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hi da s Jan 2018
rita lee cantou que mulher é bicho estranho
todo mês sangra.
adélia prato lançou Bagagem.
rupi kaur escreveu sobre amor
e dor em seu corpo.
ijeoma umebinyuo criou versos que ainda não li,
mas que ouvi dizer vão desabrochar lindas
rosas dentro de mim.

àquelas mulheres que inspiram e respiram:
vocês são cada gota do gole de água que
preciso beber pra seguir vivendo.
sobre ser mulher e amá-las também
Ijeoma Ibe Jun 2020
Eyes of a Seer

As far as you can see
Is how far you can be
Everyone is a Seer
To see dreams at the rear
If you can see but gloom
Rekindle for a bloom
Open your eyes to see
As far as you need be

If it's big to behold
You'd have to be up bold
Open your eyes to see
Lend the legs of a bee
Hark your heart but to be
The big picture you see....
God gives as you can see....
The eyes of a Seer...
Everyone is a seer !

_Ijeoma Ibe
Like my page, if you like this
On Facebook@Philosophical/moral poems
Ijeoma Ibe Jun 2020
Eyes of a Seer

As far as you can see
Is how far you can be
Everyone is a Seer
To see dreams at the rear
If you can see but gloom
Rekindle for a bloom
Open your eyes to see
As far as you need be

If it's big to behold
You'd have to be up bold
Open your eyes to see
Lend the legs of a bee
Hark your heart but to be
The big picture you see....
God gives as you can see....
The eyes of a Seer...
Everyone is a seer !

_Ijeoma Ibe
Like my page, if you like this
Facebook @Philosophical/moral poems
Ijeoma Ibe Jun 2020

Trust yourself to brave the feat T
Remember it's bitter but better R
Unbind the chains...not for you U
Train yourself... a noble scout T
Honesty remains the best truthH

- Ijeoma Ibe

— The End —