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The real joy your lap gives
My creeping Goddess of night
Happy, free from all confusion
Listening unheard music of twilight

Nothing in life is so beautiful
Than intention of links remain
A new born child seeks always
Her parents feeding cares sustain

Nothing can justify any way
The bird with wings in dream
Always trying fly to return again
Enjoy the chirping myrtle sway

Nothing always bind or release
Healthy relations are cool breeze

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~

know the poet and peep into his poem ''Jawahar Gupta'' and his poem: the music of twilight  by Bipul Ch.Kalita

One of the Indian poets whom I earnestly appreciate for their unceasing efforts for creating a soft and creative platform, especially for the promising poetic minds of the current trends is my adorable friend Jawahar Gupta. He is clean in his expressions and mild in choosing and using words in his poems. Jawahar Gupta who was born on the 8th October in 1952 was a science graduate. He worked in a pharmaceuticals company and retired from there as a Sales Manager. He writes in Hindi, Punjabi, and English. As he is a popular figure in face book, I don't think that I should annoy the readers repeating the things about his poetic journey etc.
The poem's title contains an abstract slant. But if one goes deep into it the slants gradually disappears. The poet's ear to the music of the twilight is not far from mystical approach to the reality too. Twilight is not total darkness. It contains a bit of light that wraps the poet's Goddess of nights-

''The real joy your lap gives
My creeping Goddess of night''

The eternal music of nature frames human hearts in the world of mysticism. The poet takes twilight for a source of spiritual pleasure, as if a mother's warm lap is the ultimate source of pleasure and safety for a baby-

''Happy, free from all confusion
Listening unheard music of twilight''

''Nothing in life is so beautiful
Than intention of links remain
A new born child seeks always
Her parents feeding cares sustain''

The poet's imagination are innocently formed, Nothing can prevent him from flying with the wings of imagination, but at the same moment he is aware of the real world. Like a bird that flies everywhere without forgetting to return its own nest. Hard works of the days send the poet to the lap of the nights, enabling him to roam in his divinely honeyed world the twilight-

''The bird with wings in dream
Always trying fly to return again''

The poet thinks that man's normal but natural activities for his survival or existence should not be allowed to hurt the human relations. The evening twilight shows ways to night while that of the dawn will pave paths to greet the day. The relation between days and nights is maintained by the twilight. So, he has to maintain that relations-

''Healthy relations are cool breeze''

It is difficult to appreciate critically any work of critic. It's my noble venture to peep into an adorable poet and friend. Hope, dear readers will excuse me for my limitations. Waiting for more and more poetic writes from my dear friend Jawahar Gupta.
by the way i call him my kind grandfather :-)

I like the spices in your new song
That jumps in an expected direction
To teach our tongue to be so long
I will keep it in my musical collection

We can attempt to see connection
How friendly elephants never forget ?
Don't turn away when we need protection
Our worthy life is to credit never to debt

But, be sure , snowman will melt one day
So be true to your thinking, hat, and gloves
That day may be Sunday but not a fun day
So try to be the star, the whole world loves

Jasmine draws my eyes on the highest tree
So that, nothing can be kept hidden from me
I can watch over you, Earth, Sky, and sea
Now ask God what is left for me, yet to see

~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~

P.S...My granddaughter , Jasmine, She has written, Oh my kind grandpa, I've drawn your eyes on the tall
branches of the trees
my kind grandfather( Jawahar Gupta) is a wise man and he really has a beautiful heart :-)
i love him so much,,,
Don't be a mud on road
be a rainbow in the sky
Master what and why

~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
When you smile with your heart

Your blood flush your cheek red

Do not allow any inhibitor

To inhibit your easy life flow bed

Better adaptation to the constant change

Which brings heaven and earth under our head

Pretty dear ! My Universe Beauty ! Never wonder

Where your cosmic eternal secret lies

If the life on earth is temporary dew drop

Let your rainbow fragrance dissolve in the sky

But you are here with divine abundance

To freely hold, embrace and fully open

To receive your heat beats in radiance

How much blessed you are my beloved

To discover each potential new day

To have living sensitive opportunity

To watch warm sunrise together

And to fall in love with you in moonlit night

Without any pride, prejudice , and illusion

Without any pain, insult , and confusion

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
her smile burst like bubble gum
her cheeks smell as queen of the night
her face glow like the morning sun
o my sweet child, you entwined me like Jasmine

~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
Jawahar Gupta : my lovely sweet child, Jasmine , good night Yasaman Johari

Yasaman Johari : good night my kind grandfather,,,Jasmines will kiss your beautiful heart,,, :-)
Jasmine loves you so much my kind grandfather
Apples are delicious
Gems are precious
Complacency is vicious
But, Your look is gracious
And Laughing is infectious

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
Relaxing rain sounds
clear weeping eyes silently
in meditation

~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
you ask
I gaze at the stars ?
I say
it's because
they remind me of your eyes

~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
he wrote it for me,,,, :-)
Silence broke into tears
But cried with authority of a heavy rain
With a prescription of a rule of the land
How many still write,
in autumn bells ?
when gentle dew sickles the nerves of my brain
tighten the bronchial tree of my chest
when your wings will broom the dust of the wound
behind the door of my aging heart ?

