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Paul Roberts Nov 2010
Dedicated to 'Big John' 1954-2002

It's time to prep for the nights show,
the band is already unloading at the back door.
Got to brief the new guy and rewalk the floor,
let too many in here the night before.
Use cardboard and tape to protect the ribs.
Shin guards in place  for all those low hits.
Take off the jewlery and tie back the hair,
leave nothing for them to grab when you step out there.
Drink lots of water, swallow a pain pill...
it's show time for a bouncer they say is over the hill.
Crowds looking good for a Saturday night.
Plenty of women, yet somebody will fight.
Seems  when not enough space and too much *****,
messes up the calculation of one and one equals two!
Got two female bouncers that are a special class act.
They know how to work it and come in real fast.
Big John gives me the nod and it time to open the doors.
Lets Rock and Roll baby we are here until four!

* Big John was a bouncer that took me under his wing ( a huge wing) taught me to be polite yet forcefull. 99% of folks just come to have a good time.It's that 1% that will try to ruin it.That's where we come in.
Paul Roberts. Turn the Page
Lorraine day Sep 2013
If you've had a father
Who didn't really care
Then just look up above
As your heavenly fathers there
He really cares for you
So much
His life he freely gave
Hoping you would turn to him
To allow you to be saved
He made it very simple
All he asks of us to do
Is repent of all our worldly ways
follow him our whole lives through
His love it is
so gentle
Everlasting always there
He does not want us suffering
Hurt pain nor despair
He's even left directions
In his holy book
That we should get to know him
All he asks is take a look
Not forcefull nor demanding
is this father take your time
Like myself you may resist him
But now he's placed his hand in mine
Each day now I walk with him
I've found a love I never knew
Could be so overwhelming
and true
So if your feeling sad and worn
Humanity your plight
No need to suffer anymore
Walk from that dark
Into the light.
I am the light of the world he that follow me shall not walk in darkness but have the light of life (John 8: 12 )
Sirenes Jun 2015
A young man
Impatient and ruthless
A real to the point kind of guy
Just like his father.
As he was building a house
On the edge of the forrest
He did as father taught him
The wood was soft and flexible
So rather than taking his time
Hammer each nail in to the wood
He beat each of them
In to the wood
One nail, one hit
The blow created tension within the wood
That nail will never come out again
Had he taken his time
He could've removed
The rusty nails with less effort
To change what needed changing
20 years from now

It's just like that
When we speak to people.
Be forcefull
And create an unyielding mindset
Be gentle
And create a flexible surface
For evolution.
When we don't know why someone gets upset by our harsh words, it is often because we lack the compassion to speak kindly to ourselves first. This causes us to be blind to how we speak with others and wonder where it all went wrong when it turns out they find us intimitating.
Savoir Mar 2013
Maybe they’ll stumble upon my beautiful words, those would surely make their hearts sink, rise, rotate and swirl on the edges of their chest. Make the physician within them cry out of recognition with my bitter medicine. Please just swallow it, accept me.

Gave you the thought…

Set you free, stole your soul, threw you of the edges of a cliff. Carried away by the forcefull tides away from home, away from me. Bitter medicine indeed.

Womans enclosed mind in pain

Heart in ******

I’ll give you your soul back

Please just love me

— The End —