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Shari Forman Feb 2013
"You are beautiful...nomatter what they say."
You are a child of God,
You are here...each and every day.
You resemble the light of Hashem,
That is why we say, "amen."
You are the heart of God up above,
You are the match for two turtle doves.
You inspire people through your heart,
You are God's child,
A work of art.
Shining down on you is heavon,
For those in the tragedy of 9/11.
You've been more than a mystery; more than clever,
You will remain in our hearts forever.
ashlee allee Oct 2014
You have the one
That where's a two
You have the six
But it has the flew
But wares seven and eight
Didn't you lay them
Up straight
I got ten and eleven but
They went up to heavon
Well I guess
I'm done!
Here there's no other
Number we can puts around here

— The End —