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mark john junor Aug 2013
banished by her
stern glance
she requires your attentions
but you have none to spare
your mind occupied with
wondering and daydreaming

its the tightrope
between the reality
outside and the reality inside your head
hard not to get lost in
the cycle

she noticed me
but I cannot get beyond
the notions
cannot find path through
my own obscuritys
its hard to see

poison the root of
your point of view
with lawless thoughts that
run rampant on the ideal
that past shapes future and
nothing can inturupt that stream
of cyclical motion

break the cycle
her hand in mine
I need not face tommorow alone
neither do you
I can be there for you
if you want
dedicated to serenity sails...inspiring beauty with beauty
tomkrutilla Dec 2012
i saw you, you were standing, alone, where i once stood with you
you seemed so lost, not knowing which way to turn your sad eyes
they dont smile as you try and walk away.
my shadow, did you not sense it, did you not feel it tugging at you
to hold me once more the genius of your madness has left me sane with love
no longer do those voices inturupt the conversations in my head
i dont chase fantisies anymore i have a hard time catching reality
can you hear my breath whisper in you ear turn around i am here
tomkrutilla Dec 2012
how intrusive it was for that evil feeling to inturupt our love affair
did it not understand the rules of human emotions
did it not know it needs to ask if its ok to intrude and get permision to do so
how dare it pick on the weakness instilled in all of us

— The End —