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Jason Cheney Sep 2022
There is a book of scripture that talks to each of us
With profound prophecies that speak about our worthiness
Lehi's dream was to guide us along the straight and narrow path
Young Nephi followed the whisperings of the Spirit while in his youth

Jacob said that if we prune, dung, and care for the tree
We can make it back safely to Thee
Though we may be a branch grafted onto that old trunk
Good fruit from us will the Master pluck

Enos, though he went out one day a-hunting
Received a remission of his sins by earnestly praying
After reading these pages, the Lamanite descendants would gain a knowledge of Christ
Looking forward with renewed hope, by the Holy Ghost, they'd be so enticed

Long live King Benjamin
My goodness, what a man
His son, Mosiah, was a prophet and seer
Who had four sons that caused an angel to appear

These four men taught the Lamanites with such great power
Insomuch so, that the Holy Spirit their physical bodies did overpower
Two thousand sixty sons did take up their swords
To defend their people from the wicked Lamanite hordes

Alma the Senior at first was a wicked high priest
Though upon hearing Abinadi speak, his wicked ways immediately ceased
Baptizing his people in the waters of Mormon
He started many people on the path towards salvation

Alma the Younger, was also a wicked and idolatrous person
For which, he suffered for three days and nights till his sins were forgiven
Thereafter, his greatest desire was to have the voice of an angel
Amulek and Zeezrom, were amongst those who heeded Alma's call

Nephi and Lehi, though prisoners, stood within a circle of fire
They wanted all to know about God, this was their desire
The soldiers listened and became believers
They soon became God's spiritual ambassadors

Nephi kneeled upon his garden tower
While beneath him wicked Nephites did gather
He foresaw the workings of the secret band of Kishkumen
That they would bring about the end of this great nation

Samuel the Lamanite, upon the walls of Zarahemla did preach
That Christ would come down to earth and, us, He would teach
Thirty four years after His birth, He did appear
To these, His other sheep, His voice did they hear

To become witnesses, His wounds did they feel
Throughout the land,  all people, these witnesses did tell
Salvation could be had if at Christ's feet they would kneel
Then their wounds would He carefully heal

Almost three hundred years would pass away in peace
Till Mormon saw that the people's faith did decrease
A commandment to make a compilation of sacred records
And write about this nation's wickedness as it spiraled downwards

A final farewell to his people did Mormon give
Hoping that his son, Moroni, this war would outlive
Before everyone was killed there upon Cumora's green hill
All prophecies up till then were entirely fulfilled

Moroni, a final challenge to all
Unto us has he issued this call
If we will but read and pray with real intent
Our lives will this book compliment

The Book of Mormon has special meaning to me
But, its teachings are meant for all, you see
Of prophets, seers, and revelators who lived here so long ago
The truth, by way of the Holy Ghost, upon us will he bestow

So it's quite simple for you and me
If we but follow Moroni's steps to see
If this book testifies that Christ died upon that lonely tree
Then true followers of Christ will each of us be

Written by:
Jason Cheney
September 12, 2022
For anyone interested...this is a short synopsis of the Book of Mormon, another testament of Jesus Christ.  It is an amazing history of the people upon this continent who saw Christ after His resurrection in Jerusalem.
Jason Cheney Nov 2022
Moroni, Teancum, and Lehi
What manner of men were these three?
I'd love to tell you a little bit concerning them
If you'll give me a brief moment of your time

Moroni became Chief Captain when he was only twenty five
His lifelong desire was to preserve his people and soldier's lives
He knew his duty was to serve them and his God
His feet were firmly planted in the gospel sod

Moroni hoisted the Title of Liberty high upon the towers
From this, his duty, he would never shrink nor cower
And if all men could or would be like unto him
Christ's joy for all mankind would have been filled to the brim

He did not delight in shedding another's blood
But to God, his military successes, he always attributed
He was a man that depended on ingenuity and revelation
Between Moroni and Lehi, there was much love and admiration

Lehi was also a man of God
By Moroni's side, he always stood
He was a fearsome warrior
Like no other

His life was spent in the service of Nephite mothers and fathers
He constantly defended their liberty from Lamanite warriors
He was second only to Moroni
His confidence, upon God's grace, did lie

He most definitely was a humble man
Yet he fought with the might of a lion
He had to of felt an amazing amount of grief
At the extent of destruction and loss of human life

He stood shoulder to shoulder with all the rest
His presence put fear into the Lamanite host
I'm sure that from dawn until dusk, he did labor
To strengthen the fortifications against any attacker

Teancum, a ferocious and God-fearing soldier
Was also a very knowledgeable leader
It is said that his men were stronger
And more skilled in the art of war, than any other

His men had all been carefully trained
And thus the Lord, them, He sustained
He was Moroni's strong, left side
Over a part of the Nephite army he did preside

Teancum, to his people's rescue would go
His undying love for freedom truly did show
For when all seemed hopeless and lost
He and his men would fight valiantly no matter the cost

Into King Ammoran's camp one night he did go
His anger and hatred for this man did overflow
His javelin did hit the mark
But not before King Ammoran let out a death rattling bark

As Moroni and Lehi anxiously awaited Teancum's return
The sounds of swords in the night could they discern
Then the sound of silence met their ears
To their eyes leapt hot, understanding tears

Though in the end, his life, this war did take
His actions and decisions were never a mistake
For his name shall shine forever throughout history
Not like many another whose names are just a memory

Often these three men met on the battlefield
Never an inch of Nephite land did they ever yield
Worthy to be called brothers-in-arms, were these three
They lived and died as warriors, with only one desire, their people's liberty

Written by:
Jason Cheney
October 23, 2022

— The End —