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JidosReality Sep 2016
Every letter that I write seems to be burning JidosReality my poetry started learning, that letters become words and words become meanings.

Memories are never lost they awake but day dreaming, sounds searching and screaming my poem book is drowning silently shouting.

The genius in the words as I write when I think, JidosReality was as twisted as an apple refusing to fall down from a tree. Like a shadow afraid of the dark scared to be lost.

A pen with out ink! Oh how hollow can I think? Words come out rushing the poem cuddles my pen as it starts blushing. 

My fingers are tingling buzzing to the words my thoughts are speaking. Sun shine filled with rain drops cold misty days trying to warm my heart up.

I crush and break every word I can't tame, there's a name for those words every word has a name! Poetry as I write it will never be the same.

JidosReality hears my pen pick my brain, hears the book I write in write down what you see. 

But the pen has no ink a "Blank Page is all I can see.

JidosReality 20.3.15
#JidosReality Só much mneanung in this põem look into it hard and The põem will start speaking to you.
JidosReality Feb 2017
It's madness I tell ya the world I live in, my mind never sleeps it's racing constantly! 

If I could take out all the pain from inside me, and hang it on a washing line for the whole world to see! 

I'm afraid many people would not be able to handle what they see. Do you read my poetry? And ask your self why it's so deep?  

Do you see the tears falling from the words as they speak? 

I try to understand why sadness has attached it's self to me! Why love finds it hard to become best friends with me! 

I gauss it is wat it is it's how it's supposed to be. My soul was just chosen to be left empty. 

If you don't get it? Let me try to explain it simply! Read this poem again the words ain't going anywhere they may be lost but are always listening.

JidosReality 6.2.17
it is what it is! #JidosReality#Poetry
JidosReality Sep 2016
Why does he want it? My life is crazy please show me why his life is so amazing, write on this  poems page tell me why I'm thinking?

Take a word from my page JidosReality is alive and breathing, I grew up stumbling and learning. hush be quiet listen this poem is speaking.

It's day dreaming looking for something. It's very hungry munching yet tasting nothing. You been so polite as you read! thank you I love that smile I see on your face as you read.

My anger is my heart beat.They watched me crumble falling slowly weak, and whilst they stood there laughing pointing many fingers at me, I'll be making my bed under the corner shop sleeping on the street.

My pen in my right hand my poem book waiting to speak my thoughts fighting so much greed. I want to strangle every word they said to me I ripped out all this sadness they left on me.

I smiled in they face as they spat on me my names Majid I'm lost in JidosReality. It's a world you could never understand it's always been mis-understood my Poetry snapped begged me to tear out this page from my poem book.

The words showed me and promised me they would never stop speaking as long as my pen is still alive and breathing.

JidosReality 20.7.15
#JidosReality This poem I wrote about me "Majid" that's why I named it after me I wanted to explain to those that don't know me my life is not what they think it has been all rosie and lovely, it's been an upside down ride in a tumble dryer and I would not change it if I could.
JidosReality Sep 2016
Be careful what your words speak be weary what your eyes see be afraid of your thoughts when they let you dream.

Remember that soft touch that made you blush and lust, learn from that soft touch that ended up hurting your confused heart.

It becomes hard to stop trying to understand were to start, the bottom of the food chain that pit is rough. It shattered me to shreds broke me but made me tough.

You ask your self why? You feel like a raggy old cloth your questions are pointless you always stumble and drop.  

Tumbling and falling ending up on the same spot, you a raggy old doll back to front forgetting what it's all about. This poems a "Mixed Salad many lost meanings screaming out.

Is it truly amazing the poetry I'm creating? Does JidosReality attack every thought you try hiding? 

I watch you standing there looking at your clock whilst it's ticking, you watch me over there paranoid at what I'm thinking.

Tick tock don't forget that time don't stop I think it confuses you trying to understand what my poetry is about. 

order a mixed salad the menu ain't as dull as you are.

JidosReality 14.5.15
#JidosReality This poem is a mixture of emotions the words go through when I write poetry.
JidosReality Sep 2016
Im suffocating and breaking hopefully waiting, dreaming and thinking, silence screaming and dreaming.

Basically waiting listening and searching, I'm breaking and crumbling tears watching and smiling.

Water drops searching and biting, hunting me breaking me, my life is dangerously watching me.

Amazingly teaching me running and chasing me, basically biting me taking me, writing had my pen smiling and talking. 

When I was crying and dying thinking and searching, watching the whole world suffocating. My fears were drowning because they were always crying. 

Words cursing and attacking chasing the meaning of the memory! Reality had now become scary.

Thoughts attacking me me like they wanting something, whilst desert storms protect me from the subs heat.

Water drops trapped in the reflection of the mirror that's watching me. Now can you see? Why poetry had to set you free.

Give you letters and words the meaning was so deep. So please come with me inti JidosReality amazingly poetry was an upside down gift.

It was a gift from the pen because words were attracted to me, they broke me and held me, loved me and hated me. 

And now I'm suffocating holding onto the words that are trying to leave me. 

When I write I feel a buzz it's like a star has fallen from the sky from up above. My heart seems to rush the pen speaks so much.

My poetry is amazing because it comes from the heart.

JidosReality 18.6.14
JidosReality Feb 2017
Tasty treats amazing me. So many words chasing me. All asking me questions is it my turn Jido is it me? 

Imagination coming alive! Cover your ears and just maybe you'll hear it smile. I took a letter flipped it over left it dizzy for a while. 

