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Jeremy Lowry Oct 2016
These land mines of sour thoughts. Bringing me to the end of my taste buds of life. They visit me at night and tied me down. I'm waiting,wondering when it will stop. Last breath, last day, last torture.. fear released me, hope in prisoned me. Hope is a lie.
Jeremy Lowry Oct 2016
This train rolls down the tracks of my grave. Shaking away,what I took in my death. This train ,fast and strong. Warning sound in life. My eyes see their ways. The wind blowing the trees ,removing the leaves of emotions and love. That dreams could never be. Just a dream. My roots weak and thirsty. I fall to pieces, and my life is over. I tend the weeds that took me over. I feed the lies that terminated my heart, bleeding amongst these humans- who refused to see,me. Their faith,was a bulldozer that drove their justifying ******. Torn between the enemy of the white clothed. Do you see me, here I am. I feel, did you know that, that I feel. Tormenting my heart, alone. Do you see me, here I am on my knees. Do you see me, here I am please LOVE me.
Jeremy Lowry Oct 2016
I'm sorry, tell me to stop if you want. But I can picture and feel the exciting sensation of your lips, a soft kiss, is a smile waiting to be fulfilled, upwelling of the timeless moment inside my mind. When my lips touch yours.
Jeremy Lowry Oct 2016
They robbed my from innocence, they took my life and tied my up, upon a false rock made of dreams. Lost my life, my end , my death, was only a wish. Rapped by the masses of hurting people. I try. No more. I die forevermore. Waiting, no hope. I welcome her call, take me, free me. Stop these memories of ******. A little child I was, forced by the sickness of humanity. I was a child stolen to meet insanity. Life I know, no more.
Jeremy Lowry Oct 2016
I wear those clothes too. Like the vintage necklace. That nobody wants to buy. Just thrown away, covered with dust. My feelings, no trust, tasting your blood and drinking mine. Our love turns to rust.
I know the taste of ******, rusty, memories of PAIN.

— The End —