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Melideth Jun 2010
good intentions never guarenteed good results.
good intentions never guarenteed good
good intentions never guarunteed ****

it's what you say during an apology.
it's what you tell yourself so you can lessen guilt.

I singled you out
under the guise of a friend.
I let you trust me
because we all want to believe.
I let you love me
because I needed the raise in self esteem.

I stayed at your house cause I hate sleeping alone.
I went to dinner because I couldn't afford food.

You started to trust me
and I felt ashamed

You said I was beautiful
I felt ugly

You said you knew me
and I felt like a liar.

You said I was acting strange
and I called you crazy

You said I was pushing away
I told you "so what?"

You wondered what happened...
I felt disgust.

In a moment of guilt I told you it was me,
I told you I was crazy.
I admited I was playing head games with the weak minded
and like a fool you
accepted my apologies.

— The End —