Words addicted to me! Tasty Treats inviting me into this poetry's fix, pens running around searching for ink shaking uncontrollably. 

Poem book snappy snappy! Withdrawal symptoms many letters missing. The Alphabet needs re-mapping.

Cravings searching.... but the compass is missing it's lost in many sentences that are broken and hurting. 

Tasty Treats amazing me.. Words falling out of the sky hand picking me. 

JidosReality will let you into a secret thats free! words only crumble wen you don't allow them to speak.

JidosReality 1.2.17
My respect for the way the words speak when I write. #JidosReality #Poetry #TastyTreats
JidosReality Sep 2016
Silence I hear nothing it's a strange feeling when your thoughts stop talking, not a whisper or a sound my thoughts have become numb. Every word makes no sense silence has made it's bed.

Silence listen can you hear? This poems empty and hollow filled with meanings screaming loud in your ear. While I nodded nearly napping suddenly there came a tapping.

Silence was hear but whispering nothing stalking me at night catching me silently napping, silence all I can hear is breathing! Remind me of the story about the Poem that never stopped screaming.

Why are all the letters shattered into little pieces? Silence my poem book is thinking my pen is silently writing many words that are dreaming. 

Silence listen can you hear? JidosReality is screaming loud in your ear! Every word that you read is trembling with fear.

Silence hush! Be quiet my pen is meditating before the words began to riot whispering in your ear every words phychoticly violent. 

My poem book begins to shake afraid of the shouting the noise is about to make, silence oh! Let's be quiet! Observe my pen in a stray jacket writing words that are silently shouting.

My poetry's to deep so be quiet so it wrote this poem listen to the silence.

JidosReality 6.20.15
#JidosReality The silence I feel and hear when I'm writing my poetry.
JidosReality Feb 2017
Slow down for a moment shut up and listen! My depression turned me in to a crazy poet turning words into lunatics. 

Sitting in a square room around a table with the mad ones, suicide whispering in my ear it's time to get out.

The mad ones in the room screaming that the voices in they heads are trying to get out. Call me honest wat ever iv been already Labeled a lunatic! 

Have you ever stood in front of the mirror watching your own reflection cut it's self with every memory that makes it go sick? 

Every word that I write tries to mend the SCARS hidden inside somewhere playing hide and sick. Padded cells decorated with silence.

Medication boxes light you up like matches, therapy sessions leave more questions than answers.

Love trying to be explained! Pain trying to be explained! Emotions all mixed up in this bowl that has no name. 

Crazy poet JidosReality ask Majid? He knows my name.

JidosReality 4.2.17
The title hides the meaning #JidosReality #Poetry #CrazyPoet
JidosReality Aug 2016
No body understands addiction unless you stopped missing what you've been missing.

Hears a half empty broken bottle of cider show me how to fix it? Take a sip have a taste ask me why I crave it?

Show me how to hold onto this broken bottle and teach me how to pour it. Whisper in my ear tell me how to drink it. 

You say it's an addicts addiction! Others say it's a medical condition! 

I say it's a habit gone bad overtaking every thought my mind is thinking, why it's always missing memory's that are always searching.

You say the words it's so sad, I say this broken bottle of cider is all I need in my hand. It's not all iv ever hade. But it's road is  long and sad.

It seems to take me to a place were all my control has gone mad. This broken bottle is nearly empty do you have any money you can lend me?

One day when I'm ready I'll ask this craving to leave me. I'll take this broken bottle and hide it some were it cant see me.

Are you drunk? Or are you high? Do you stumble around until you fall down and cry? 

Do you ever wonder why this bottle is broken but always smiles! 

And When you find the broken missing pieces to this bottle.

Ask them why this bottle always made me cry. 

JidosReality 6.6.14
Wrote this Poem about the bottle and how alive it is.
JidosReality Sep 2016
My poetry's so deep they got to dig a hole to find it I'm hiding inside it, it's a confused maze of words crying and smiling I'm lost in those words so they can't find me.

Words addicted to my pen my poetry has a friend ink that always speaks, this maze of letters is a
Puzzle they can't complete.

Every corner they turn is a lessen they would learn, searching for a meaning yet my poetry's always always teaching the more they dig this hole the harder it would be to find me.

Enter the maze please find the letters to the words please, do you  understand what my Poetry does to the pens ink when it thinks? Mind games they like to play now they digging a hole calling my name. 

It's getting bigger and darker my poem book never starters, JidosReality can't they see it's my reality the world I live in. A world mixed with a little madness laughter consumed by sadness happiness fighting with anger.

Thoughts that are always numb from running and falling hard every time they try to jump. Don't see my kindness as a weakness or my Poetry been so simple as washing a plate of dish's.

I guaranty you with a pen you'll find it hard to find the words to explain who you are, were you been and how deep you understand the hole that you in.

JidosReality 20.6.15
#JidosReality Wrote this poem about how deep my poetry is and the meaning is always hiding inside of it of you look closer.
JidosReality Aug 2016
My body is craving, wishing for a drink, alcohol saved me than took me on a depressed road on a suicide trip.

You start reading this poem and than start to think! How could alcohol have saved him? When it broke him and turned him into a thirsty lunatic addict?

My words become poison with a bottle on the table and a drink in my hand fighting with my demons getting as drunk as I can.

I'm angry and fuming  not stopping and thinking, I'll lash out at you if you try to stop me from drinking. You have all these answers but your questions are misleading.

