.

Le toca el lugar primero,
Habla con acento claro,
Con respeto se le escucha,
Se le mira con agrado,
Y estudio y saber revela
Cada frase de sus labios.

Su discurso no fue breve,
Su estilo elegante y franco
Y al acabar dijo alguno:
¡Bien por Lares! anhelando
Aplaudirlo, sin hacerlo
Por respeto al soberano.

Con elegancia vestido
Al clero representando
Se acercó un obispo al trono
Y dijo un discurso largo,
Lleno de notas y citas
Latinas, propias del caso.

Era el orador de fama
Por su elocuencia y su rango,
Célebre en aquellos tiempos
Entre oradores sagrados.

«No estuvo corto Ormachea»
Dijo después de escucharlo
Alguno a quien ya cansaba
La severidad del acto.

Nuevo rumor se produjo
Después en aquellos ámbitos
Al ver que al trono llegaba
A paso lento un soldado
De cabellos y ojos negros,
Tez cobriza, aspecto huraño,
Descendiente de las razas
Que en Anáhuac habitaron
Antes de que la conquista
Empobreciera a sus vástagos.

¡Formaba contraste brusco
La oscura tez del soldado
Con la tez brillante y blanca
Del Archiduque germano!

Quedó el indígena absorto,
Meditabundo y cortado,
Sin articular palabra,
La frente y los ojos bajos.

¿Quién es? preguntó un curioso
Y le respondió un anciano:
Se llama Tomás Mejía,
Y es general reaccionario:
Viene a hablar por el ejército.
-¿Y él hizo el discurso?
Le escribieron y ninguno,
Según dicen, le ha gustado;
El que dirá lo habrá escrito
O Muñoz Ledo o Arango

Unos minutos muy largos;
Mejía estaba en silencio
Todo tembloroso y pálido,
En silencio los presentes
Y en silencio el soberano.

De pronto ven con asombro
Que el indígena soldado,
Abriendo los negros ojos
Que brillaban animados,
Perora sin dar lectura
Al papel que está en sus manos

-«Majestad -calló un momento;
Majestad -siguió turbado
Majestad -yo no he aprendido
Lo que otros por mí pensaron,
Pero si usted lo que busca
Es un corazón honrado,
Que lo quiera, lo respete,
Lo defienda sin descanso
Y la sirva sin dobleces,
Sin interés, sin engaño,
Aquí está mi corazón,
Aquí están, señor, mis brazos
Y en las horas de peligro,
Si al peligro juntos vamos,
Lo juro por mi bandera,
Sabré morir a su lado».

Con lágrimas en los ojos,
Trémulo Maximiliano,
Las fórmulas de la corte
Por un instante olvidando,
Bajó del trono y al punto
Dio al General un abrazo,
Que aplaudieron los presentes
Con lágrimas de entusiasmo.
Cayó el Príncipe más tarde
Y con él cayó el soldado
Que le dijo esas palabras
Llenos los ojos de llanto.

A don Tomás le ofrecieron
Del patíbulo salvarlo
Y él respondió: «Solamente
Que salven al soberano».

Un general victorioso,
De gran poder y alto rango,
Que le estaba agradecido
Por algún hecho magnánimo,
Fue y le dijo: «Yo podría
Lograr veros indultado;
Os estimo y necesito
A toda costa salvaros.
¿Queréis que os salve? decidlo,
Que no me daré descanso
Hasta que al fin me concedan
Lo que para vos reclamo».

-«Sólo admitiré el indulto,
Respondió el indio soldado,
Si me viene juntamente,
Con el de Maximiliano».

-Me pedís un imposible.
-Pues me moriré a su lado.
-Pensad que tenéis familia.
-Tan sólo a Dios se la encargo.

-Soy capaz de protegeros
Si os resolvéis a fugaros.
-¿Yal Emperador? -No; nunca.
-Pues su misma suerte aguardo.

