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The great hiway of dawn
Stretching to slumber
pouring out from her greedy
palms a shore, to wander

Hesitation & doubt
Swiftly ensconced

O Viking, your women
cannot save you
out on the great ship

Time has claimed you
Coming for you

And I came to you
for peace
And I came to you
for gold
And I came to you
for lies
And you gve me fever
& wisdom
& cries
of sorrow
& we’ll be here
the next day
the next day

There’s a belief by the
Children of Man which states
all will be well

Search on man, calm savior
Veteran of wars incalculable
greed. Search on man, calm savior
God-speed & forgive you
morning-star, fragrant
meadow person girl
Brea Brea May 2013
I wanna kiss it
but its so hard
not sure how to bring it against my lips
and then my fingers up and slip
So soft
the place you make between my shoulders as they stand
the truth in your presence
the defautl in your eyes
unlike the lovely demise
in the powerful
but full of histories of deciet and self succumed lies
in a cloud on a pillar high
this is where I thought I might die
but death isnt the only escape
when beauty surrounds you from your mistakes
filters in through your insides
it leads you to a moutain top so high
the snow fall cleans you of your ***** hide
kiss you touch ouy
never call you mine
because I know better

not to contain higher things
clip thier wings

I gave my heart, I gve my soul
to the wronged of those

may I rest by your side
my ribcage exposed
to the love you know
from my touch
from my gental spirit
the light from behind my eyes
that reaches and finally does it touch
you heal me inside
you slip your sweet medicine between my lips
you swindle your breateh of life
I dont fight you with my hips
into my worried eyes
I fear not
not any more
so long as you are here
I can let go of this rope
lay your worried bones next to mine
and I'll do my very best to buy us this time
may the clock stop
as it does for the dead
because we are heaven lieing in your bed

kiss me once
kiss me twice
and I'll kiss you thrice
my worries drop as does this plunder
my thoughts roll from us like defeated thunder
I hold you whole
I hold you tight
I give you the same freedom, I give you the same rights
I heard you speak
of whats in your head
I'm smilling for the things you dont know that of which you said
fumbling in your sleep
you craddle my crown
as I dose myself in the sweet silent sound

I am fawn white
I am pure irridescent light
cloaked in darkness
hidden from sight
so that the goodness might prevail
even during teh trials of night

You, with orbs in your antlers
with moons on your tongue
you dont chase me
I realize I mustnt run
The power with in you
sends me still
even so, I am reeled
for the dangers I've met
for the dreams
I stir
I feel the safety in this allure
you sparkle in my eyes
from inside you
I see us side by side
standing tall
for authority we call

together we are safe
and with tired eyes
I will keep you warm and safe
to any and all expendeture
we are fair
a deiety in of itself
we are desired for being rare
The voice Apr 2013
My mother cleans floor
She goes down to her knees and cleans every centimeter
She gets out of work leaving everything shining bright
My father left before I was born the I met him when I turned five
He left again two years later
I met my stepfather and he picked up heavy train floors
All for me
I used to be ashamed to say that my mother cleaned toilets and my stepfather cleaned offices.
Each have two jobs, their first starts at 6:30 and they get out at 3:00 the next starts at 5:30 then get out at 10:00.  
Yet they expect me tO wake up at 7 and go to sleep at 9 so that I get enough sleep.
My mom finished the third grade and that's as far as she went
My stepfather was lucky enough to make it to the 6th grade
My family moved to the United States when I was nearly six
We all belong in Mexico? Yea
But we are still here thanks to God's mercy...
I was never afraid of washing the dishes or cleaning the house because I only cleaned my home, my parents cleaned the offices, homes, hospitals, hotels, of other people for just 7.50 and hour.  My hands aren't soft from not working
They are rough but with lotion I cover that
By seeing me you have no idea who I am
I have committed many mistakes and I'm not proud
But I do know that time can cure all scars
Now I know what I wished I would have known since before
That people will judge you for being and for not being
I wish I had known that people aren't trust worthy until they know the complete truth about you and still stay by your side
It was my destiny to continue and their destiny to judge me but now
I'm proud to say that
My parents clean bathrooms and floor and carry heavy train floor to gve me a life worth living and I'm proud to be their daughter because unlicke the rest I know they love menin the worst of situations...
My stepfather love me even though we never shared the same blood...

— The End —