You think that you helping by telling me I'm being selfish? My body is craving uncontrollably shaking. All you see is addiction a problem that needs fixing.

If my craving never took me to a place that's confusing, I would of been lost in a drunken state, losing.

My phone would start ringing and suicide would be calling, knock knock at the door suicide won't stop stalking, I would of given up and ended six feet in the dark.

This alcohol addict had to realise what I would of lost, I had to be strong or ashes to ashes dust to dust.

JidosReality 19.3.15
Respecting and understandig addiction
JidosReality May 2015
I’m a plumb in a Fruit Basket that’s out of control, Two Apples ones green because the Banana forgot that he smelt see he was so old.

The Grape would always sit on its own in the corner in the cold, The Orange could never peel it’s self so the story goes.

The Kiwis always got a twin he aint really in a rush to want to go, Mangos getting weaker as they feel the muscles grow.

Crunch getting over taken by the hour glass that never grows, Sand dunes created by the sweet taste of the Tangerines we all loved to know.

Fruit salad created by the imagination our taste buds have grown to know Pears trying to mingle in this fruit basket that’s getting out of control.

See the birds all sing to the sweet taste of the Nectarines that I’m missing just thought you should know.

This fruit basket is getting heavy i can’t carry it anymore; I’m a Plumb in a fruit basket that’s gone out of control.

JidosReality 7.5.11
JidosReality Jan 2017
Body's numb my senses are heightened for wats about to come! Every emotion is a puzzle that looks oddly complete.

To perfect... my eyes whisper to my thoughts as they think. 

This can't be the solution to the aggravation that's been causing my sleep to commit suicide in the dark every night as I try to sleep! 

JidosReality dragged poetry into somewhere that's deep.

 It will never be the same! broken so much it searches for a solution to try and get out qweek.  

My problems are bigger than yours! And your Problems are bigger than mine? 

They all problems that need solving let's hide them away in my ink and watch my pen start drowning.

I knew it was to good to be true! Cause the truth is never good if it's only about you. 

JidosReality 25.1.17
Find the solution hiding somewhere in the poem #JidosReality #Poetry #Solution
JidosReality Feb 2017
The words coming out from this poem were sad!

This memory I had hidden away had found away to get out. My pen embraced it knowing every word would break it. 

As i looked at my pen and it's ink winked at me, I whispered to it you not ready to write this memory. 

my pen lashed out angry at me! Dropped out from my hand reminding me it's the reason I'm able to breath. 

It's ink has been loyal to every memory I have let free, it makes me smile when I write reading words that are so deep. 

So my poetry stepped in put my pen in my hand, told us we need each other, with out either one well both go mad.  

So I allowed that memory to speak! The pens ink began to think from happiness and all laughter to the madness so much sadness.

My pen begged me to stop writing, understood why this memory was hidden away from reality. 

My question was not been answered! So i asked again? Can I eat the ashes of your burned figed leaf? 

But the time stopped ticking a broken pen is all I had in my hand not breathing.

JidosReality 9.10.16
My pen had a broken episode the memory it wrote was to much for it. #JidosReality #Poetry #BrokenPen
JidosReality Aug 2016
Don't assume what your eyes see as the truth? You say you don't judge but refuse to read the book.

 I hide behind the smiles that your eyes see all the time, you hide behind the lies that your Tongue speaks all the time.

You hollow and shallow and as "Rotten as they come, you paint a perfect picture as perfect as they come. 

Your eyes see me as a bag of broken bones, my eyes look inside me and see a heart of gold.

My eyes look inside you and wish that I was you, but than they look inside and see the rot that grows in you.

Ain't it strange that your book always looks so perfect and new? No stains or torn up pagers why you ashamed to be you?

See my book is in the corner the one looking broken battered and bruised. I ain't ashamed of it so go ahead open it up have a read take a look.

From every letter to every word to every line that you read, the story ain't so shallow as you thought it would be.

You label me ******* strait out of the gutter skip, but you forget that you two faced so "Rotten as ***** as it gets.

The truth really hurts when it's spoken as the truth, this poem is done speaking ask your self who are you?

JidosReality 27.3.15
Poems for people around me that don't know me but are qweek to judge me, I ain't ashamed to be my self this poem speaks.
JidosReality Sep 2016
Life was "Testing and screaming dreams were waiting and shouting. Every word felt like something trusting was nothing.

I grew up hurting and breaking literally hating, they say life was amazing my life took me so reality was basically crazy.

What price would you pay for a smile and whilst you thinking all that anger eats you up inside. I searched and I looked but there was nothing I could find.

Poetry came along and changed my life, the imagination in the pen and the pad saved my life. The words came out rushing cuddling me tight.

The rush that they give me makes me tingle inside JidosReality has come alive. 

Do you read what I write? do you like what you read? Does my poetry understand you like it understands me?

Do the words come to you when you sleep in a dream? Do you understand why the words feel so real?

Poetry locked up patiently waiting, watching and thinking the meaning was sleeping lost in a dream were there's no end to it's meaning.

When letters come together words blush like butterfly's in the Summer weather. They break you like suicide makes you cry when you wanna die.

They hold you when you smile everything feels alright. They follow you watching you waiting for the right time.

The clock seems to be ticking minutes passing by, seconds to many hours days passing by another month brings me closer to the day I got to die.

The day when words make more sense to the amazement of my eyes. Reality was as amazing as the poetry that I write.