Y como lo sabe el mundo,
Juntos fueron al cadalso
Y así selló con su sangre
Lo que dijeron sus labios.
Mateuš Conrad Jul 2022
I. from living under a rock to exploring the internet

well... isn't it nice...
me? i've greatly benefited from the existence
of the internet...
how else would i have found out about the origins
of Taoism if not thanks for the internet...

i just kept one maxim in my head from
a book i picked up in some bookshop near
Russell Sq., it was a book on Taoism...
but it was sort of like the Best of
   of a band...
                not good enough... but my modus operandi
became the Kantian categorical imperative:
in order to help the world -
forget the world and let the world forget you:
the crux of "not-doing": i.e. purely being...
hell not- is not the antonym of pure...
                 not could be coupled with just... simply...
                   one of those...

me? i greatly benefited from the internet...
as most "bears" / "loners" / solitary creatures have
found out to be true...
i have an entire world history and a body
of knowledge at my fingertips:
it's only a question of what you're wanting to find...

without the internet i would have never
bothered to spend £20 on a physical copy of a book...
the complete writings of the primo Taoist: Zhuangzi...
nor would i have spent £30 x 2 on Heidegger's
black notebooks...

but i understand that the people who make videos
and do not write are all "savvy" when it comes
to view-counts... they ignore them...
they are more into "interaction": the comment sections...
i don't remember the last time i commented
on something:
i mean, ****'s sake... it's not like you buy
a book and expect to leave a comment... where?
on the sleeve? who's going to read that?
the author? hardly...

                             i like my view counts...
obviously the comments come minimally...
why? i believe in the anonymity of the readership...
the anonymity of the reader...
i like the fact that ideas are equivalent
to gold-mining and lightning strikes...
and that thinking itself is subject to shadows acting...
that it can be the best: most worthwhile "thing"
that implores of a being: hide me! hide me!

but i'm never going to make a video...
videos attract all the wrong viral attention...
i like the filter process involved in writing:
people have to make an effort and?
therefore? i'm left to my devices and whims
and sarcasms...
i can entertain Ovid and Marquis de Sade...

tu mihi, tu certe, memini, Graecine, negabas
    uno posse aliquem tempore amare duas.
per te ego decipior, per te deprensus inermis -
    ecce, duas uno tempore turpis amo!

i remember that it was you, certainly you Graecinus,
who told me to deny the idea
that one could love two girls at once!
through you i'm deceived - unarmed -
reason (this be the reason): i'm in love with two
girls at the same time!

i did one over old Ovid... loved two girls when both
of them were loving me...
which is so much better that loving one when loving
one and loving another when loving
might as well:

                ledo duas aves uno lapide

two birds one stone... hardly serving two masters:
being served up twice...
and we're not talking about masters and servants

me? i greatly gained from the internet...
                 am i the only person to agree to the fact that
it's just a jolly decent tool to use...
in and out... in and out... the internet to me
is like a brothel... i'm there / "here" for an hour...
then i disappear... leave footprints in the sand
on the beach... the tide of humanity washes in...
i'm left diluted: but i don't mind...
i too wouldn't want to have written the Harry Potter
books and then be mistreated for some
trans-****** phobic insinuations...
but i give her the grammar...
and how about the grammar on
the lyrics from WHAT IS SOUL... the B-sides
of By The Way...
                                 Big-Pie (Bag-Pie from Trainspotting:
freaking about... did i just touch
a magic nugget... a leprechaun's nose?!
is there! is there! a rainbow on this "other" side?!
pretty please... hey! if i go to Thailand
i'm sort of expecting to get confused...
it's a Thai thing... it was originally a Thai thing...
those Thai ******* are crazy)...

'it's roaming the streets at 4 in the morning
finding your best friend making out with a trans-******
in an all-night diner in Cleveland in 1986!'

plenty of women... ingenious boys
will be outright butch or add some extra BLUSH...
i can't say that i never kissed a man
sensually like i might kiss a woman sensually...
to later brush up on my Mr. Slurp'y skills
in the garden of fleshy flowers...
located where i entered the world: hopefully head-first:
oh sure... plenty of dolphins too...
how's it hanging? how's it hanging in Dubai?
plenty of hanging in Dubai...

freakishly lean: a plentiful decent diet of literature...
me? i benefited from the internet...
hey presto! i can bypass the gatekeepers of literature!
i can forget about publishing houses...
sure... i don't earn any money from it...
but that also increases me drive to pursue
the spiral out of control...
for me the advent of the internet is akin to:
the invention of the Gutenberg Press...
yes, i was a fan of buying cans of Pepsi
instead of those 2litre bottles...
hmm... how to keep the gas once opened!
aha! shake the bottle after having a refill!
shake shake!
keeps the pressure tight-knit... beautifully

