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Jlin SD May 2013
Do you ever wonder-
How can I live my American dream?
Does paying for college seem daunting?
Are you trying to find equality through education?
In the Land of the Free
all these dreams are achievable!
No more inequality at the work place.
No more inability to change social classes.
No more worrying about being helpless with your future.
No more wondering how you’re going to pay for college.
Because now you’re education is only
                X- a sign here
                X- an intitial there
                X- pay this interest then
                X- increasing at that rate
See it’s not that hard!
And you’re gaining you’re equality- I mean education
You’re choosing you’re future- I mean major
You’re getting that subsudized- I mean unsubsudized loan
You’re happily ever after...
An offer this
who could say no?
onlylovepoetry Sep 2024
she stood by me even when
most of my disasters
were of mine own creative actions,
but in the crises that always
rose up dramatically
when driving off road,
where there were
no guardrail guarantees

so when the doc says
“sir, needed surgery right away,”
She unashamedly inquires
“ok, what about tomorrow”
making us all chuckle,
and doc a smile/responder,
“how about 6:00am the day after?”
and you accept (me observing)
a stern smile of pretending concession

so when recovery consists of
three ++ walks a day through
the corridors of the Unit
which morphed from an endless huge
to a
small prison courtyard,
where in a day everyone,
patients doctors and
rotating shifts of nurses
are greeted by me,
idiot extrovert,
with an intitial
giant hello and a wink,
which after first three
“shuffles around the block”
has become a
saluting exultation,
a look of surprise
with a
“You Again!”

that gets the inevitable
twinkle from everyone

this greeting came home with us
and thereafter when,
she stirred awake
to see me shuffling in with
coffee and a quarter cup
of crunchy Kashi & banana
(a/k/a nana & banana)
and a too loud
“You Again!”
which infallible makes
an AM grumpy disappear
soon becomes
a time honored

now that I’ve honored the oath
which was promised jokingly
by me to She,
that I be the last to depart,
cause doing it twice,
was an unbearable job,
and long enough gone
and I am back in my
own private recovery
honeyed (yellow) painted room,
The Enpty Pillow
with imaginary smiley face,
hears a mourning yellowing phrase,

and when the grandchildren
their obligatory dragged along
monthly visitation they be greeted
by old friends
a firm hug and an
“You Again”
and their smile says
“you’re embarrassing us”
+++ childlike acceptance

and the rivulets ridiculousness

that accompany this scripting,
+ any accidental overhearing,
or get even getting a read,

is fresh brought out of
tears storage
and each teary one with
a Hey!
meant to be cheeryr
greet & repeat

😉us again!😉

— The End —