JidosReality 20.3.15
#JidosReality Another little part of my life pain and happiness lost on each other.
JidosReality Aug 2016
Torn apart were do I start? I felt like a cold bath left all alone so I brought a hot water bottle to keep it warm.

 Decision time split into pieces many personalities would now be needed, my trust was taken and abused put me In a position with many rules.

Hear take this pair walk a day in My shoes! Can you keep a secret? Hide it in your pocket take it home and fix it? 

I looked in the mirror and started questioning what 
my reflection was thinking. I was torn between two worlds slowly drowning and thinking . Now the situation I was in needed a solution to all this rule braking. 

I'm balancing trying to walk on this fine line, I'm been expected to choose if the truth is lie. It's a mad mad world when you in to deep and you close your eyes and you just can't sleep.

Now who do I trust? How did I end up torn apart? All I did was listen and give honest advise when I was asked.

The weak link on this chain of trust will have to be addressed, no more games I'll be playing this stress is madly insane. Trust issues throw out the same door you came in.

I'm still torn apart holding onto the edge of the mountain top, if I fall I will drop if I hold on when will it stop? Either way I'm left with two words "Torn Apart".

JidosReality 19.6.15
I was Torn Apart this poem is about explaining how I was feeling not knowing what direction to go in.
JidosReality Sep 2016
Like a rusty old nail on an old boat, a business class seat on a plan that takes you somewhere were the stars don't don't glow.

From searching for the keys to the ferrari that's as slow as a donkey goes, from been promised a dream that's so amazing you have to go.

People with out friends traveling to a new boarder, running away from they land a place were peace is consumed by death and hatred is all over they land.

We all have a story to tell a traumatic experience our life becomes a living hell. 

And wen all seems down and depression is the mood, you hear about this drop-in it sounds to good to be true, everybody we trusted on our journey has hurt us.

We walk in to the drop-in confused broken and used, we greeted with a smile! hello my friend! how can I help you.

Would you like a cup of tea or something to eat? Or would you like to sit down hear please take my seat. And slowly it changers our trauma starts mending. 

Our trust starts growing our smiles are now glowing, we left our friends in search for new boards.

Now we have found happiness with friends without boarders.   

JidosReality 6.2.16 (Dedicated to all the Refugees)
#JidosReality Poem is for the drop-in that the refugees come to for help it's so touching always puts a tear to my eyes.
JidosReality Sep 2016
Lost a word with so many questions an emotion lost somewhere in the answers.

As my mind twists and turns deep within inside my broken soul has no were to run away and hide. From all this anger my sadness creates from the tears running down my eyes.

Please can you help me breath? I'm looking for my mom my dad any one from my family.

 They all lost it's hurting me inside the memory of them is all that I got.

Have you ever lost everything that meant loads to you? Have you ever lost your self trying to find the truth?

I'm trying to breath and it's hard my shadows lost somewhere in the dark. My thoughts are whispering shouting out loud.

The last thing I said to them was I love you now I pray to see them and tell them I missed them.

I feel anxious confused and powerless no smiles but tears filled with sadness, laughing and blaming me but you don't understand this.

You would expect a caterpillar to turn into a butterfly but how strange does the world become the moment you cry?

And not every smile leaves a twinkle in your eye and not every butterfly deserves to fly.

JidosReality 4.7.15
#JidosReality This poem I wrote for the little kids that have Lost they families whilst trying to travel to a better place to live. We know them as immigrants!!!!
JidosReality Feb 2017
Many paths have taken me on many roads! Wouldn't you like to know? 

But before I write this poem do you know your up from your bottom?

Do you have a place you can go wen confusion is all around your world? 

Now let me take you on this road of many paths that as far as I know only two people have been bold enough to go.

The storm may be asleep on the top of the ocean! Cuddled up tight warm and cosy at the bottom. 

Sometimes the bottom of the ocean is the only place to be, you see the storm at the top is filled with emotions lost in the winds. 

See that path coming up in the words that I write? That path has no end to its darkness lost in the night. 

So dark on that path my hands struggle to write, you can play hide and seek on this path but there's no were to hide.

Many paths so many questions? Many roots different destinies! They all seem to lead to that one place called love.

But wen you get there Love has left long ago sleeping on one of the other many paths.

JidosReality 4.2.17
Understand this poem to understand your emotions. #JidosRealty #Poetry #ManyPaths
JidosReality Sep 2016
I had to think about the words before I wrote this Poem, see the hatred in-side me had no were to go.

Words broken by letters that felt abused and ripped apart thoughts searching for a place to hide in the dark.

My Poem books about to explode scattered words filled with Hatred falling apart, my angers lost in a rage strangling this poems page. 

I'm writing and shaking my pens fighting this Poems writing.

Understand the meaning my cravings addicted to this writing, it's so exciting it's creeping out from some were inside me. 

Hatred looks like a water drop falling fast running away lost, I want to rip my soul out into many pieces and let my eyes watch me try to fix it.

It's a dark hole scars filled with Hatred many alive with secrets story's that bleed when they start thinking. 

My mind try's not to day dream my day dreams make my Hatred speak day dreams screaming never going away qweek.

Hatred in this moment many memories filled with moments hating this Moment, remember that day when your life changed? Another moment lost away when you try to pray.

No answers coming back and yet you pray and pray all day thinking of what to say. See my Hatreds alive burning me to ashes in-side. 