When the day will increase fresh greenery
Around the tiring garden of long passing life
And protect all the wedding stories
And save them for next generations and
Not allowing them to die
In a flooded storm of worldly intelligentsia ?

The dry leaves will remain burning
In the high temperature of June of My country
the serene calm river of wisdom will invite me drown
In Her depth up to the pebbles and sand
settled loosely in her breast flowing with deep water, but
The winter of coming life will try to frost my fertile brain
but the sacred heart reminds me to reach
the Ocean of the colored horizon

So I should be baptized or Initiated by the Guru
To follow the word of God or name of God
To know, realize and experience the hell or heaven of emotions
But, Some are so mature to become their own teacher
to write with their own pen on their own paper

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
I love people, sea, faith of life and moonlight
I am again in the broad day of SunLight

Out of the emptiness and silence of the night
If you lose eyesight You will never see the Sunlight

So dance like a butterfly in the bright sunlight
Don't worry about the misery critique being tight

Everything is meant to be gone alright
Nothing in the dark since clouds burst to show daylight

The sunshine, get sweet sunlight alright, in a shine so bright
Evening sunlight once again Turns the world to shine so bright

It's So scared to dream in a world without any sunlight
Fill up all your days with sunlight Make the passion last every night

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
you sit
bare feet
in deep water
to look into the sky
trying to get answers
for why the crystal clears
the water
has an abundance of pearls

in deep water
where you sit
bare feet
so crystal clear
the fishes touch you
with new sensation each time

not giving you some aqua pressure therapy
but a touch by their natural movement
if you know the answer
then for what are you waiting for ?

After all, that splendid or wonderful or exciting happens
just remember those that brings simple little pleasures,
following one another softly,
like pearls slipping of a string

Experience this chill of winter
then cherish the warmth of brightness
please,just, do not look to the sky
This is the beauty that comes from pain
and that pain is the source that gives us pleasure

~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
Like the heavy full Clouds rich with water
I emptied myself by showering upon you
but you never understood the value of precious gems
And thought it an useless advice from the ignorant

I never said that I will make a castle in the heaven
Or create a Palace of pearls for seven
Because pearls are useless in a desert
The dying man just needs a few drops of water

A harvest of peace grows from seeds of contentment
O my daughter, listen
When a crow is killed by a storm
The fortuneteller says, ''He died by my curse

Let us live together as fish live with crocodile
As fragrance lives with flower, warmth lives with sun
As stars live together with cool moon in the milky light
A house without children is a graveyard

Why be alone when we can live together my child
You can make my life worthwhile
And I can make you start to smile
So don't emit poison like snake, I have fed you milk
When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced
Now, Live your life in such a manner that when you die,
The world cries and you rejoice.

Don't go away alone, turning your face from us
Remember ! Even a cat is a lion in her own lair

~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
The composition is based on their Indian Myth and Culture, q
You are my breathing flower
Fragrance in living room
From breakfast to dinner
From yesterday to today
Free from tomorrow

Whether warm or cold
Whether weak or bold
Whether in bar or saloon
Whether in sun or moon
Must dance in night or noon

Folly and the fun
No doubt, holding none
Doubling song of clown
Don't Sigh what you have done
Nothing strange to do one by one
Angels laugh at race we run and won

I know
Things change
And friends leave
Life doesn't stop for anybody

But No one can stop me accept
My Love
I Think I deserve you,

Happiest I am when you are with me
Lovely life, no waiting you are still here

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
dew on pink Lotus
reflect the heavenly light
as Earthy diamonds

~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
when tears are in eyes
I focus on beautiful Earth
Sun, flowers and you

~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
enjoy, don't steal here
everything exists on earth
free air, light, water

~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
Today,,,I am as fresh as yesterday
My black hair has a thread of gray

Ten Commandments right in what they say
Love and kisses to all without any doubt or betray

Plant Roses or myrtle tree regularly not only in May
Open your heart to all seasons with Golden Ray

Touch my heart where your finger lay
And Listen to the sweet bells over the bay !

