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If She Ever Cry

You we're always,
Wondering if these;
People are crazy,
Your ex is a beast.
How can they say;
These thangs bout him;
Being a 'gentlemen'?

Your atempts,
To commit suicide,
Was never to pass,
I know it's hard,
To leave,
Cause that *****,
Be holding you,
To a leash.
Shawty stop pretending;
Pretending to smile,
Cause I see,
Your pain,
Would end,
To be a testamony,
To peepz.

Whenever I see,
You smile,
My heart cries,
For you girl,
I can see,
You need life,
Your stuck,
In a 4-cornerd room,
With 3-walls,
A voice so small,
I know that trigga[life],
Hard to pull,
But just push,
Through to the end,
That *****
Will get hurt.

For God,
Never sleeps,
He forever,
Has your soul gaurded.
Shawty your worth,
More than all
.... THIS .....

Written by
Austin KwAgGa Trimmel

Dear Love

I'm Lost,
In Love,
And shawty,
Your my worLd,
I'm Lost,
Between Love,
And confusion,
And you gimme that Love-fusion,
I'm in Love,
With you,
No matter what,
Your name is. .


Even if your heart,
Has been broken
In a million pieces,
Shawty these words,
Are honestly spoken,
From my heart
My soul lost in peace,
Shawty you rock my world.

I ain't got,
Courage to tell,
You face to face,
That's why,
I'm jottin' you this letter,
If you'd reply,
This my heart'l feel,
Like it's released,
From hell.


Your ain't an angel,
To me,
For your beauty is worth more,
For you my heart bleeds,
Your my hearts core.


Thus I say,
Shawty that.
If you say yes,
In my heart you'd stay,
I love you
Every year,month and day,
Of my life,
For thy I wanna make my wife,
For thee I'd walk miles,
With a smile
Upon my heart. .


Your secret
Austin @KwAgGa Trimmel

Letter to my dream girl.
Only God Can Judge Me[Epic Rap Poem]

In the darkest days of my life
I've got days of aggression;
Unto thee
Through my heart a knife
Thy knoweth;
Not my headaches;
Thy knoweth;
Not my heartaches.
If my pen could speak..
The words it'll utter,
Would be out of comprehension;
To  thee.
Nevermind my pain;
Nevermind my deppression.
But would God judge me;
Like ya'l do?
He knoweth my heart;
Ya'l don't.
So don't judge me wrong.
Hell may burn;
In my heart;
But in my soul;
Heaven is eternal.
Wings white as snow;
Another gothic flow;
Another emcee performing a weak show
Another death of a baby,
Another ***** hitting a lady.
So lifes a *****?
No it ain't.
Just what you make of it.
Oh whatever;
Only God can judge me
So I'd rather;
Role on a snow white cloud;
Or die being proud;
Of being myself;
For ignoring ya'l.

Written by:
Austin KwAgGa Trimmel.
03:59pm, Wed 27-08-2014
Sonnet#1[On Lifes Death Bed]

As the wind bloweth;Into my ears,
Thy taste slows;Thou fears,
Death kills cheers;Cups overflowed,
With frosted tears;Hic-ups pesting my flows.
LOVE killed HATE;And God art my souls mate,
Therefore days;May go ashtray,
Thou pay;Judgement not besides God's wiseness,
Destiny dies;Between your eyes,
I see lies;Art thy life.
Hence upon my souls ways;
Repentence of death be paid,
You can bet;It doesn't get;
My attention;As entertainment.
O' my soul;Be ruled,
By lifes coldness;And foolishness.

Written by
Austin KwAgGa Trimmel

— The End —