A smokeless fire with many flames my Hatred will have to be contained in this poem books page.

JidosReality 19.6.5
#JidosReality The anger my pen feels sometimes. the hatred it has to express it's self so deep it can't be left alone.
JidosReality Sep 2016
She had evil in her vain's, her heart wished for all our pain. 

From the moment she could see the true meaning of fear, it made her think! How much she needed it.

Her words would never speak, they would always whisper to us whilst we sleep.

 Our nightmares were all created every action was meant to break us.

Our hearts were filled with fear, our happiness were turned to tears. 

Our happy memories were all erased and replaced with suffering that lived on our pain.

Her secret was so deep her love breathed no heart beat. Her destiny has no soul it's world was dark and cold. 

Her smile was always lost as it twisted watching us rot. Eating away at us slowly like shadows searching in a fog. 

Her secret was in a box! Locked an tired up in a knot. Her past was never gone it's future had to be found.

Our souls were all promised to a spirit she had conjured. Blood has to be spilled every drop taking away our youth.

She acts like she's caring loving and always smiling. Her food always tasted good but we never knew it was blessed with African voodoo.

Animal sacrifice the snake would cuddle her at night late in bed. The eggs would be planted around the house in th morning.

Her world is a world were demons would respect and wait to be commanded.

JidosReality 20.4.14
JidosReality Jan 2017
My dreams are in a reality of a hash tag that does not exist.

Oh you who do not believe! Put your self in the shoes of a soul that screams. 

Would you dive into a bin? And cut off the only good parts left on the apple that's rotting? 

So at least the little 5 year old you meet in this jungle lost and weak! Can have something to chew on.. 

so many tears holding they hands out asking for help please! 

This jungle is Beautifully Brutal the only home that I know there's no snow but it's cold. 

There's no heating but my mouths dry craving for water a mirage is all my eyes can see. 

What day is it? Is it Monday of thursday? Are you sitting there in your warm house complaining that your favourite show was not recorded? 

Tell me? What happened to humanity? You pay money to go to the zoo to see animals caged up living nicely! 

I pray you turn on your telly and see me in this jungle been judged for the choices life had dealt me!

screaming so loudly yet you hear nothing the tv's on mute Surprisingly! 

Hear please come let me hold your hand! Come breath this air full of tear gas the police breath out shouting shut up your life no one cares. 

Beautifully Brutal this world I live in from a baby to an immigrant to a refugee.

Who's future hope is raising a family in a world I belong to and not this open prison you all see.

JidosReality 24.1.17
Poem is for those lost in the Jungle in the refugee camps #JidosReality #Poetry #BeautifullyBrutal
JidosReality Jan 2017
When I wanted to cry my tears refused to fall, when I wanted to smile my smiles ran away fast, when I wanted to be loved everybody left me,

when I got comfortable alone Love came running from all sides towards me, It is the goodness in you the humble soul in you.

it is the love you bought to me to awake my smiles from the fast sleep they were in. It is because of you I am in love.

And there were times when I often felt my soul disappointed with me with the choices life had delt me.

it confused me and just took me into a darker hole that was filled with nothing but my disappointed soul, and as time went by I realised this is what life had wanted for me so I lived in that place it was sad but it was the only place I had.

Than you came along and helped me out brushed off all the sadness that was around  you took my hand and made it warm you made me believe that love had not run away, it was just waiting for xu to come my way  #JidosReality #Poetry #YouAndI
JidosReality Feb 2017
Emotions are like a flavour in my mouth I can taste them Joy tastes like Strawberries. Hate is like a hungry mouth. and love is like rose water I enjoy them all except for one betrayal that has a taste like a burned piece of meat.

My life's full of twists and turns bumps and bruises along the way. See I was quiet but not blind my silence whispered to me....There are some people who could hear you speak a thousand words, and still not understand you. And there are others who will understand you with out you speaking a word.

In the colderst of darkness, see the light.
In the anger of fear, invoke the love.
In the lost time of chaos, claim the peace that lies beyond.

You must not lose faith in your soul because your Soul is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are *****, the ocean does not become *****.

See life is to short to be angry for your self for been human. There are many things that can only be seeing through the eyes that have only cried.

Cause Nothing in this world is permanent, and we’re foolish when we ask anything to last, but surely we’re still more foolish not to take delight in it while we have it.

Eventually you’ll end up where you need to be, with who you’re meant to be with, and doing what you should be doing. Patience is the only key.

JidosReality 18.2.17
#JidosReality #Poetry #Emotions
JidosReality Sep 2016
I remember wen I walked onto albert road, I was this mix race stubby funny looking toad.I wonder'd around lost with no were to go.

I walked and I looked and came across this Fox, he said his name was Sam but they called him Fat Fox, he whispered in my ear! Than kissed me on the chick! told me that Albert road and poetry needed me.

And than something magical seemed to have happened, I went from a toad to a poet addicted to writing. I stopped and I listened and was shocked at wat I could see, 

A dog with one eye! A One eyed Dog trying to get free, now the sounds it was making it was never barking or growling, it sounded so strange stuck on a corner watching! 

A strange sight to my eyes I decided to keep on walking, I found my self fishing on Albert road whilst thinking, I cought some bass some cod with a bag of pickle onions I was using.

This goose than approached me asked if I had some bread to give it? I said yes I do! come along with me let's move qweekly.

I took it to this place that I had seeing this guy earlier! His name was Alberrito a mexican lost in a bottle of Tequila. He gave it some bread the Goose passed out qweekly! 

