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Sammy Lee Lykens May 2014
It's hard to think
this has happened
and I can't believe he is gone
But I know one thing for certain
my dad has made it home
he's gone where he will never see
another teardrop fall
But I know that
I'll see dad again
and it won't be very long
Oh and dad
I'll soon be there
standing by your side
you're there in gloryland
where are you now reside
in heavens beautiful city
that's been prepared by the lamb
dad you won't have to wait too long
for your family will join you at home
and we'll see you again
although I know
that he's in heaven
still I miss him
Right here at home
for you see
I loved him so
and my heart is yearning
to be where he has gone
but where he is
he will never say goodbye
that's why I know
I'll see dad again
whensies this splits
those Eastern Skies
This poem/song was written in memory of my late father who went on to be with the Lord April 3rd 1995 if you have a loved one in heaven may the words of this poem/song encourage your heart
Sammy Lee Lykens May 2014
For the life of me
I'll never understand
Why a king would leave this throne
In gloryland
Leave all the slender Heaven holds
To come redeem
Our sickened sin-sick souls
I'll never fully know
The pain he bore
When they placed upon his head
That crown of thorns
I'll never know
For I wasn't there to see
But he did it all
For the life of me
and for the life of me
he freely laid his down
So that one day
I could wear a robe and crown
And I'll dwell with  the king eternally
Yes he did this
for the life of me
Sammy L Lykens Nov 2015
It's hard to think
this has happened
and I can't believe he is gone
But I know one thing for certain
my dad has made it home
he's gone where he will never see
another teardrop fall
But I know that
I'll see dad again
and it won't be very long
Oh and dad
I'll soon be there
standing by your side
you're there in gloryland
where are you now reside
in heavens beautiful city
that's been prepared by the lamb
dad you won't have to wait too long
for your family will join you at home
and we'll see you again
although I know
that he's in heaven
still I miss him
Right here at home
for you see
I loved him so
and my heart is yearning
to be where he has gone
but where he is
he will never say goodbye
that's why I know
I'll see dad again
whensies this splits
those Eastern Skies
This poem/song was written in memory of my late father who went on to be with the Lord April 3rd 1995 if you have a loved one in heaven may the words of this poem/song encourage your heart
Sammy L Lykens Dec 2015
Sickness often comes to us
And there are times we're in dispare
But there's a day that's coming
When when we won't have a care
The sting of death will all be gone
A new song we shall sing
When we cross over Jordan
Our new life will begin
Oh to look upon his face
And see his nail scared hands
I can't wait to see it all
When I reach that promised land
So make your reservations
Get prepaired to go
It's a one way flight to Gloryland
It's in your future...Just so you know
We all must make the journey
For this life one day will end
And your soul will be required of you
Its just the beginning ...Its not the end
Sammy L Lykens Nov 2015
For the life of me
I'll never understand
Why a king would leave this throne
In gloryland
Leave all the slender Heaven holds
To come redeem
Our sickened sin-sick souls
I'll never fully know
The pain he bore
When they placed upon his head
That crown of thorns
I'll never know
For I wasn't there to see
But he did it all
For the life of me
and for the life of me
he freely laid his down
So that one day
I could wear a robe and crown
And I'll dwell with  the king eternally
Yes he did this
for the life of me

— The End —