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Aaron Amrich Jul 2014
to feel someone's mass effect
when separated by space in excess
of gravitic influence
is proof that magic exists
between strangers if
they pause
and give into the well.
Dennis Willis Sep 2019
The ache of the mammal or primate
The pull of the lizard toward Heat
The Paramecium tasting satisfaction
The protons feeling the raw power
The wantonness of physics
The ******* Sizzle of chemistry

Pulling the hair of the universe
That tight black hole
Swallowing salty time
In a showy slow motion

Gravitic disturbance
gyros into a stars face

This pulling together
This entanglement
of drawn
fabrics ricked

Universes for sale
The latest to the oldie but goodies
You'll find a way to enjoy
Or pretend to defend

Your very own

Observe your eyes passing
this line
Dennis Willis Aug 2019
I'm traveling in this acceleration
towards you and something else
that encompasses this interval

it squeezes the frame until
the film speeds up
and meanings are reversed

I un understand racing my heart
these flowers of pressed minutes
paste themselves in my album aorta

Gravitic tomfoolery bleeds over
and weights everything out
that isn't really fast enough
Dennis Willis Jul 2020
This gravitic nonsense
pulls on what
the belonging

you are in
just by reading this
and clicking love

you'll receive exclusive
and this halts my f ingers

bad grav
i scrunch forward
jutting my jaw

here an'
i melt away from
the keyboard

— The End —