He laughed out so loud said the feast will began shortly, so i called my friend Sam! You know that guy they call the Fat Fox, we all sat at the table and fed our bellys with this roasted Goose that ended up Lost. 

The scraps we were dropping, Little Jonny was eating, see he was a Jack-Russell so hungry and needy. 

And at the end of the feast! The Mexican, And the Fox And the Toad that became a Poet made our way to Huss "House"

We sat there drinking pills-Ners staring out of the window, The Good Politician across the road could only wish that he knew us.  

JidosReality 15.5.16
#JidosReality Poemn is about all the pubs named after animals on Albert Road Portsmouth, thought it would be a nice qwerky poem.
JidosReality Aug 2016
I don't know my head seems to be all over the place at the moment I try not to write but my pen keeps calling. The inks deep in thought as the words start pouring out.

Take a canvas hears the brush paint my life for me make the picture look happy as everyone I see, tell a story with this picture that's so perfect to see, hears a pen and a book write my life for me.

Try to imagine my perfect life in this broken book that you write for me. I try to be quiet and keep my self to me, but the more I be quiet I draw more attention to me.

My thoughts remind me I'm a miss fit I don't fit, I'm lost in this puzzle that's all around me. My mind is a puzzle everyday is a struggle find me the missing piece please to solve this puzzle.

The anger building up inside me it's confusing how I think, my thoughts are shattered broken up and weak, my Hatred keeps searching for answers to questions that break me.

I'm poison what can I say stay away from this poison, I'm better off Alone no cuddles for me in the morning. I'm the snow flake that melted cause they forgot to tell me it was not snowing.

All alone in this heat where's all the snow that created me my destines been chosen a melting road awaits me.

JidosReality 10.6.15
An emotion I try to understand but keep learning.
JidosReality Aug 2016
Cold breeze in the summer time warm sun on my skin, blue sky's up above all my senses are tingling.

my eyes are amazed by the sight that they see, it feels like iv been picked up and dropped in a day dream.

A day dream that cannot scream, my eyes are Peaceful as they could ever be, a sight that's amazing as the warm sea running against my feet.

My touch creates a rush blushing goose bumps like a red rose blooming some were in my heart.

The sense that I'm feeling of everything around me that's alive and living is making my touch create memories that remind me that life is truly amazing.

I smell the roses and the violets and the sweet smell that attracts the bees, the salty air fromthe sea blowing around in this cool breeze.

I can taste the smell from my nose the seas so salty it's blue and it glows, taste buds coming alive water drops cuddling this dry mouth of mine.

So many sounds from different places from many places these sounds are created.

Birds humming away children filled with laughter as they play. Ice cream vans play their tunes the soft wind whistles through

The blue sky speaks with silence my "Peaceful Soul is now peacefully smiling.

JidosReality 19.6.15
Sea Side, Amazing
JidosReality Sep 2016
What goes throughout an addicts brain? Besides static pain broken words addicted to pain.

A broken train derailed as death waits to slowly inflict more pain. My pen tries to breath like an addicts addiction craving for another drink.

Scratching around looking for another hit, the addict may be rich or poor living good or on the street. With every hit and every drink the addict will never be like you and me.

Addicted to something Buzzing addict what a munchie, ill have a smoke this high grade is some nice ****.

Come on baby girl come smoke with me , sit down and listen my poetry is amazing just let all the words go free.

An addict is cleaver what a lier so clever. It all comes down to a drink. Another hit let's the addict breath.

It don't matter if they score in a house or on the street. They thoughts always echo making sounds that are empty. 

Pockets always empty they bellies are always starving, the words from they mouth are full of ******* and nothing.

The addict won't stop! The addict is broken and torn apart there's no honesty or trust. See now the story's told everyone has given up.

Making choices broken promises and the lies will have to stop. The addicts at the bottom were there's nothing to hold on.

Everyday they get judged, stop the drugs even tho it's hard Stop.

Stop the drinking and start thinking? You alcoholic your life is with living. Don't destroy this life you were given.

You think you understand an alcoholics addiction? Understand this? Put your self in an addicts position.

JidosReality 17.6.14
#JidosReality Addiction is madness it's another world, untill you in it don't judge understand.
JidosReality Oct 2015
With My Hands on my Head my head to the pillow the pains so deep like a Cold Winters Willow.

In my mind I’m a fighter My Hearts the lighter my soul sparks it up like a fluid lighter.

This Poem Isn’t for you it’s for me Reality is Twisted it will never set you free, a poet suffering with arthritis for every word spoken an emotion starts to think.

And brings out everything at the moment that I think, I’ll be self-destructing mind blowing crushing Poetry searching because they never saw what I could see.

My Pen. wasn’t lazy it learned lessons from the words it had created, it gets a “Rush” every time my hand picks it up to Create Poetry from the heart.

It has a life of its own every Letter picks it’s Poem, every Word has a Sound that the pen helps bring out.

JidosReality 5.5.13
JidosReality Jan 2017
prefer to express myself metaphorically. let me stress metaphorically not symbolically.My Poetry's all over me like maggots on garbage, just because I interfered with a pickpocket the other day.

Once a flower is picked it immediately begins to die. see hope is the crystal **** of emotions. It hooks you fast and kills you hard. The loneliest people are the kindest. The saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged people are the wisest.