- two songs get me these days....
and GO ROBOT...
i trun to the canvas with regret: great! more typing!
i just want to keep keeping the rhyhtm:
perched on the windowsill
tapping my leg and grooving with my neck
like an imitation-party-pooper-pigeon
who invented head-banging
as the Hebrews imitate before the Wailing Wall...
i should have never picked up the guitar...
what a lonely enterprise:
it's already haunting me...
i was born as a natural drummer...

of course i gained all the things there
are gained from the internet...
minus the light-bulb...
i managed to bypass all the gatekeepers
of literature: the editors...
hello! you forgot the paper! there's no paper!
there's no spoon either!
forgot the pills! just focus on the spoon
that isn't there!
and it's the perfect filter...
no one is going to bother me when i'm writig
and slacking on making video confession...

videos can be ingested passively:
reading? oh wow! who would have thought
that it might take some effort!
mix into the whole affair some Katakana...
hell... mix in some Mandarin hieroglyphs...
perfect defences against "simpletons"...
who? you have rotten cabbage
agreed with to throw with your comrade
against against being disgruntled about some
poor acting actor? what?!
stealing shadows became mundane?!

i also managed to breed a higher purpose
while everyone else was slumping
in the "pandemic"... i couldn't tell the difference...
what a funny: he-he-ha-ha tickling breeze!
ooh... let's have another go!
come on! let's go, let's go!
or rather: hí-hí-h'ah-ah-haha!

                             the internet wa been great for me...
but recently i came across this trend...
hmm (emoji of the biggest SMILE)...
                     dabbing... people dab perfumes on themselves...
what's VABBING... ah... ah... ha ha...
this is the point where i feel like putting
on my clown make-up and going out to
party come Halloween...

i'm pretty sure i'lll grow old and irrelevant
at some point... pop culture will no longer
interest me...
             but until that time comes...
piglets! teases!
                   it's like that one time where
i thought it was a good idea to date a single mom....
brought her homemade wine...
brought her homemade banana loaf cake...
i'm good-crazy as one prostitutes remarked...
still NO GOOD...
                                   goo.. plenty of goo...
oh man... the arsenal of music i have to sieve through:
it makes sense to not have children...
sure.... i'd love a little kritter "here and there"...
but? come on... with so much music
made available: would you?

and how did that parody of my grandfather
and grandmother play out?
she kept his death a secret....
to the point where he was in AGONIA:
out of reach... **** that then!

****'s sake VABBING... i.e. inserting your fingers
into your genital regions...
and then... Orestes! save me!
pretending that these juices are sort of:
akin to: perfumes!

o.k.: i'll level with these women...
here goes:
i like... ******* on my leg...
when i'm having a shower?
i like the idea of being a child again:
unable: UNONSCIOUSLY to control his bladder...
once in a while: i like ******* on my leg...
but that's only when i'm having a shower...
i like the idea of being without control...
i wish i could **** my pants ever so often...
alas... i can't!
but then i relieve my tamed unconscious
inhibitions... i tend to **** on my leg...
while taking a shower....
what is left for man beside finding new avenues
to compete: for the crown and the jewel in
in it of losing reason?
hell... let's all become **** AUTOMATON!
i can wait...
i'm orientating myself around the internet
like i might orientate myself around
a phonebook, an encyclopoedia...
and the... sacred loss of the music store on
the high streets...

there's me imitating drummers on a windowsill...
*****! i'm keeping rhythm...
with a squint of my eye watching NORMIES
sitting static with their static televisions...
i like brick walls: i think of chess...
i like the sea bashing the land come high night...
i think of playing cards with the boys...
and backgammon...
i also like the idea of interpreting the flute
by splitting a reed of grass and blowing through it...
i like the childhood memory
of catching cockchafers and throwing them
down girls' t-shirts...
         hmm! i liked a lot of things...
whiskey won... i like swimming in it: thoughtless...
it's like like: give me a drink of whiskey =
Cleopatra having a ******* bath of milk!

i love the minutes "concerning" an unlit cigarette
dangling in my mouth...
before the opening crescendo
of Led Zeppelin's IN THE EVENING...
kicks in... only because: SHARP OBJECTS
waas such a captivating t.v. show...

hate t.v. love t.v. most certainly loved the movies...
i hate the movies these days...
i sometimes think: i could replace
the t.v. with three "things":
the sky... a fireplace... or a... ooh!
a ******* aquarium!
                     yeah... that could  work!
then again.... candles or the sky...
either wait.... play shadow charades...
             there are actually two ways to give stress
to a F-U... using the hand...
A. the clenched fist with the etended middle
finger... poison...
but there's also
B. ******* extended....
thumb also extended: NO FIST...
all the other fingers are "bowing":
but they're not clenched... there's no imitation
of a fist...

