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Samm Marie Jul 2016
I'm a little ball of sadness
That gets happied up by you ray of light
You're a never-ending bubble of coot
That loves me and always finds my tail
I love my stick house you made
I'll pay you back in
Hunny pots and love
From my big fat heart
From the tips of my gloomy toes
To the tops of your little black rain cloud
ashlee allee Oct 2014
There is this girl that everyone knew but something happied she went without a clue she nice but not mean and
she keeps her self clean but that's
before that guy stoled her from the
truck in the seen he kept her
for two weeks poor Kayla where is she?where did she go?
Everybody thinks she's dead Oh No!
Thank goodness that drew and gabie
knew that she couldn't have died but now they found her and killed that other guy!
It has been a year now since then
Drew and Gabie ate together and
Kayla found her man
By ashlee allee
ashlee allee Oct 2014
There is this girl that everyone knew but something happied she went without a clue she nice but not mean and
she keeps her self clean but that's
before that guy stoked her from the
truck in the seen he kept her
for two weeks poor Kayla where is she?where did she go?
Everybody thinks she's dead Oh No!
Thank goodness that drew and gabie
knew that she couldn't have died but now they found her and killed that other guy!
It has been a year now since then
Drew and Gabie ate together and
Kayla found her man
By ashlee allee

— The End —