See my Happiness is the china shop; love is the bull.If Music is a Place then Jazz is the City, Folk is the Wilderness, Rock is the Road, Classical is a Temple.

See Love is a piano dropped from a four story window and you were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

But it is just two lovers, holding hands and in a hurry to reach their car, their locked hands a starfish leaping through the dark. #JidosReality #Poetry #Amazing
JidosReality Oct 2015
Scars all over my face on my hands on my knees, they all over the place each one brought alive with a different story to tell.

Some have been an Accident others have put me through Hell.
The situation was never easy been in a place where greed was envy.

Watching your friends turn into enemy’s, using you as the bate like Sharks circling around patiently waiting.

The Scars. On my fists remind me of the walls I used to hit, when the world made Me Angry it made me think it hatted me.

My hands would hurt with pain as all the Hate Rushed through me; the Scars on my face were from a story book that lost a page.

I felt like A Drunk I couldn’t stand like a man, I was angry at the Bottle so I picked it up and smashed my face.

The Scars on My Lip were broken and confused, the Scars on My back had me used and abused.

The Scars on My Legs had lost many friends; tattoos all over my body to hide the Scars that make me feel sorry.

Every one with a story to tell all over my body.

JidosReality 9.5.12
JidosReality May 2015
The cold touch of the deserts sand, the whisper on my skin from the suns heat.

The lonely feeling of the lost wind. The little gecko pacing fast on its small feet.

The shade holding on to the only tree, the blue sky smiles as the sun shines.

The brown color of the sand waters run away and left this land as far away as it can.

This desert is alive there’s nothing hear but sadness and pain become friends with the heat and it will spare your heart beat.

Sand Dunes confusing you as far as your little eyes can see, you can shout and scream and wonder why nobody thinks?

You feel like you trapped in a dream with only a bottle of water to make you feel.

If it’s not the desert the sun or the heat your life is about to be complete.

JidosReality Aug 2016
I would rather trust a women's instinct than a mans reason, I'm sick and tired of fake people for many different reasons.

A women's instinct is the truth no reason to mis lead me. All these fake other people around are a new bread of ******* leaches.

They make me sick they really do cockroach little leaches, I had to write this poem to get all this anger out my system, I see them coming from were they don't I won't let them in my head no I won't.

They mind games are seriously silly hurry up tick tock the clock is ticking, you ******* leaches creatures always scheming and tricking. 

Your end game is your game my anger is your pain I refuse to play dumb that situation has Ended, you blocked and un followed yes mate you un freinded, my Pen is so angry let the words speak to mend it.

How can I trust a mans reason? When a mans reason is unpleasing two faced qweek'ly judging realising that trust was nothing.

At least a womens instinct is realistic no mind games no *******, she's trusting not wanting not thinking she needs to be winning. That game she ain't playing her instincs are all she's saying.

She ain't got nothing to gain but a simple solution to my pain, let me be honest and explain I'm sick of fake people who always sound the same. So let me remind you my poetry's so exciting. 

JidosReality 6.6.15
Am tired of fake people this poem has so much meaning in it.
JidosReality May 2015
Today seems a bit different, something’s happened! It’s so strange this feeling, there’s more to life than thinking.  It’s easier said than done, you cannot stop thinking but you can control your feelings about what you thinking.

Are you dreaming? Is it real? That life is holding you with cuddles of thoughts filled with pain and sorrow and anger, laughter seems to be lost.

I feel alone, like my shadow late at night. Wondering around trying to find a little light.

And just for the moment I see that light in the distance, my pace starts speeding up as my thoughts are going to connect with this light. Where my shadow could be seen just for a moment in this dark time.

But the closer I get the harder and further it seems. Rain drops start falling slowing me down! I keep going on and my thoughts tell me don’t let the rain stop you Think.

Determination. I will succeed and finally I reach this little light and all that seemed bad is filled with happiness.

JidosReality Sep 2016
I had to think about it? Everytime it had me in a place where evil breathed.

It's been a long long time, thought I could run far far away! But it got me calling.

And knew why I looked my pain was the price I had to pay to understand this life that I lived.

It's reality was twisted by many words that were lost in an empty star that was bright with darkness.

I cried tears that smiled this was my destiny, I fight and I try but my tears still cry. Why won't it leave me why?

It's the only thing that believes in me. It's words make no sounds but it's caring always sounds out loud.

Every time it's not around my thoughts hear it calling. In the morning it's the worst Shaking Alcohol Carving.

Begging for some Cider to come and take away this thirst that's craving. It don't really care that I'm hurting and braking.

All it really knows is that it has me craving, screaming and lying in control of my thoughts, whispering words always shouting literally dying.

Letters never smiling they always crying and bitting. Memories are created because somebody's smiling or crying. 

Rehab never had the answer but addiction would make you wonder? That drinking Cider has many questions and answers to make you wonder! 

JidosReality 9.6.14
#JidosReality It takes you away far far away, a place that understands you but at the same time breaks you Dark Times.
JidosReality Sep 2016
I'm oxygen and she's dying to breathe. I'm a little pencil in the hand of a writing God, who is sending a love letter to the world so please listen no need to speak".. 

Do not fall in love with people like me. 

I will take you to museums, and parks, and monuments, and kiss you in every beautiful place.

so that you can never go back to them without tasting me like blood in your mouth. 

I will destroy you in the most beautiful way possible. 

And when I leave you will finally understand, why storms are named after people. 