My black hair has a thread of Gray
But, Today, I am as fresh as yesterday

When sea grows stormy, Long prayers , I say ,
Asking for those gifts again my Lord gave yesterday

I dare not move my dim eyes any way
My Lord is in the fields, on the seas, in the winds at play,

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
i love my kind grandfather so much... :-)
I know the words in my minds are flame on desire
But I use which is worldly hungered tired on fire
My internal lust is on twilight's dew to get time on hire
Where the body of **** sky painting needs an attire

My mind listens to unsung song of delighted union
The external limbs wish to bathe in your communion
My brain craves for smell filled fragrance of your bud
And the eyes fixed on the central naval belly sacred  

How the mind changes his mask in presence of sun
How the feelings changed in presence of noisy gun
How the emotions burst in presence of lovely choice
How the internal organs reflex in an enchanting voice

Why I do not tell in simple words I crave your touch
With my pen on your paper, a delight of raindrops such
Simply living together does not serve unconditional love
Distance is not in separation time keep everything above

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~

Life is short on earth
like raindrops in the desert
like dew on cactus

~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
I kissed your ****** mouth
blood came through veins
as river meeting ocean
leaving behind delta in
memorial poetry that
clothed your body

penultimate breaths
touch golden rays of fire
burn words floating on lips
a voice whispers the last prayer
on the mortal barren existence
enveloping warm blood enters in an ear

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
Let me inhale
the scent of your breath
let my hands
seed the curves of the furrow
opening a window for sky and earth
holding me back for nothing

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
I look your face
full of silence commune
Offered by your soul

I watch your hands
Full of the prayers
Offered by your lips

The scent of love
Penetrates deep
Into every cell
Of my body,
Awakening silence,
And I begin to hear
The wonderful music
Of the only song
Sung by God

The silence unites us
And I feel you here
Smelling the kisses
That you left one day
On my forehead !!!

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
recalculate now
how many bubbles meet clouds
kids playing bubbles

~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
Bubbles are a wonderful way to learn through play.The give the opportunity to develop a whole host of skills and children of all ages adore them.
bubbles featured image

If you think bubbles are those round, wet things that come out of a bottle with a wand, then think again.
Don't grieve nor repent
on happening but smile as
Vanishing Venus

~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
Those who can enjoy
every falling leaf, can sure
love pain and beauty

~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
always try to get up before dawn

walk barefoot on green grass o man !

enjoy the dew drops before dawn

see peahens dance on smooth lawn,

parrots sway, birds chirp and jumping fawn

and see your child smiling with yawn

~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
Anger is like an eruption of volcanoes
Molten lava of hate and non-violence
disrupting the peace
at Syria or Sweden
In your and my nation
Do we need Judges like
U.S.A or U.S.S.R
America or Russia or
We should become volunteer of peace
To cease daily ill will here, there and everywhere
Maybe Germany or Greece
Let us feed our Good Wolf

~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
eyes see
moonly face
misses the knife
In hand
Good intentions
Change hell
Into heaven
Touches soft,
Rough, tough

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
Watching the color of my dreams
Even In the darkness of mistrust
When they become invisible
But I can still feel them beside me
Like a dance in my heart
Like a music in my memories
Like the songs in my perception
Like the senses in my imagination
I will tell you all my secrets

But you are not to become your secret
Then you can live unforgettable moments, with elegance
Hearing in your heart
Serenity, joy, and happiness of life
Whispering from the mist
Kindness like a warm blanket of snow,
Softly covering and gently touching the inner dream

Changing our all rhythms into symphony of the cosmos
Listening to the color of your musical dreams
Without knowing the name of the tune
But then the sky merges with the Earth
When you enter into streams of my liking, as
I love the quote of Maya Angelou
''A woman's heart should be so hidden in God
that a Man has to seek Him just to find Her.''

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
Watching my kids growing
looks like watching flowers grow
on my every look they appear different
as different as night and day

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
Tensions want to evaporate
In burst lightening of the crying sky
but anxieties are not floating cloud
nor miseries know how to fly
depression enters like a slow sunset
and mania intensifies on golden dawn

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
For old boys
And new boys
I forgot to have a body
And a husband
But I lived
My beautiful ordinary life
Created with writing
With the help of your pen

In Sunless sea
We painted a scene
Then filled it with sound
And smell of our intimacy

And at last in death of a stranger
Tantalizing puzzle
The secret of the Monk's past
Dramatically revealed the Nirvana

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
''Why should things be easy to understand ?''
-Thomas Pynchon-
After enjoying the supreme bliss
No need to have a replay swish
This need of once more aesthete
Literally you never get true repeat

