Loyalty is where the heart is
in eternal lengths and depths.
Bound in love, and sealed in courage
by supernal covenants.
Family is the beginning!
First in order from our birth
to whom we give, without an ending,
adorations of our worth.
Our friends in loyalty will follow
after family bonds are made.
And let a friend whose hope is hollow
be lifted by our hasteful aid.
And then, progressing, find a mate
with whom you'll form a family.
Let loyalty with them be great
in time and all eternity.
O man, O man, remember Him!
The one from whom all blessings flow!
Take time to learn of Elohim,
That God that sent you here to grow!
Before your loyalties are given
to those we meet in life on earth,
Put, first, your loyalty in Heaven
and He who gave you timeless worth!