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I couldn't leave your side
My feelings for you I tried to hide
I don't know you
But I could love you
Won't you stay
for more than what you say
Cause when you leave there's no gurantee
That you'll come back to me
I don't know you
But I could loathe you
As easily as I love you
The time goes fast in our clock
You feel so familiar after all we've talked
But there's no gurantee
that'll you be with me
There's no gurantee that you'll stay with me
You could be a dream
You could be make-believe
like Santa Claus on Christmas Eve
But you're for real
I can feel
Your heart
Your breath
Your stare
That's how I know that you're still there
Yea you're still there
I can feel your hair
There is where I want to be
There is where I'll be
If all is lost,
Can it be found.

Shattered dreams may be rerepairable,
But never fixed.

Living among the great gods,
Never  gurantees immortality.

I am but the only one,
Gifted with a beautiful curse.

Chained to the bottom of the sea,
But I am alive.

Tearing the flesh apart from the inside,
Never realizing that breathing numbs the pain.

We are forever destined to be,
But never on time.

A deep hole,
Is filled with blood.

As I sleep on this rock,
Guilt is in my vains.

A never ending nightmare,
It haunts when I am awake.

These scratches,
Burn like propane.

The hole is deeper,
Time has stopped.

Jokes **** us,
And now my flesh is pitch black.

I am hidden,
Inside of you.

Will we be able to return together,
From the abyss we started from.

I am covered in shame,
And soaked in my lust.

Forever dieing in your arms,
Poked with small holes.

I am not freedom,
And neither are they.

Holding onto you was the greatest feeling in the world to me,
I was lost.

Killing was only natural,
Instinct has always had full control.

I have always been aware,
And even when the end was near we were never afraid.

Always looking for focus,
Yearly losing my most effective thoughts.

And I have always been alone,
But never like this.

And I know it will end.

But you my dear will never be forgotten.

For I am infinity.
S Smoothie Jun 2014

Regurgitated dreams

and a handful of hopes

slipping grain-like through my fingers

promisisng the earth

as it cracks withered and drying.

desolation and anticipation

brings the threat of pleasure

like the seed of hope without

the chance of bursting open.

Endless gurantees of endless possibilities

and your stupid ******* provisos.

**** the last drop with insistence,

take all you can,

Im already dead inside.

with all the graciousness afforded

you'd think you could at least

turn away when I cry?

Instead you watch,

a look of  abomination

carved into your hateful eyes

and ice cold detachment

running down your spine.

no matter,

I'll be fine;

you were only ever a sympathy case

that grew too wild.

all that tender love and care

without pruning

has a tendency to create monsters

you sting my rosy buds

a sadistic wash of passion red

I'm tangled in your mess,

you might as well lick the salt as well

the tequila slammer hit hard.

I can't seem to locate my vanity

its still missing after that

last masochistic kiss goodbye.

— The End —