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Jason Chae Dec 2015
imagine if VCIS had escalators instead of hard stair cases
and water slides in each sides
just to keep our entertainment level high

imagine our classrooms with movie screens
instead of those pale whiteboards
where you can watch the math problems
as the ****** in this movie
while you enjoy the lessons
chomping some barbecue popcorns

imagine our canteen
as a 5 star Gorden Ramsy's
and our library with a super secret spy base
behind one of those 8 bookshelves
and our tiny comfort rooms with disco *****
so we can shake a bit while we release some bits
and our quad floor as the Pacific Ocean
because why not
imagine Koby Bryant standing in our Lakers ground
just to make our school look cool

imagine our school as a mental hospital
or a even a county called
"International Christian Republic of Victory"
for we have our own flag and an anthem to sing

imagine every extremes you had ever imagine

but once these imaginations step in the border of wishing
to change our school

VCIS will never be the same

because I like our school the way it is
it is imperfectly perfect

each of the classrooms have different crayons of personalities
where everyone fills the color of this huge painting

our windows are sealed with iron bars and covered with egg trays
but no great movies can be fun as this movie with best friends

and the those grade school students running every morning
as if I was chasing them on a 13th Friday
but they are happiest human beings I know

and even though our campus may be smaller than others
and even though there are some cracks in the edges
and even though I eat fried chicken with ketchup every single lunch

I will remember VCIS forever for that.
(wrote this spoken word poem for a school event)
B'Artanto Jan 2019
Hari ini namamu sembunyi, tapi dia belajar merangkak sendiri setelah aku matikan. Pikirmu aku sudah pergi tanpa sesekali berkunjung lagi.
Memang benar ia telah kami asingkan, aku dan pikiranku.

Hari ini namamu sembunyi, sesekali mengintip mengendap melihat dengan kening dinaikkan sedikit, tenang aku sudah pergi. Jangan bersusah membungkukkan badan sepertiga dari tumpukan gorden yang belum disetrika.

Hari ini namamu sembunyi, yang aku matikan hidup lagi dan pulang sendiri tanpa dipaksa pergi.

05 jan'19

— The End —