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David Coleman Oct 2011
have you ever had your guts ripped out.. freom a few simple words?
or litsening to a song and your whole body runs cold...
have you ever had that moment in life you just stop?
have you ever felt yourself collapse, your tears running red, your blood running cold, and free?
sometimes you just get tired and weak, you wanna give up. but you gotta feel that inner sreangth.. no matter how bad you wanna jsut stop and collapse.
have you ever hand that nihtmare that your all alone ad everyone has abandoned ou... where your doors are shut, the hall is longer then youve run,
have you ever had someone jsut rip your guts out and let the hang around your neck till the last breth is a sorry for the mess you lived.
have you ever had that break down wehre your falling and no ones there to pick you up, they are holdingoyu down, inthat black mack covering they one true love of death.
my dear you are all I dreamed about for long then I lived... I am the borne of love... fallen from the sky, and that is all I do.. it fall.. everyhting I tried jsut fell and dropped fron under me.
no one can beat me.. yet Im in this **** hole of my years...
behind this smile ws the knowlage that everything is going to be okay and ehres this cold hard fact that this **** smile wants to cry everything to death
behind this smile, this fake mask with the tear stained eyes, I am not as happy as I play it to be, everythign crumbled into a million peiced, half them got fixed and it all seemed to be okay but its all too fast and this little baby is motherless. and this little babys daddys the soldier that freed the pain of the world.
hush little baby dont you cry everythings gonna be alright...
this little lulliby for your life.. go to sleep little baby everythigns gonna me alright.
Another poem written years ago. Ive been out of practice for the last few years. Hopefully will have some new stuff up soon.
very often few
one pill to chew
for what are what to do
pill box swung undo
termpers of fire
ervidence torn asunder
fragrance on line 2,
happy with tombstone given
strawberry wine

shadows block the vorterx allowed
peril in condition
the day I used to go
Albastor with ther need to go
laugh in,
shadows wrerck every season

to lurk behind a bench well spent
reach behind a living tide
my neice new the score
haunted freom the hospital
marek the oner willing to explore
Caviar sheds ther dial to where you need to go
bargain basement tunes..,
sift right through their applause
my name is right exposed to the notion white
I look to there slight reflection of ther maker believe,
my notion of a parade
Cape Cod is the slightest of hand when to understand...
My sight is to live by faith
Reflection in the way it used to be
Had some fun as a Roman Catholic
burden by their ****** of Chase Avernue
slightest of hand exposed in ther fight
let heer screeam among the even flow
unlerashed freom the supervised
giver cadernce to the pardon plug
onto the most slightest of hand when to underestand
my pulser keps beating...
onward to the faint of harm
here I am left alond in my room

greased thern, slightest of hand,
beyond there fragrant blow
shaped through the window dusted roll
some call me Colton puzzled array
streong weralth in caderncer minus ther inside flow
the outere fig nut tree
caused a mellon breeze,
stregnth in ther mortage

— The End —