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Selene Dec 2014
I have always taken you for granted
When you've never took your eyes off me
You always hold my hand, whenever my strength is failing
And I am so used to taking more than what you're giving me
I go my own reckless ways
While you patiently lay a safe path before me
I go jumping head first from a steep cliff
As u wait below to break my deadly fall
I drown myself unto a deep-blue ocean
And you also dive to kiss me when I can't breathe at all
Every night, I sleep peacefully in bed
As you fought endless battles in my stead

But for this night, I ask of you to yield unto me
For once, let me caress you gently
I know, whatever I do... It can never be enough
I can never thank you enough
But hopefully, you can be able to hear me
Hear me when I say I love you dearly
My angel...
Keith Ren Oct 2010
the asker
the taker
the lazy hole-maker
the me and my watching the ground

the tested
the failing
the canvasless sailing
the turnings and ever unfounds

the grati-
tude giving
the talented living, but
the passions are buried in mounds

so ready
the dying
and underground lying
I'm blue
pull me under earth's browns
I used to be good
at taking tests
Arlene Corwin Nov 2019
Always writing, these two followed one another in sequence, mind working from places that surprised and tickled.

   Finding Goodness In The Most Unlikely Places

“Finding goodness in the most unlikely places”
Read this phrase and had to face
The fact that friends whose characters I took for granted
Showed and have bestowed the unexpected
Love, respect and qualities unknown and unsuspected
In the most unlikely situations,
Causing my relations with the whole darned world
To tears unfurled
                            the first time in my life.

Changed forever, never to return to sheer
Indifference, judgement or ill will,
Never more to stand aloof,
Just tears of gratitude to verify its proof.

Finding Goodness… 11.29.2019
Love Relationships II; Definitely Didactic; Arlene Nover Corwin

      I Stopped Being Envious

I killed my envy-filled green eye
When I beheld the day to day
Recasting of both face and a_s.
That each one changes not just
Year by future year but now and here.
So, on that day, that very minute
Envy went away to stay.

Smallest waistline, glowing skin,
Intelligence so high it whitens out the sky,
The stars and universe:
Blessings all and also curse:
Best to worse the sadly likeliest.

Round twenty-ish
I was no longer jealous -
Drew each atom to a close.
IQ middling, talents too,
Each one pondered, I felt rosy,
Grati-satsfied and well-to-do.

Lost all envy when I'd learned
That all things change.
I had discerned
Release from chain.
That’s what freedom’s meant to be
For you, for me, for everybody.

There is no competition,
Only similarity and contrast.
No one else is you, and you
Will never be a someone else.
Soothed by sharing, (mostly caring),
Shutting out the envious,
It’s obvious, that you are matchless, unsurpassed -
A one and only without need to be another cast.

I Stopped Being Envious 11.30.2019
Circling Round Reality; Definitely Didactic; Arlene Nover Corwin

— The End —