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Sjr1000 Oct 2014
Sitting in that tiny room
you call your
sweating in sweat
heater blaring
chills of regret.

Inflammatory response
tightened up
tripped out
grimace has become
your middle name.

To steal from Bob Dylan
"there must be some way
out of here"

No wonder
plunging head long
heart breaking
into red brick walls
second story shaky
jail cells flaking
one too many souls
borrowing one soul too many.

We don't really
get it our way.

Bursting out of all that gray
making your way.

The streets will be
calling your name
to be the light angel again
drifting into dark
consciousness to light
the way.

back into
twisted tiny room
you call your office
in a modular tomb
and the only window
Ovidiu Marinescu Sep 2013
I’m headaching the steps of the downward escalator, upward,
Little Sisyphus carrying a bicycle on my back,
Wheels spinning purposelessly in opposite directions,
Sideways hourglass.

I’m an urban cowboy,
Running in a rat wheel,
A test-tube sample
Unknowing of the real purpose of my jog.

Around me I see another wheel,
Man young pushing hard,
And beyond another wheel,
And further three more.
I’m surrounded by infinite number of wheels,
Populated by diligent joggers,
Some quiet, a few trying to slow down,
But all spinning faster,
Like water in a funnel going down the drain,
Inescapable eddy.
CE Jan 2018
triffids sprouted out of my brain, sinking their roots into my cerebellum
replacing electrical beats in my arteries with venom

they ate through the back of my left eye
they wrapped my whole mind in their murderous vines

as my body was shaking and my vision began to smother

I gained a new found respect for my headaching mother
my mum gets awful migraines.
I see you awkward dancing

and somehow I am thinking of myself

two to three decades ahead of time

rainbow strobe lights and 80s synth-pop

headaching in my mind as though the first time

a missed opportunity like trying to catch

the sun before the horizon snaffles it first
Written: May 2020.
Explanation: Another short poem written in my own time. A link to my Facebook writing page can be found on my HP home page.

— The End —