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persefona Aug 2015
Sara iz kosmara izlazi na ulicu da proseta kera. U parku sama, vitla sebi po glavi.  Po parku govna, plasticne cinije sa pirincem natopljene vodom i uljem, lisce mrtve lipe,  flopovi kao putokazi poredjani.
Misa, taj kao neki njen momak, ko muva neuhvatljiv a isto tako i zaboravan samo se po govnima mota i plete mrezu romanticarske lazljive ideologije istine i solidarnosti. On se kao providnim celofanom uvija u svoje reci ali sad vec kao da je pod reflektorima nabubrelog meseca i nema kud. Proziri se. Ne konzistentan. Kukavica, shvata ona.

Shvata da Misa je kao sarena laza-
Ili mozda ipak nije bas sve tako. A kako li je? Kako prazan prostor puni je sumnjom ali i nekim leprsavim osecajem ljubavi.
Larry Feb 2010

So vast, so merciless, yet so graceful.

What secrets do you hide in your mystic depths?

Where the waves roar on wasteland shores

And the ****** sands are still as white as snow

Ancient galleons lie deathly quiet

With tales of lost treasure deep inside its hull                                                

Sails ripped and savagely torn from the winds of long ago

Forgotten mariners still sail their ghostly ships

never to plunder the shores again.

                                                                           BY LAZA O9
Eden Y Hamden Nov 2022
she is inspirational
she makes me
want to be ambitious
she gives me
the feeling of
being alive
it's almost unreal,
she makes me
want to be a better me
11:42 pm
24th November 2022
Larry Feb 2010

I ask you as I begin, how would you describe LIFE?

For me the word "Euphoria" comes to mind in a weird sense.

Have we become our own narrators forbidden to live our own rehabilitated LIVES?

Does LIFE for some have no meaning, where laws have incarcerated in the hearts of people who declare our own existence?

We somehow fly a flag of nations, of countries what does it represent?

Peace new LIFE or a pushchair war?

Seems to me LIFE has become a class of its own distinction, never knowing its own ending.

Is money the ultimate ruler of our hormonal LIVES?

At the end do we desire what we fear the most?

                                                                                         LAZA 09
Larry Feb 2010

When we go to the beyond

where the next mountain lies

Do we fear what is on the other side?

For whatever comes our way is it not adventure

Through death and beyond beauty never dies

For what beauty we see is to some only a dream

to us it is what keeps us sane

Where merciless mountains reign above all and shadow what we know

by Gods grace we stand - but never alone

                                                                           Laza 09

— The End —