JidosReality 7.6.16
#JidosReality Love what is Love? Happiness or Pain??
JidosReality Aug 2016
Your heart is my love always has me smiling and thinking this love is amazing. You can not be replaced you my world my everyday.

Good Times because of you priceless words I love you how can I show you how I feel? And how amazing you make me feel? The only way I know this Poems for you and only you.

I remember my world was upside down twisted and bruised, I felt all alone my world was all gloomy and blue, it was a cracked broken reflection I held the mirror so many questions didn't know what to do.

My life was tainted that cloudy picture badly painted, memory's I want lost to be thrown away hidden in the dark, but if I could if I really could I wouldn't go back and change the past.

They all still look at me and see an old nail covered in rust, when you look at me your eyes whisper love from your sweet heart.

I lost the plot decided to stop forgot what life was all about, I was always sad very mad I suppose I was angry at the life I had I had given up I closed my heart cause I could smell and feel it rot.

You came my way and told me it's okay, you gave me life you gave me a reason to want to stay you saved me from the madness that I was feeling everyday.

Good Times because if you and I'll end thus poem by telling you i love you.

JidosReality 26.6.15
A Põem for My little Girl The strenth shw hás given me.
JidosReality Feb 2017
It’s something I’ve been cultivating for many years now.

Just imagine a mandala or a flower and think about the center of the flower and then all the petals that come out from the center and think of the center of the flower as absolutely still, and think of all of the petals as moving, and energy, and change, but the center is still.

Where is your center?
Thoughts coming, they’re petals. Thoughts arising, changing, disappearing.

“What’s happening? I don’t understand!”
“What’s he talking about? This isn’t going to help!”
“When is he going to start?”
“Where is my silent place?”

Those are all the thoughts. Just notice them. They arise, they exist, they pass away, they’re supplanted by another thought a moment later.

When they were there, they all seemed very real, didn’t they? You can hardly remember the thought you had two minutes ago. It just came and went, just like a summer storm.

An itch on the nose, a pain in the knee, a sound outside, somebody moving, coming, going, coming, going, the stuff of life. Just coming, going, coming, going. Behind it right here is just quiet.

It’s interesting, how many words we will use that are designed to ultimately bring you right to the center of the flower, right to the quiet place, right to the place where we meet, in the deepest way.

We meet through our words, through our concepts. Relationally, we meet in the silence united.

JidosReality 18.2.17
#JidosReality #Poetry #Sometimes
JidosReality Sep 2016
My thoughts are lost in this house of cards build from bricks, some doors in this house open up memories that scream. 

The room in this house I'm sitting in writing this poem needs to breath, to many memories in this room fighting for oxygen that's trying to leave.

There's no house warming feeling, or a hand baked loaf of bread in the oven dreaming. Just memories torn apart they happiness stopped speaking.

So deep wen I think! Its so sad how could it be? Anger and pain are the only voice to my memories.

Happiness and Love those memories are lost far far away in the rust of this broken falling house.

So many Memories laughing at me cause I'm weak, every room I walk into tells a story with no happy ending.

Im trapped and I'm lost, the keys in my hands only open doors to were loneliness is never lost in the dark.

All I'm left with is Cracked Memories all over this house of cards build from bricks. 

JidosReality 9.8.16
#JidosReality My Memories are trapped they have no where to go
JidosReality Nov 2017
Take a moment once in a while, to pause to breath reflect and smile. Let’s all stand tall with respect and pride. And make Portsmouth’s Hero Lord Nelson proud as he watchers his beautiful city smile.

Take my hands and let’s climb up the spinnaker tower, Think happy thoughts and look around.Thank you to Portsmouth City for welcoming me me into this amazing town. Take a run down the sea front pass Clarence pier.

Feel the sun on your face your feet on the ground. Count the stars and examine the sky. Catch the rain and watch the birds fly.

Make something from silence let words lift your soul, and explore every sweet bit of your beautiful soul. My life cuddles destiny and bought me to this place where I was meant to be.

The Gloves on my hands meditating in this boxing ring, my future whispering to my thoughts as I think. Determination and hard work early morning starts.

I will start from the bottom and work my way to the top. Heart beating fast many emotions trying to get out. My thoughts whispering to me.

Float like a Butterfly sting like a Bee” for you are a champion a role model the world needs to see. Inspired by the greats~ Lord Nelson- Mohamed Ali.

So follow your dreams and never give up, and always work hard, your day will arrive at the right time. Remember your stars always shining to bright up the night.

JidosReality 5.10.17
Amazing just so amazing #JidosReality #Poetry #JourneysFestervel
JidosReality Nov 2017
My life decided to rest me with determination, found my self in this city I knew nothing about called Portsmouth, the first emotion that attached it’s self to me was loneliness.

My mind was in shock but I knew I had to carry on and be strong. Cause I was about to have a baby this little life inside me needed me. Far away from my family a lot of mixed feelings going on.

And than like a nightmare it slowly faded away like an angel my best friend Shamilla was send my way. She threw away the loneliness I was feeling everyday.

Took my hand and said don’t worry from now on everything will be okay. And now I don’t worry my little boy is grown up and happy.

From shopping down Gunwharf to taking him for walks down the beach, watching my son grow up so happy in this amazing place we both call home Portsmouth City.

It took time to adjust and I may of felt trapped, but my future looks bright I have my little boy by my side.

JidosReality 4.10.17
I take my strength from Esobel #JidosReality #Poetry #JoirneysFestervel

— The End —