seriously, though? no wonder i ventured into the realm
of prostitution, no wonder so many people thought this
"pandemic" was a "fake"...
sure sure... let me just apply my *****
Jean-Paul Gautier sniff-sniffs
while you, girl, test out, your next best
found ******.... what the ****?!

how about we start off with... oiling ourselves
with molten pig fat and then, then asking:
kosher enough for you?
oh... but this craziness is not supposed to stop!
it's supposed to escalate!
didn't you know?!
                           no no!
                                 there are either the crazies
or the uber-crazies!
      there's no in-between!
                 as much as Ovid prescribes ****** love...
i find the most erotica in prescriving myself
a decent amount of sleep...
               perhaps in his days...
but... he wasn't a solider...
so he wouldn't have known about being stationed in
Britannia,., jumping ****-naked into
the feral bushes of... no! not mint!
              you ******* Forrest Gimp or something?
blushes of *******... ****'s sake... FENNELS!
*******: Hamza: brain-drain-lord
of an otherwise working Latin BREEN!
call your ******* cousin Hah-med and Muha!
the lord of the flies! Muhammad!
Muha! FLY! Jesus is the lord of mosquitos...
Muhammad is the lord of the flies...

please tell me someone tried to tell them
that they were
the auxillaries of Hell?
the past 2000 years has been an advent
of Hell...
Hell... even more: the Hellenic original
thought project...
comme ci, comme ça... c'est la vie!
i.e. it's good when it's good...
and bad when it's bad...

the tired mountain: the eagerly waiting stone...
the tired sea... the ambitious droplet of water...
that eternal flame... but all the more eager
sparkle of an ignite!

time flies when you're not having any fun...
pretending to not having a stab at...
those Kenyan ivory slush-puppies
come the crocodiles and Muhammad types
moon-served plump almost juiced up...
hey ** hey... you're just my Macaque sort
of type...

II. a schematic of rugby

\ (pass back)
/ (kick forward)
just run around
shuffling your
magic feet:
toying with the octopus
dance of
a dislocated shoulder.

III. leftovers from an afternoon

give me until tomorrow, i'm still figuring "things" out...
video: oh video V video... Deo. and Doo and Deus...
mighty Churchill's index and middle...
of the fork in the road...
          or akin to the crossroads of
Robert Johnson...
            i picked up playing the guitar but i'm
a natural drummer...
easily soothed but also easily irritated by a rhythm
and beat...
for all the protest of (search engine, hello...
back of the bus protest, i just need a name)
sitting at the back of the bus:
Rosa Parks and the Montgomery bus protest...
i just remember mornings on the no. 86
bus... reading Stendhal while all the black
boys "unconsciously" stashed themselves
to the back of the double-decker...
white-flight in reverse, i.e. all the white girls
could join them:
thank god for my Turkish and Japanese fetish...
a fact not frequently recited:
i don't own any woman under the sun,
it's just my turn, turn after turn...
perhaps happily a *****-donor...
what's ******* and what's surrogate
motherhood for a homosexual couple,
like for like: i can't tell the difference...
besides... i earn about £10 an hour...
she earns £120 an hour and all for what?
being given an ******
and soothing my ego...
amazing though... it's crystal clear...
i never liked the back of the bus...
double-deckers have their engines in their ***...
very much like VW beetles...
the black boys naturally migrated to
the back of the bus every trip to school i took...
loud, vociferous: like most post-African people...
still strapped to the gridlock of
VICTIM... but sure: thanks for the jazz...
thanks for the blues...
if certain Africans were not exposed
to the English tongue...
i fear we'd still be stuck in a Mozart epoch...
Muerte, ¡cómo te he deseado!,
¡con qué fervores te he invocado!,
¡con qué anhelares he pedido
a tu boca su beso helado!
¡Pero tú, ingrata, no has oído!

¡Vendrás, quizá, con paso quedo
cuando de partir tenga miedo,
cuando la tarde me sonría
y algún ángel, con rostro ledo,
serene mi melancolía!

Vendrás, quizá, cuando la vida
me muestre una veta escondida
y encienda para mí una estrella.

¡Qué importa! Llega, ¡oh Prometida!
¡Siempre has de ser la bien venida,
pues que me juntarás con Ella!

— The End —