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Tarryn Klaudia Oct 2012
Smoke collaborates in the air

slowly, silently suffocating

mezmorized by its beauty

get near and be burned

it lasts long, both pain and pleasure

searching for someone tp bring pain to utmost measure

only the brave and strong can defeat this knight

but so easy and simple, for its only a light

blow, blow till your very last breath

trying to defeat it with everything you have left

blow, blow keep on breathing

dont loose your breath

keep on breathing

dont loose the fight. dont let it take over

blow blow with all your might

dont give up, cause it will take your life

once its gone, the pain isnt over

‘your left in the dark, with no direction, with no light

left in the dark, but youve won the fight ?

keep,keep, keep going back, back to the lighter that ignighted that light

once your breath is caught and youve got control

you start again unaware of your morals

you get close and you get burned but youll never know

for you have not yet learned.
Kaley Dec 2016
Long live you with a soul,
one who inspires,
influenced me so,
ignighted a spark,
within a coal,

one who is determined,
showed them so.

Ignited a desire,
To belive, to dream..

influenced me of what iv seen,
to play by your own rules...

Determined with a burning passion,
give it your best..110% percent.

Eager for knowledge- out of intrest
persistent yet polite,
you always decide,
you know what to do..

hang on if your not a tag-a-long,
the door to your future will come real soon,
your a leader, a believer,
one of your own.
Kaley Dec 2016
Im feeling

Heart melted
I felt it..
Slap happy?..
just me..

Feel the vibe..

Loves devine
I feel fine..
High frequencies
Have arrived..
Kaley Dec 2016
You chewed me up
an spit me out..

You stole my light
you drained me now

You ripped me off
An let me drown

You shot your fire
Look at me now..

Im sparkling
Can't brake my soul

Ignighted a light
You can't burn out

Im original
Now you know

I own this life
Its time to show

I saw your colors
They grew dull..

You fed me to the wolves
I came back 7 times Strong.

— The End —