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Esther Jan 2021
As the orchids grow, than I will see you again.
My beloved flowers.
Somethimes I get them from you, and somethimes
I get them for my birthday. You are away now, but
the time that the orchids grow you where back by me.
I will meet you and it looks like you never being away.
I always loved you. From the day that i have layed my
eyes on you, I whas in love with you. The flowers are
blooming now, the orchids grow. You where standing
before me and I whisper; you are back. Yes, I am you
said and you come to me and kssing my forehead.

Every time that I see orchids,
I think of you and me.
And what we meant for each other.
That delicate flower, the symbol of our precious love.
Every time that I see orchids, and their beautiful shape,
I must think on the wonderful times that we had together.
Yes, orchids are for us the flowers of love. For others are
it maybe roses, but not for us. And I'm so in love with
black orchids, they are my favourite ones. The orchid
a lovely elegant flower, when I see one, I think of us.
The orchid, that beautiful flower, symbol of our love,
I saw the orchids coming out of the ground, a sign that
you where coming back, and the first one that came out
where my favourite ones, they where black.
maxx lopez Aug 2013
it's a rush
a waterfall
a downpour
a high
a trance
a state
a flood
a thunderstorm
a tsunami
a crashing wave
a shot of etquila
a head on collision
an epiphany
an overflow
a push
a flow of dopamine
a surge of adrenaline
a stream of serotonin
a swell
an outpour
a cascade
a discharge
a force
an avalanche
a rapid
a torrent
a fountain
a current
a deluge
an inundation
a niagara.
its all of these things.
to make one feel
the sensation of what
feels like kssing
-but what is not lips-
against my skin.
the sensation of what
it's luring edge
gives off.
it's all of these things,
that i have horrifically grown to love.

its the kiss of death.

— The End —