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izzy w Dec 2011
god i just did it! i got so ******* feral i didn’t care
about iyou for a momnent””””””””’

i felt fayrull faerill *f ehrel
feral in the teeth and in the heart

when youre feral you can do anything
and anyone”””””””””””””””

- i want to pull your hair ferally
- i want to slap you in the face ferally
- i wantyou to love it with feral passion when i bite you
   with my fehrel *fayrehl *feral teeth

- what does it feel like to not have a conscunce?
- what does it feel like to **** someone and then
refuse to look them in the eye

- what does it feel to **** someone withot them knowing”””””’

i want to get feral and know i could do all those thing s
but wont because i want to love the wurl d ferally

and everything in it
with my teeht and nails”””””””’
Melissa Breanne Aug 2011
There are times
Times where I think I hate you
My heart tends to tell me otherwise
It is jealousy controlling me
I want to be with you
To feel the comfort of your strong arms
Please don't walk away again
To spend time with everyone else
It seems that others are stealing you
We belong together
My heart tells me so
My brain says to stay away
Deep down the truth remains
Waiting for a time to reveal itself
Your truth already has
I can tell by the way you compliment me
The way you tell my I'm special
I love you involuntarily
Not realizing the problems to come
I am jealous of girls you look at
IYou feel the same about me
One day this will all be resolved
Whether through marriage or not
To each other or somebody else
We shall always love each other
Our friendship never failing

— The End —