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Ottar Oct 2013
People walk. they drive, talk is cheap
                                                  like some Red Wine by the gallon my dad bought, often
                 he was not a nice man to most, what they could not change, they overlooked.
Overnight when the sun rises things,
                                                         ­ will have changed as much as they stay the, same,
            it will rain somewhere, and as many tear drops will fall from eyes of those with
            broken hearts, and those eyes if you looked in them, you would never forget, ever.

Ever sit there on the dewy grass at night or in some Adirondack,
                                     chair, actually in the Adirondacks, and just want to shrink and be small
                                     enough to disappear and travel at the speed of light, with out getting
                                     tangled, under the stars, in string theory.
Totally impossible you think and that may be where all of our problems start, we dwell on the
                            impossible when the possible is one small step away from you until you get so
                                   close, the impossible becomes I'm possible, I'm possible, repeat and repeat.

Riches, little can be so varied, there are some common ones, money, jewelry, stock portfolio,
                         there are so many tangible and all most intangible, love, joy, goodness, kindness,
                         gratitude, notice no mention of war, violence, death enough of that out there, they
                         are devalued right now, yes, yes they are yes.    

Y*ou are the best advocate of change I ever met, start with a *small, stay close to your heart and close to home, write poetry, take care of yourself and when you find the ONE, take care of each other, there is power in right relationships, now if you have found the ONE, teach your children too, end your day with a laugh and smile, but be alone as little as you need to, teach peace.
Have had a rough year,
or two would rather cry
                 mop up tears
with a sponge type words
that peel the skin off,
          go ahead scoff,
that put my memories
permanently visible,
lacking the confidence
I once had, soldier
trained, now drained,
struggle with
physical tough stuff,
but I go and I go,
mental stuff,
never felt so stupid
in all my days,
I get a call,
speaker is
sick and a Forum has
to change
the program,
and they want to use
and stigma,
and include
one of mine, read on hellopoetry,
the tears fall with
happy smiles on each
all the while I doubt every
key stroke, cursive line,
illegible, and like dsythymic me
the words and letters, don't look right.

But that call, even if what
I wrote helps just one to
get beyond, whatever...
places they have been
and are unable to go
there when they least
are ready, remember. like an eddy,
"I know someone who" needed
to get a random phone call,
and say "yes please use what
I wrote as that is why I wrote it"
I guess I am treading on that
slippery ***** called arrogance,
but my heart still beats and my
hat still fits and I look in the
mirror and say, "time for bed"
peace pax shalom paix

The Good Pussy Oct 2014
                               It can
                         be  observed
                      that men use var
                    ious   methods   in
                      pursuing their o
                      wn personal  obj
                      e ctives,  t h at  is
                      glory and r iches
                      One man proceed
                      s with circums pe
                      ction, another Im
                      petu ousity ; o n e
                      uses violence, a n
                      other stratagem ;
                      one man goes a b
                      out things patient
                      ly , another d o es
            the opposite ;        and yet every
         one , for all  this     diversity of method
    , can reach his ob      jective .  It can  a ls o
     be observed  that     the two circumspect
       men, one willach    ieve his end,  the
              o t h e r                      n o t.
P.131 "The Prince"

Niccolo Machiavelli  (1469-1527)
Helen Wilson Sep 2014
you said my dreams couldnt fit reality
cuz i thought dreams were listed anything
and now all grown up
ive learnt that dreams can go beyond that fanticy
and luckily ive hit that 40% mark

see you the one who prevented me from reaching my destiny
keeping me hiding me from everything.....
and now im stuck in this sadpit
deserting my pain
and with every move i make the sand just
iches deeper and deeper into my soul until ive had my final breath
but until that day comes im ready to face my
deepest and darkest pains even if that means going back to that AWFUL memory lane.....
but right now who gives a **** about the pain....
Nina McNally Jan 2011
Memories come and go and
Everyday my love for you grows
May our love stay strong through thick and thin.
On to today; a new day with new
Riches; friends, people, love, music.
In every way enjoy life,
Enjoy this world and the people who
S**urround you, they are worth more than money.
copyright; 2010
McNally, Inc.
written: Enjoy the little things.- From When Times Get Tough....Write Poetry
Don't scratch sore spots
Do scratch iches.

— The End —