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Tra-la-la-la-la-la-laire—nil nisi divinum stabile
   est; caetera fumus—the gondola stopped, the old
   palace was there, how charming its grey and pink—
   goats and monkeys, with such hair too!—so the
   countess passed on until she came through the
   little park, where Niobe presented her with a
   cabinet, and so departed.

Burbank crossed a little bridge
  Descending at a small hotel;
Princess Volupine arrived,
  They were together, and he fell.

Defunctive music under sea
  Passed seaward with the passing bell
Slowly: the God Hercules
  Had left him, that had loved him well.

The horses, under the axletree
  Beat up the dawn from Istria
With even feet. Her shuttered barge
  Burned on the water all the day.

But this or such was Bleistein’s way:
  A saggy bending of the knees
And elbows, with the palms turned out,
  Chicago Semite Viennese.

A lustreless protrusive eye
  Stares from the protozoic slime
At a perspective of Canaletto.
  The smoky candle end of time

Declines. On the Rialto once.
  The rats are underneath the piles.
The jew is underneath the lot.
  Money in furs. The boatman smiles,

Princess Volupine extends
  A meagre, blue-nailed, phthisic hand
To climb the waterstair. Lights, lights,
  She entertains Sir Ferdinand

Klein. Who clipped the lion’s wings
  And flea’d his **** and pared his claws?
Thought Burbank, meditating on
  Time’s ruins, and the seven laws.
Jayne Blackman May 2015
Mr nasty nasty
Playground's hooded claw
All pervading presence
Impossible to ignore.
Easy target girl
Only child and sitting duck
Goldfish bowl kids on your side
You nasty little ****.
Tireless decade quest
Bully extraordinnaire
Wicked witch Lookey likey
The Gardens were your laire.
Nasty bully *******
Playground to grave & beyond
Drop dead celebration
None stop sing along.
Skinny black toothed ******
One day you get a lickin
Returning the acid favour
Delighted you got a kickin.
Mr nasty nasty
Never be forgetting
Anxiety's dark beginnings
Teenage girl blood letting.
Grudge to another life
Curses to bequest
Burn in hell you *******
This one will never rest.
To my childhood bully.
Scent of seduction
Calling for you
Come into my laire
I'll show you just as you desire to do
Show you ecstasy that doesn't stop til you demand it to
Feel me open as you feed from truth
Nestle inside my pillowy room
Fitting just right around you
Fuelling up as engines power
Sweet essence blend and shower
Oh' such juicy sensations
Falling further and deeper to immense salvation
As bodies beat pulsate with pound
Enter extreme elation beyond mortals round
Flowing over and over with the now
The cup is overflowing as is your mighty member
As fire lifts up from sparking ember
This will not stop til you desire it to
A perplexing call to make from me and you
Keep going and going
I want it too
Pleasure ride
Will not subside....
Sur les lagunes.

Tra la, tra la, la, la, la laire !
Qui ne connaît pas ce motif ?
A nos mamans il a su plaire,
Tendre et ***, moqueur et plaintif :

L'air du Carnaval de Venise,
Sur les canaux jadis chanté
Et qu'un soupir de folle brise
Dans le ballet a transporté !

Il me semble, quand on le joue,
Voir glisser dans son bleu sillon
Une gondole avec sa proue
Faite en manche de violon.

Sur une gamme chromatique,
Le sein de perles ruisselant,
La Vénus de l'Adriatique
Sort de l'eau son corps rose et blanc.

Les dômes sur l'azur des ondes,
Suivant la phrase au pur contour,
S'enflent comme des gorges rondes
Que soulève un soupir d'amour.

L'esquif aborde et me dépose,
Jetant son amarre au pilier,
Devant une façade rose,
Sur le marbre d'un escalier.

Avec ses palais, ses gondoles,
Ses mascarades sur la mer,
Ses doux chagrins, ses gaités folles,
Tout Venise vit dans cet air.

Une frêle corde qui vibre
Refait sur un pizzicato,
Comme autrefois joyeuse et libre,
La ville de Canaletto !

— The End —