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Cat A Feb 2014
The many perplexities that form within the most important membrane of the human body can be unbearable.
It leads Anxiety, panic, worry, sorrow, anger, love and many more emotions that take over the body in an endless fluctuant ride.
Therefore comes the regret and neglecting of feelings which portrays as betrayal and absentmindedness towards beings who are significant within an individuals life
This results in solitude. Also, where the baffled pondering continues. Up until the point where the cycle reaches it's peak. Waiting for every precious thing to collapse in a forgotten hope.
Izzi Sep 2014
On this night I think
Think about you, me, the world around us
Think about life without you
How lost I feel when I am not with you
Your voice smooth as velvet
My name sounds majestic when,
It slides off your tongue
My love for you is bigger than me
Bigger than us
Bigger than life
I ask the Lord,  why him?
I hate you, then I love you
I cry, then I laugh
I moan, then I whisper
I want you
I want your love
I want your heart
To have and to hold,
To cherish
You are a gift not a charity
You are loved not abandoned
You are powerful not fluctuant
You are honorable not a disgrace
You are mine
All mine
I am yours
All yours


— The End —