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The slithering ob-nut ****, pussywillow free-fall down all Guss,
I step'ed on that egg, that delustrious egg, with white cascading gucky on the plague'ed way.
ally Apr 2012
"little emo cutter"
"she will never find the light she's looking for"
I've been hurt
called names
and emotionally messed up
but I guss
you really get what you get
and don't get upset
Matthew P Beron May 2014
It was a beautiful day today
So i took a wallk
in the woods i spent my childhood
And much of my twenties exploring

I gave up on the woods ten years ago
When i gave up hunting
Today i went hunting for memories
With a pen and paper
I cannot say that my hearing
And eyesight are better today
I can say that i heard and saw more
Such as the purple flowers in the undergrowth

Years ago i would have returned
With grand tales
Today i returned
With a short story

Today i was tired and breathless
From the hike up the hill
Sweating profusely
And coughing forcefully

II could however blame that
On a chest cold
Rather than my sixteen year
Pack a day habit

The trail is not exactly the same
But much is the same
And it does still go by
Many fond memories

The deerstand from which
I shot my first deer with a bow & arrow
23 years ago still stands
However the ladder has curiously moved

Again there was a deer
Under the same stand
And i could not imagine
Ever shooting the deer today

Today the trail takes a more gentle
Climb to the top where i went
Looking for the tree under which
I made love to my high school sweetheart

At first i thought it was gone
But then i found it
Right where we left it
The tree that has not changed

I remembered Laying out a blanket
But soon realized that was not the truth
She was not a sweetheart
And we were not making love

As with much of my youth
i was guided by lust
Rather than by love
Or respect for anything

I would have done almost anything
To get rid of that memory
Fifteen years ago
while today i cherish it

My foul mouth has not changed
Proven when i said "*******"
after nearly stepping on a turkey
Startling me as much as the bird

I stopped to check out the shale pit
I used to spend hours there
Scouring for fossil remains
Of plants and animals

I never found anything
But that didn't stop me from looking
Today i picked up one lump of shale
Looked it over and laughed

A pair of squirrels did not think
It was so funny
****** scurrying up a tree
And barking at me in unison

I guss the biggest impression i got
Was how much the woods
Has not changed
While much of me has

All the changes
may not be for better
But not all
For worse either

I shouldn't have given up on the woods
and i have been given several chances
So i am going to give the woods
Another chance as well
Ranjima Ranji Dec 2016
i feel like smiling,,i smiled...
when the cool breeze of this night
sooth ma cheeks & mind
ma memmories slowley open eyes..
& starts telling many stories
i do remember each & every thing
our time together,those movements & events
the foot prints we left in the seashore
still embeded deep stones of love
handing hand together &
chirpping for hours & hours,ofcourse evryday
no way to forget the bloomed lillies at
the heights , we climbed together
& ma naughty doings,to make you angry
finally to see that crazy , innocent smile.
& our evening walks to the wisdom of love
you being more & more involved each day
diving through the shead leaves
& finally the pleasure of being at the destiny, we know.
i guss theremight be no steps
to bounce through gloomy fights anymore
but still the snowing hills of understanding.
anyway we'll be together by the next sunrise.
in our way, planting eyes on each other's.for nothing.
even if we don 't utter a word each other
i'm sure there will be cherry trees &
sunflowers of bliss waiting ahead;
to see the waves washing our foot
sky lit diamond stars for ever, when
we woke up & walk to the sunset of our life.
i would , if i get a chance to sit with you
in that autumn eve,on our wooden bench
tell the mumbling wind,
about this asset of my life,perhaps no one knows,
what is this beam of bliss doing in me...
All Stopped Up With Writer's Block

Thus lack any idea about
     what to type out until aye
reach the end, and
     even then cannot
     make any promises (promises -
     this aint no typo typo),
     to meet (even ill)
     equipped outback

     with or without an alley bye,
which dismal situation unlike earlier,
     when fount of literary creativity
     unstoppably gushed profusely
     lichen wherein rub
     barb plants for rain dee cry
hence, just imagine situation
     (**** guss) to

     being constipated, and dry
miss daisy crazy regarding
     (collective soul sigh'n noses)
     begs for antihistamine,
     asper nostrils to get dry
from congestion - so envision
     both symptoms (for real)
     affected this guy

     ****** woes simultaneously,
     while conservative flash mobs
     sprout like pollen haters
trample grass roots
     activists chanting jai
     guru dev donned as barenaked,
     foo fighting, nirvana
     seekers no lie

trucking with pearl jam
     hued open skyz
     passing one black crow
     did house after another
     jet ting via reo speedwagon
     greeting village people
     mix ultra liberal protesters,
     who peaceably demonstrate my

self included holding recycled
     placards, sans
     targeting well nigh
Republicans Putin on the Ritz
     must be ousted,
     cuz them that har pry
ha merrily bilking work

     a day citizens seated
     on their ***** in expelling qui
yet deadly flatulence athwart
     cushy congressional seats
     to ease government lackeys,
     who trumpet "FAKE" news.
(alternately titled -
today's lesson iz
addressing categorical imperative)

Courtesy of unpleasant he
ping diatribes visited me
from eldest offspring ugh gree
guss vituperations, doth force me
     to admit (and take key
lock, stock, and barrel
     lamentations to heart), that she
(Eden Liat) didst

     perceive (hence nee),
interpret as her reality
     regarding my actions,
     intents, words, et
     cetera men knee
instances of objectionable
     dealing with situations
     of mine mien to thyself

     (lamely, meekly, and nervously
     pleading being oblivious),
     nonetheless purportedly untoward
     fatherly behavior, said kin recoils
     in reaction to extremely re:
pulse sieve, no matter,
     whether paternal behavior
     of mine unintentional (see

ming lee) find
     ding total unawareness
     as poor excuse, which does not
     hold candle box
     three doors down, nor
     bankable, dutiful guarantee
hence this papa, heed decree,
his displeasing, now accepting

     onerous task of child rearing
     inflicted hurtful affects asper,
     mismanaging challenges
     as legal guardian,
     and thus grievously, honestly,
and readily attests averse
     to hold a mirror be
fore my person as

     proof positive aware
     ness, and accept,
     how I usurped carte blanche
     (parental role, no
     matter honest intentions,
     sans welfare of daughters)
     unknowingly shamefacedly interpreted

     as unflattering about me
whom ***** nilly
     bandied authoritarian free
reign (and/or rein)
     recounting mine foibles, viz
despite my best intentions,
     impressions, and iterations
     as even handed sues err un tee

I mint jewel
     lip succoring (suzerainty)
spurring the conundrum,
     que who, what,
     and how does one pre
sent lee define
     true intentions, and whether
neutral stance can be cree
jewel less lee codifies, si?

— The End —