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Hugh Lovzewe Oct 2010
I would be a better god
than this god
I can rule her out completely
were I your god
I would not rest
even on her Sunday roasts, "no fricken way"
there would be no commandments
no sacrifice of your children
no denial of self
no crusades of hatred
no hypocrisy
no eternal damnation

So for the love of god

dethrone this tyrant

free yourselves you ******* idots

I am your man dogg, not her

or ******* Her, or whoever THE **** was ******* her...!


As you can see I'm passionate about this

and I don't mince my meat sometimes

but **** we're all sick it


Let me be your crutch in hard times

but be stronger quick,

cause I got better **** to be doing

Thanks for your vote

and hey girls

— The End —