Those unique feelings in deep secret
Of silent eyes of faithful evening sedate
No curtain falling will have same rehearse
Of those fading moments like dead verse

Those flashing visions can never be recited
And never be accomplished in succession
Just enjoy imagination and never get deceived
Listen unfathomable notes from innate ocean

Tune your mind for afresh heavenly pleasure
Like the Earth ready for daily bakes and bear

~~~~~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~~~~~
this is one of his favorite poems that he wrote,,, :-)
I love the flute playing and its melodious notes
Many things, Radha Krishan and Holy quotes

My mirror of actions is as clear as Time
For Spring is crowned with Love prime

And beauty makes a wishful waiting rhyme
With an untouched classical harp and chime

Lord made world with song of showers blessings
Cool breeze, sunshine and fair flowers refreshing

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
And once the storm is over,
you won't remember
how you made it through
A fool hath no delight
in understanding,
but that his heart may
discover itself,
The words of a
man's mouth are as deep waters,
and the wellspring
of wisdom as a flowing brook

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
Thoughts concept Based on Holy book
You speak with a golden voice
To explore the tug of the unseen
On the visible fabric of our days
Leaving a kiss in a future space
For an exotic scent of lucid painting

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
Be prepared for the worst, since Every story has not happy ending
So try to dance in the sun,
Wearing wildflowers in your hair
And enjoy each movement of existence
run, fun or done near or wide
because you can do, what you please
but do not forget the reality
What is hard can be ease
Remember ! you are a slave and
Ruler of your decaying body
You are a mixture of gold and bold
Everything perishes which blooms

~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
Life long relation
We should not cut
For the timely outburst emotion
Time will tell the difference
Who is wrong or who is right ?

Come, come relaxed
And extend the sun
On your mind balcony
To burn all the evils
Just to have nothing to loose

The trains are coming and going
But the railway station remains there
It never changes it's place
Is it wrong or is it right ?

We are going to end
By our own desired hands
Our mortal worldly life
Nobody comes forward
To give us a new life
Is it wrong or is it right ?

Time will tell the difference
Who is wrong or who is right ?

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
If you could sleep on the way, in the garden of my soul
With your mute desires falling on my perfumed body

Then I'll turn into a bed sheet, letting myself covered
By sky of your undying soul, and i will keep engraved

All over the garden of my soul,,, It's a private property
Only for your heavenly footprints to enter at anytime

With your thousands of petal eyes of billion lighted hopes
Singing the never stopping free tune to perch my soul

I feel better to exist for you in senses with a flowing vibration
Since the souls met long before the bodies see each other

Like the film's flashback in the dark rooms of our souls
In spite of all worldly flaws, the divinity plays its true art

Come angelic panacea without any hindrance at any time
To become one, without any separation in my garden of soul

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
His words came from another planet
On the real lips of his worldly physique
So the smile betrayed her action
And hands reacted in slow motion
the film produced a thin line of lightening ray
Between the clouds of her hair and sky of his face-light
in the twilight of changing spring to autumn
but the sun and moon are coming regularly as usual
With A change in warmth and coolness
You can feel the difference at sight
Of lotus at dawn and dew of night

~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
Relish, nourish and Cherish life
Wishes are many but want is one
nobody can replace what you have done
It's all in your mind if you think about it
everyone exists
but still, I feel to know your desire
if I came back
will you understand the depth of thoughts buried in my heart?

mermaid is bearing all the pressures of oceanic water
only to live better before her death
where have gone the rest of world
when I have so mush to breathe to live
where have gone all the songbirds
will you share the oxygen of your lungs
to save the gasping fish before death?

I love to ask you my each question
a pure mixture of prompts that can't take all the credits
since you are a hero to save their lives who come to you
will you teach me to your newborns to swim?

you may fight sharks
but kindness sparks light to come on the surface
will your heart spreads for ice fishing and beer
auspicious sign of love for a cute hen who cannot fly nicely

so touch me not with hands and not with your fingers too
but touch me with your spiritual sacred heart
if I come back
will you understand the depth of thoughts buried in my heart?

memories of dreams often become forgotten in busy life
a nameless thing follows me around like worries of world war

on my mind, voices haunt with its lies like purple twilight
a group of sunset admires left alone in cold winter at a coast
glad you are still here as a brief on the lips of my wish

big dog loves the small dog happily and licks his face
will you forget the past to accept me, all we need is your love
because words are only fruitful if you make me smile brightly

look up the moon and realize how the stars are shining there
allowing each moment to flourish, relish, nourish and cherish life

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
When you're down and out
focus on Earth Sun, Ocean
open like a bridge

~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~

— The End —