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TJW Jul 2013
“The Huntsman”

“There are plenty of fish in the sea”.
What they don’t know about me...

Is that I’m not a Fisherman.
But instead I’m a Hunstman…
Following the trial of the White Doe,
I have a wish, and she has the power.
Many years now I pursue her.
This doe is one of a kind…
She’s keen and clever.
Her tracks are hard enough to find.
With ease, she evades my traps.
Each AND every one on the map.

She never leaves my mind,
yet she’s always out of sight.
Craving to touch her pelt:
a desire beyond any I've ever felt.

Then like Divine Intervention
I’m swept with rejuvenation
On a cold winter night.
She’s at my campsite.
Pulling the rifle to my shoulder,
The barrel aims for her eyes.
She shivers like silver flags
under the moon light .

Hesitant, the rifle was lowered, I turn back.
Realizing if I were to pull the trigger,
it would mean the end of the journey.

Negligent, I didn’t notice the White Stag.
He impaled me, through my lung with his antler.
My blood freezes onto snow covered lilies.

Once I fell to my knees…
I remembered my wish.
I turn my head for one last glance.
I crawl to the rifle for a second chance.
I then whisper to her,
“I want to be with you forever.
That is my wish.”

TJW 2013
Q Dec 2012
The girl called
Snow White
was sentenced
to death
so she fled.

The old queen
sent a
to fetch her
Snow's heart.

Snow hid in
a cottage
full of
small men --

With the kingdom
in ruins,
the seven dwarves
cast Snow out
into the woods.

The Hunstman
saw Snow
and ran after her.
So Snow ran back
in the cottage.

The little dwarves
were angered
and the drew
their small swords
and killed her.

The Huntsman
barged in and
saw her dead body
and he cut
out her heart.

He gave it
to the queen
and the kingdom
in ruins
remained ruined.


— The End —